Practicing the vocabulary of English 6, 7, 8 (new)

Practicing the vocabulary of English 6, 7, 8 (new)

As we know, English is an important language, commonly used world-wide and is used in different fields. In the national construction, development and integration with the world, English has become a vital tool, work tool and communicative tool between all of the modern people, it is an important second language after their mother tongue. Teaching English from secondary schools is very necessary and contributes to the education of the younger generation to become comprehensive people. English learners have the opportunity to learn, access to the rich, fascinating culture of oldest countries in the world. In our country, English is considered the language of transaction in economics, politics, culture, and has been teaching at the elementary, secondary, college, university . In process of learning English, we know more in another language, a different culture and also more love Vietnamese and Vietnamese culture. To use English as a language of communication, we not only need to master the rules of grammar, have good listening skills, have knowledge of the language but also to have a number of diversified, rich lexical. In teaching and learning English, vocabulary is one of three elements forming the system of language knowledge, it is the mean and condition of formation and development of communication skills. In any language, the role of vocabulary is also very important. It is possible that a language is a subset of the vocabulary. We can not understand the language without understanding the vocabulary, or lexical units. Thus, learning and practicing vocabulary skills is the leading factor in the transmission of a passive and receptive language in general and English in particular. Because vocabulary is a language unit so it is expressed in two forms: speech and handwriting. If you want to use a foreign language, that is, you must master the expressive forms from the verbal and writing. But due to the association of words with the other elements of language (grammar, pronunciation, intonation .) or in social situations, many researchers believe that to build a wall language vocabulary is the "bricks" and the grammar and sentence structure as "grout" to mount the brick wall creates language. Without a vocabulary necessary, students can not use the sentence structure and the function of language in communication.

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1. The reason for choosing the topic.
As we know, English is an important language, commonly used world-wide and is used in different fields. In the national construction, development and integration with the world, English has become a vital tool, work tool and communicative tool  between all of the modern people, it is an important second language after their mother tongue. Teaching English from secondary schools is very necessary and contributes to the education of the younger generation to become comprehensive people. English learners have the opportunity to learn, access to the rich, fascinating culture of oldest countries in the world. In our country, English is considered the language of transaction in economics, politics, culture, and has been teaching at the elementary, secondary, college, university ... In process of learning English, we know more in another language, a different culture and also more love Vietnamese and Vietnamese culture. To use English as a language of communication, we not only need to master the rules of grammar, have good listening skills, have knowledge of the language but also to have a number of diversified, rich lexical. In teaching and learning English, vocabulary is one of three elements forming the system of language knowledge, it is the mean and condition of formation and development of communication skills. In any language, the role of vocabulary is also very important. It is possible that a language is a subset of the vocabulary. We can not understand the language without understanding the vocabulary, or lexical units. Thus, learning and practicing vocabulary skills is the leading factor in the transmission of a passive and receptive language in general and English in particular. Because vocabulary is a language unit so it is expressed in two forms: speech and handwriting. If you want to use a foreign language, that is, you must master the expressive forms from the verbal and writing. But due to the association of words with the other elements of language (grammar, pronunciation, intonation ...) or in social situations, many researchers believe that to build a wall language vocabulary is the "bricks" and the grammar and sentence structure as "grout" to mount the brick wall creates language. Without a vocabulary necessary, students can not use the sentence structure and the function of language in communication.
From the above reasons, I have researched and applied effectively the experience initiatives "Practicing the vocabulary of English 6,7,8 (new)" and I am pleased to present to you. Due to the limited time and limited experience, my initiative should not be experienced as unwanted, I am looking forward to your contributions to my ideas.
2. The purpose of research.
Helping students at Thach Binh secondary schools learn English better through the activities of learning the vocabulary.
3. Study subjects.
	Research subjects are students in grades 6,7 and 8 (new) of Thach Binh Secondary School, school year 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
4. Methods :
With this topic I have applied the following methodology :
 + Observe students
 + Interview with students
 + Check and compare learning results of student.
 + Discuss with teachers and reference textbooks
After each lesson I have assessment in the form of implementation of each period , then analyze the goods to maintain, continue improving to reduce students’limitations for the next lesson.
 Through many the lessons I have chosen and find out the best forms and infer useful experience.
 	1. The basis issues 
Vocabulary is one of the tools people use to think, express ideas, emotions and learn about the world, is the foundation for all development skills such as reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing, ... It is also the major tool that help students use English effectively. Indeed, when talking to a native English speaking person, watch a movie without English subtitles, listening to a favorite song or read English documents, ... we will always be exposed to from vocabulary.
A famous linguist once said if we does not learn grammar well,we can still achieve something, but if we do not have the vocabulary, we wouldn’t able to express anything at all. Native speakers can understand the article correctly use vocabulary that is not grammatically correct. However, they will not understand grammatically correct article, but do not use the exact words.
A reality show, Vietnam students learning English often encounter obstacles in how to speak English fluently. They often find it difficult to participate in activities related to the speaking skill, because they only use a few repetitive structures and vocabulary. Thus, their communication was interrupted abruptly early due to lack of vocabulary.
In short, if they do not have the vocabulary skills, their listening, speaking, reading and writing skill will not be developed. If you do not have enough vocabulary, the people will have problems, even failure in communication. Recognizing the importance of this, today all applicable methods in teaching are focused to teach vocabulary. And start learning English is always associated with learning vocabulary.
Therefore, in the teaching process I thought about how students acquire vocabulary best to help students create the atmosphere lively language learning, help them remember the lessons from the right in, from which they can more easily use the word in the communication process.
2. The reality of the research
a. Reality:
a.1. Advantages:
Thach Binh Secondary School is the National Standard, my school has a total of 09 classes with 315 students. 
The School Management is particularly interested in teaching and learning English in school.
Program content textbooks appropriate, closer to the daily life of students with many beautiful pictures, eye-catching, so the program have generated excitement in learning for students.
The development of information technology and Internet can help teachers easily find the resources to support teaching via the Internet.
The teacher has a high sense of responsibility and enthusiasm in teaching, reach the Standard level B2.
a.2. Difficulties:
Through practical teaching of English in secondary school fifteen years ago, I found this course quality is still low due to several reasons:
Limitation of teaching equipment:
Thach Binh Secondary School has less visual aids for teaching and learning. The school does not have audio-visual classrooms dedicated to learning English. The procurement of equipment for self-study English in their family’s students will be extremely difficult, not every family can afford.
Opportunities to practice English not much:
  My school is located in a small commune, students don’t apply what they have learned to everyday life. The children should not be exposed to foreigners to practice English. Scope of practice English is done only in the classroom hours. Therefore, they always feel that learning English is mandatory, just learn to get points but they are not aware of learning English as a tool to communicate.
Limitation of time and form of organization of the activities in class:
Secondary students are very active, inquisitive but also very quickly bored. The school alone will make you feel very monotonous lessons, so they would love learning while playing, learning that the school play-play. However they are small, their writing speed very slow leading to limited time to organize other activities interfere simple as learning to sing, play the game ... Also, if you have the time to organize activities that was not rich.
Low motor and awareness of learning: English is a pricipal subject in secondary school, so some students and even their parents are not aware of the importance of learning English. A number of children attending school is mandatory, they have no motivation in the learning process. In fact, English is a new course for secondary school students, so they can not avoid the initial surprise, besides that this is a difficult course with the sound and strange writing that they can not avoid certain difficulties. First, they are excited with the subject but gradually, due to the amount of knowledge and increasingly more and more difficult, if they themselves don’t study actively, they vill not understand the lessons, this will lead to their depression, and they will not want to learn. Also a special reason why they have psychological problems because of the school's English-speaking children do not read well. In fact, when I teach this subject, I found that a good talk, a good read for secondary students, is not so easy because the remembering of the new words and phrases in the English lessons is very difficult, especially for secondary school students in general and students in Thach Binh Secondary School in particular. The slow reading and writing of secondary students is the cause of this situation, the retention of the children is not reliable and not deep, forgotten homework right after the previous post, most of them are not bold and flexible in applying what was learned to communicate with each other during school hours or during everyday activities.
b. Result and effect of the current reality
 I studied the method of teaching vocabulary for students at Thach Binh Secondary School.
 Initially, through the monitor of the students’ studying, I realied that the students were afraid of learning English vocabulary, they were very worried when I checked the vocabulary of the previous lessons.
 At the end of the first semester (mid-December) of Academic Year 2015- 2016, I had made ​​some small tests of vocabulary :
Grade 8:  (Unit 5) Reorder the letters (3)
 i c n e s e n
o f e r n f i g s
 p a r y
I n e r a n t s
c s r w o d
 c e h e r g i n
	Grade 6: (Unit 8)	Look at the pictures. Complete the words (3)
	1. 5. 
	 Sprt shos	 Raket
	2. 6. 
	 Bat	 kis
	3.	 7. 
	 Skteboat	 Biccle
	4. 	8. 
 Gogles .all
	Grade 7 (Unit 9)	Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bracketss. (3)
A lot of .and artistic activities are held as part of the Flower Festival in Da Lat. (Culture)
I saw a .of flower floats when I attended the festival last year. (parade)
We had a .meal on my grandfather’s birthday. (Celebrate)
The Christmas season is also called the season. (Festival)
I loved the..of folk songs. (Perform)
There is a special.for Japanese girls on March 3rd every year. (Celebrate)
And I obtained the following results:
	Table 1: Survey Results of grades 6, 7, 8.
Through the survey, I found the quality of their learning is not as satisfactory as I expected, the number of students achieving good results is low, the number of students with weak results is even higher. From that result, I presume to give you some tips to teach English vocabulary and to improve students’ learning. And I want to introduce with you "some tricks to teach vocabulary for students" to consult with colleagues.
 3. The solution implemented
Solution 1: Apply all forms that help students to remember new words fast, pronounce correctly after each class lesson.
Solution 2: Apply the new and flexible method to organize the rich and diversified lessons to inspire students, help them to acquire all the better.
Solution 3: Apply information technology and visual aids use utensils thoroughly the lessons.
Solution 4: Regularly inspect and evaluate the learning outcomes of students to grasp timely the extent of students’ acquirability and memorability of their knowledge, from which I can give timely adjustments in the teaching process.
Solution 5: Consult with School Menagement to built foreign language classrooms and to buy more facilities for language learning.
4. Measures carried out:
From practical teaching, I myself really thought how can make students to be interested in learning , how can make them to realize that learning English is not heavy pressure, so they learn better and especially they can remember new words faster, easier, longer ..., I gave some tips, ways to teach vocabulary for secondary students.
4.1. Teaching vocabulary through songs, poems
No one can deny the important influence of the music and poetry of human life. Most everyone loves music. It's always with people whether that person happy or sad. It appears everywhere, all the time to share joy or sadness relieve when we need to. Futhermore, poetry-music can increase concentration, enhance memory, makes people closer together, creating motivation and joy in learning, makes people relax when they are depressed or stress, ...
Because of the tremendous value that brings poetry to music, it has been used as educators useful tool in teaching. And now the use of songs, poetry as a tool to support the learning of foreign languages ​​is quite common. Just a few tunes of the song, students can learn the culture of authentic language, vocabulary, grammar, listening skills, and a variety of other skills.
Using song and poem in class can make the classroom atmosphere becomes fun and dynamic. Students will not feel stressed, even scared like to speak English in class solemn atmosphere. It is this will make them feel really excited and voluntary participation in classroom activities.
The songs, poems not only create excitement for student learning, but also contains elements of very rich language including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar ...
The songs, poetry can help students to learn about pronunciation. For learners of English in general and in particular primary school students, there’re some sound that are very difficult to imitate because our mother tongue does not have this sound such as: /ð/, /θ/, /æ/,... Therefore, you must learn how to pronounce inflexibly that can still not pronounce. The wrong pronunciation can change the meaning of the phrase, will not lead to communication results, because listeners misinterpreted the transmission of information. Songs, poems can help them overcome this. The melody of the song, the rhythm of the poem often repeated a similar sound. When they heard many times, they will indirectly be told how to pronounce the sound that makes you remember them and eventually the correct pronunciation.
Some activities to learn vocabulary associated with songs, poems to promote motor learning for students:
- Gap-filling: First, I give the students lyrics, poems have been vacant for a number of positions. they heard the first to grasp the content of the post. Then hear from a second to fill in the blanks as much as possible. The third time, they listen to check if you have correctly filled. This type of exercise is useful when teaching vocabulary by topic.
- Get some words from the songs, the poems.
Step 1: Write some random words on the board. Students exchange with each other about what the words mean.
Step 2: Students divide into groups of three to four people quickly memorize the words.
Step 3: Turn on the song or the poem, student must speak loudly "Stop" when they hear one of those words.
- Spelling: For some simple post, I ask them to hear and copy the words.
- Circle synonyms, antonyms with given words: In this case, I give a few words with the same or antonyms words in poems or songs to the board, in the process of hearing, they must circle the synonymsor antonyms of the words given.
- Circle the correct word with its meaning: I offer a number of Vietnamese, they would circle the meaning of English words in such poems or songs or vice versa.
4.2. Teaching vocabulary through the use of visual maps, through pictures, picture collage or through gestures, posture ...
Secondary students are very active, they enjoyed exploring visual exploration; visual effects. With nature curious, eager to learn and the ability to perceive the visual world from vivid to abstract thinking, children are especially excited when the teacher preparation utensils or right visual objects the classroom.
For example, when teaching the word "ball", I directly put the ball on the table. Or just give them the difference between the word "desk" and "table" with the goal of learning and I sat on the desk of the classroom teacher. With the topic "school", I use directly the school supplies of students to teach vocabulary; they are very excited and elated.
In addition, I also introduce new words by using gestures act, gesture or express facial expression ...
For example: I walk while saying: "I'm walking" or use a cup-sized gestures as drinking water said: "I'm drinking" or my students and I dance toghether and we talk "I can dane - I can dance ..." in chorus.
To introduce the phrase "open the book" - "close the book", I said while opening or closing a book.
Or to introduce the word "stomachache", I hug belly, bending down with shriveled face.
Thus, students will not only quickly memorize new words but also know how to recognize the status of others and how to express their status.
For difficult words or phrases, I can prepare visual gadget, I use pictures or using the projector, so that students can directly observe the image, thereby the remembering of new words is easier.In the process of teaching vocabulary, I also emphasize the correct pronunciation from using the media as robot teacher support, tape, disk.... with the hope my students can speak English like a native speaker .
4.3. Teaching vocabulary through the use of language learning:
- Use definition, description: Sometimes, to avoid repeating, I change the way of teaching and learning by giving definitions, descriptions and students predict the meaning of words..
For example: I give students the concept of "the thing which, when you look at, you will see your own image", they immediately shouted, "Cai guong" with a very excited voice, then I give children the word "miror".
- Use synonyms, antonyms:
For example, when teaching the word "small", I put the antonyms of it "big" – or with the teaching of "large", I made ​​it a synonym of "big". The children very quickly figure out the meaning of words that I want to teach.
- Guess the meaning of words through context:
For example: I give students a situation: This morning your mother was very busy, she couldn’t take you to school, so you must walk. On the way to school, you picked flowers, chased butterflies...Suddenly, you looked back the clock, only a few minutes, the school gate vill be closed,, how do you come to school on time so fast?
Students did not hesitate to answer: “Em chay!”
I give the word: “run”.
As such, students will know the meaning of the words and will remember the new words in an active way.
- Translate the words into the native language: (5)
For the abstract noun, I always put Vietnamese meaning to avoid wasting time and help Ss to understand more easier.
Normally, in a lesson, there will always be some new words. But each words will have a different way of teaching. Therefore, the selection of teaching method. is an important task for teachers. 
4.4. Teaching vocabulary through practical training
In the process of teaching vocabulary I often organize activities to practice and reinforce training words temperate through listening, speaking, reading and writing to increase fluency when students use words. These activities will help students focus on the identification and proficient use of the learned words in each context.
Along with that, I myself always focused on the role of students in teaching and learning vocabulary. I always encourage them to participate actively in the learning process through a long and continuous.
4.5. Teaching vocabulary through the use of dictionary
In addition to the above methods and guides I

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