Themes using techniques in english teaching procedures

Nowadays, English has become the most important language of all languages in the world. English is the official language in a large number of countries. English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they want to enter a global workforce. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be underestimated, learning English really can change our life. Many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English we will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
Most of the contents produced on the internet is in English. So knowing English will allow us to access to an incredible amount of information which1.050.000 may not be otherwise available!
Although learning English can be challenging and time-consuming, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities!
The more proficient in English we are, the more opportunities for promoting our abilities in life we get.
Vietnamese people‘s study habit of focusing on the grammar is not easy to change, so we often have trouble communicating with other people in English.
To meet the need of changing the study habit, from the primary education, English teachers must direct their students to more active ways of learning English, in which students are given more listening and speaking activities.
In order for teaching students at this age to be effective, teachers must create diversified activities in English and students’ listening and speaking skills are trained more while taking part in these activities. In fact, it is easy for students to learn speaking a foreign language, once students actively use English to communicate with others, they will be more confident afterwards
1. introduction. 1.1. Reason for choosing the topic Nowadays, English has become the most important language of all languages in the world. English is the official language in a large number of countries. English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they want to enter a global workforce. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be underestimated, learning English really can change our life. Many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English we will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding. Most of the contents produced on the internet is in English. So knowing English will allow us to access to an incredible amount of information which1.050.000 may not be otherwise available! Although learning English can be challenging and time-consuming, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities! The more proficient in English we are, the more opportunities for promoting our abilities in life we get. Vietnamese people‘s study habit of focusing on the grammar is not easy to change, so we often have trouble communicating with other people in English. To meet the need of changing the study habit, from the primary education, English teachers must direct their students to more active ways of learning English, in which students are given more listening and speaking activities. In order for teaching students at this age to be effective, teachers must create diversified activities in English and students’ listening and speaking skills are trained more while taking part in these activities. In fact, it is easy for students to learn speaking a foreign language, once students actively use English to communicate with others, they will be more confident afterwards Primary school students are new to English, so they must be taught to pronouce exactly words. Listening to music in English or watching english programs on TV is necessary, Imitation is not deficient in process of teachning and learning English in primary school. Imitation helps students’learning develop further and better. Grammar is formed step by step in learning procedures. The students must be given more pleasure than marks. Beside giving students marks to motivate them, teachers should use other techniques during teaching procedures. Using techniques not only helps teachers create exciting learning asmosphere, which is main motivation for students to try their best to gain good results but helps students actively participate in English using communicative environment without any shyness as well. Plentiful techniques will help students gradually form their own learning styles which are basic of quality and efficiency in learning as well as give them inspiration in learning a foreign language. Therefore, I decided to study techniques to apply to teaching English 3, book 1. 1.2. The purpose of the research - Help teachers and students find out interest in teaching and learning English 1.3.Research subject - Elementary school pupils in grade 3 1.4. Methods of research In teaching English, helping student pupils learn words, memory is an indispensable teaching activities in a class. Because at the end of the learning process that also involves the mind if not in mind, we cannot learn. So finding ways to help them learn from and remember for a long time is the responsibility of each teacher with the aim to help students understand and use the words in sentences by context and remember for a long time . Students may miss much at the beginning and the end rather than the middle of an operation. That also means that if we organize a few short activities, students may remember more than we do only a long operation. Best tool we can use in the classroom is a witty, teachers use a variety of materials capable of amusing and attract the attention of pupils in order to help students remember vocabulary immediately. We can use repeating simple fun game or song, and other methods to help pupils remember the words. To research this topic, I rely on: - Refer to a number of English language teaching materials in primary school. - Refer to program of new textbooks grade 3,4,5 - Draw on experience of learning from colleagues and administrators. - Based on the results of the quality of the school of English - Fully participate in training courses for teachers of English at primary schools. 2. Content 2.1. Theoretical basis - The textbook is appropriate content knowledge with real-life students and there are many beautiful pictures, easy on the eyes, to make my interest to students. Homework is varied of vocabulary. - Just as the primary school level, but parents are concerned about their child's learning enthusiastically support the increase of knowledge. The development of information technology helps teachers with resources, images over the Internet. Insufficient teaching equipments. Elementary school pupils are at very active age, most children like the teachers to use teaching aids students in the lesson - To the pupils, besides a number of serious study with many students all through the speakers, not inculcate vocabulary in memory, not reading writing regularly. Because at this age they are very playful, active learning should be highly awared. Parents’checking to the children at home also face difficulties. Since this is a foreign language and not many parents know to guide learning. - In the lesson, to help them remember the word, the teacher often organizes the games, students will be very excited, but classes will be very susceptible to noise and so as to control, teachers need organize and help class be stable . 2.2. Reality of the research problem. - In many English classes for grade 3 students, teachers rarely use techniques for carrying out their work. - Many teachers don’t have experience in using techniques or they don’t choose the most effective techniques for teaching English 3. - This book is the first one belonging to new english program for primary students, so making students eager for learning english is necessary while many periods at school don’t satisfy this because of lack of techniques in teaching procedures. - Learning atmosphere is boring in many periods as teachers don’t have various activities for students’ participation. In fact, only by techniques do teachers make students actively take part in learning and students be enthusiatic to learn. - When teachers teach book 2, they don’t draw students’ attention any longer, as a result of monotonic teaching, without any techniques. - The result before applying this topics(after finishing book 1) : +Their love for learning english: 50 per of students actively and enthusiastically join the learning activities. 50 per of students are not interested in learning and they don’t also use english for communicating in learning process. +The result at the end of the first semester, school year 2016-2017 by the final test: Grade3 Numbers of students The quality Very good Good Average Weak number (ss) (%) number(ss) (%) number(ss) (%) number(ss) (%) 3A 33 12 36,4 6 18,2 12 36,3 3 9,1 3B 37 10 27 10 27,1 14 37,8 3 8,1 3C 34 17 50 5 14,7 10 29,4 2 5,9 3D 36 8 22,2 9 25 15 41,7 4 1,1 Sum 140 47 33,6 30 21,4 51 36,4 12 8,6 2.3.Solutions The way to carry out the techniques in teaching English 3. 1. Guessing game. - Teachers prepare some pictures or sentences refering to the lesson. - Divide the class into 2 groups. - The representative of one group comes to the board to get a picture or sentence from the table. - One student from the other group asks a question “yes/no question” and if he/she gets the answer “Yes” at the first time, he will get one point for his/her team and one member from his/her team will come to the board to get the picture or the sentence. If he/she gets the answer “No”, his/her team will be subtracted with one point and other members in her/his team will continue asking until they get the answer “Yes” . The team with most points or the fewest subtracted points will be the winner. Ex1: Part 3 Unit 3 lesson 2 (page 20) (This technique can be used for Part 3) -Divide the class into 2 groups. Put 4 pictures on the table. -The first turn: one student comes to the table to take the picture. Students from the other group will point and ask “ Is that Phong/ Peter/Tony/ Mai/ Mary ?” if they get the answer “yes, it is” at the first time they will get one point for their team and it’s their turn of taking the picture on the board, but if they get the answer “No” they will lose one point and they will have to ask questions until they get “Yes” -The second turn: one student comes to the table to take the picture. He/she puts the picture in an envelope and brings the to the other group where students will point and ask “ Is this Phong/ Peter/Tony/ Mai/ Mary ?” if they get the answer “yes, it is” at the first time they will get one point for their team and it’s their turn of taking the picture on the board, but if they get the answer “No, it isn’t” they will lose one point and they will have to ask questions until they get “Yes” Ex2: At the further practice of lesson 2 Unit 8 or at the warm up of lesson 2 Unit 8 -Divide the class into 2 groups. Put 7 pictures of (a book, a ruler, pencil case, rubber, school bag, pencil and pencil sharpener) on the table. -One student comes to the table and takes the picture. Students from the other group will ask “ Are these/those?” if they get the answer “yes, they are” at the first time they will get one point for their team and it’s their turn of taking the picture on the board, but if they get the answer “No, they aren’t” they will lose one point and they will have to ask questions until they get “Yes” 2.Bingo. This activity can be used to check and revise the new words teachers have introduced during the week or some lessons. Ex1: At the “warm up” of the lesson 3 Unit 4 – English 3 Students copy this in their notebooks. three two seven ten eight five four one nine Write down 9 words they have learnt after two lessons of unit 1 Teachers are going to say these words at random. If students hear their word, cross it out When someone crosses out 9 words, shout BINGO! Ex2: At the “warm up” of the lesson 3 Unit 10- English 3 Students copy this in their notebooks Badminton Hide-and - seek Puzzles Football Chess Break time volleyball skipping Blind man’s bluff Teachers are going to say these words at random If students hear their word, cross it out When someone crosses out all 9 words, shout BINGO! 3. Matching Teachers write the new words in a list on the left hand side of the board. Write the definitions, traslations or pictures on the right hand side of the board. Ask the student to come to the board to match the items on the left with those ones on the right by drawing the line between them. Ex1: Lesson 1 unit 8 (Checking vocabulary)- English3 Pencil case Pencil Ruler Pencil sharpener School bag Book Ex2: Lesson 1 unit 7 (Checking vocabulary) Gym Library Computer room playground 4. Find your partner Ex1: Lesson1 – Activity3 (Let’s talk) unit 2 – English 3 -Teachers prepare pieces of paper with names “Linda, Peter, Tony and Mary” on them. -Teachers divide the class into groups of 8. -In each group, 2 students will get the same name “Linda”, 2 students: Peter, 2 students: Tony and 2 students: Mary. -Students in groups have to ask their friends the question “What’s your name?” -If they find the same name as theirs,they are partners. Ex: Peter: What’s your name? S1: My name’s Linda. Peter: What’s your name? S2: My name’s Tony ..S3, S4, S5 S6: My name is Peter. Peter finds his partner when he asks the sixth student By using the technique “Find your partner”, teachers will make this activity more interesting. Ex2: At “further practice” of lesson 3 unit 10 Teachers divide the class into groups of 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 Students in each group have to ask their friends the question (yes/no question) to find the partner Two students in each group will get the same table like this Yes No Playing chess X Playing football X Playing hide-and-seek X Playing badminton X Chatting with friends X He or she has to ask all the members in his/her group the question: “Do you like playing chess/ playing football/ playing hide-and-seek/ playing badminton/ chatting with friends?” When he/ she gets the answer from one student in the group “yes” Who will become his/her partner. -With the above the table, teachers have to divide the class into groups of 10 students and every two students will have the same table. 5. Jumbled words dictation. This technique is good for students new to English because they need drilling 4 skills at the first stage of learning a forein language. Ask students to work in pairs. Find the model sentence which students need to remember in the text book Dictate words in a jumbled way, not the sentence and students write them down. Pairs have to put the words in the correct order. Get the answers from some groups. Give the correct answer. Praise the pairs for the correct answer. Ex1: At the end of the lesson 2 unit 3 or at the “Warm up” Unit 3 lesson 3. Work in pairs. Write the words you hear. Teachers read “that”“is”“Phong”“?” and students write them down Put the words you have written down in the correct order. Get the answer from some pairs Give the correct answer: IS THAT PHONG ? Praise the pairs with the correct answer Ex2: At the “Warm up” Unit 8 lesson 2. Work in pairs. Write the words you hear. Teachers read “MY/THIS/PEN/IS/.” and students write them down. Put the words you have written down in the correct order. Get the answer from some pairs Give the correct answer: THIS IS MY PEN . Praise the pairs with the correct answer. 6. Simon says This technique is used for checking vocabulary or reviewing Teacher says: Simon says “..” students have to do as ordered Ex: Lesson 2 unit 6 (checking vocabulary) Teacher says “ Simon says stand up” Students have to stand up Teacher says “ Simon says sit down” Students have to sit down Then do similarly with : close your book, open your book 7. Substitution boxes. Teachers put a box full of words on the board. The words fit together to either make long sentences or lots of short sentences and one word can be used more than once. Teachers divide the class into groups. Groups write down as many different sentences in the given time as possible. The group with the most correct sentences is the winner. How you name ? toys ? at What do colour is spell your schoolbag? do you break time ? are do your posters ? your Where Do you What have any Teachers should use this example at the beginning or the end of REVIEW 1 Keys - How do you spell your name ? - Do you have any toys ? - Where are your posters ? - What colour is your schoolbag ? - What do you do at break time ? 8. Memory Game Teachers divide the class into 2 groups or students works individually, up to the contents and numbers of the pictures Raise the pictures and give students time(20-30 seconds)to remember not to write things or events in the pictures. Teachers put the pictures away and ask students to write down all the words in groups or individually. Teachers check their answers. The group with the most correct words will be the winner or the student with most of the correct words win get good marks.(teachers can collect some students’ answers to check) Ex1: Part II, Review 2 (At pre-listening stage) Teachers divide the class into 2 groups. Raise all the pictures on the page 74 and give students 30s to remember them Teachers put the pictures away and students in each group supply the words referring to the pictures to the secretary who will write them down on the paper in 5 minutes. Teachers hang the pictures on the board and check the groups’ answers. Announce the winner then ask students to give them applause Ex2: Lesson 1 (P4,5,6), Unit 17 (At warm up with the view to checking vocabulary) Raise the pictures (truck, doll, kite, planes, ships, yo-yo, puzzle, robot, car, ball , teddy bear )and ask students remember them. Put the pictures away and ask students write them down. Collect some answers then hang the pictures on the board again for checking. Give marks to the student with the best result. 9. Face to face. Students work in pairs or groups of 4. Teachers give the topic. In turns, students have to shout out one word referring to the topic. If in 5 seconds, one student doesn’t shout out the correct word or the word mentioned before, he/she will be removed from the game. The last student gives the correct word is the winner. Ex1: At “warm up” of lesson 1 unit 9 Teachers can use this technique to check students’ vocabulary. Teachers ask 3 or 4 students from groups to take part in the game. Ask contestants to give the words belonging to “furniture in a house”( lamps, mirrosr, fans, doosr, windows, chairs, pictures, cups,sofas, wardrobes, cupboards, posters, beds) Contestants shout out the word in turns. The last student left is the winner and teachers give him/her marks or applause. Ex2: At “warm up” of Review 2 Teachers ask 3 or 4 students from groups to join the game Ask them to shout out the word belonging to “sports and games”, then “places in a school” then “school things”. Contestants shout out the word in turns. The winner is the last student gives the correct word. 10. Brainstorming The teacher gives the topic, students have to think about the words referring the topic. Ex1: At “warm up” of lesson 3 unit 10 Teachers give the topic “ Activities at break time” Ex 2: At “warm up” of lesson 3 unit 12 Teachers give the topic “ House” Students raise their hands and say the word aloud. Teachers write it on the board. 11. Word or phrase. This game combines elements of receptive vocabulary use with a small amount of production. By doing as a game, children don’t realise that they are being encouraged to work on word order and sentence building. Choose some flashcards of objects or pictures and quickly drill the words/sentences with the students. Demonstrate a few techniques by showing them quickly, or ask students to say the words/sentences. Introduce and drill the phrase and do it in conjunction with the pictures or flashcards. Explain the game: “I will show you the flashcards or pictures. If I don’t do anything, you just say the word. If I jump in the air they use the phrase which they are introduced to. If I shake my head, you say “no, ” If I nod my head, you say “yes, ..” or you can use some other gestures. Show the flashcard or picture one after the other, doing the different actions for each card/picture.(not necessarily in any order) and children should say the word or phrase(sentences) together. Ex1: Part 2, Unit 4-lesson 1 Teacher shows students the picture a, if teachers don’t say anything, students just say “Mr Loc”. If teachers jump in the air, students say “Who’s that?”. If teachers point to the picture, students say “It’s Mr Loc”. Go on to the picture c. Then students practice in pairs. Ex2: At the “warm up” of part 2, Unit 13-Lesson 2 Teacher shows students the book. Teacher doesn’t say anything, but she/he put it in/on/under/in front of her/his hand . One student asks “Where is the book ?”. An other student answers “It’s in/on his.her hand”. 12. Lucky numbers Teachers divide the class into 2 groups. Teachers have 8-10 numbers for students to choose. Each number contains one question or request. Among these numbers there are 3 lucky numbers, which give the the groups 1 mark without answering. The group wi
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