Train the students’ life skills through a number of English lessons in 9th grade

Train the students’ life skills through a number of English lessons in 9th grade

In today’s life, humanity is facing risks and challenges of such natural disasters, epidemics as well as population boom led to a series of problems with housing needs, food, energy . This brings about some negatives that affect on the environment, human health and impact on our planet. “Let’s save our planet” – this mission is not individual, but in fact there is still a significant number of people indifferent to this young generation is especially high school students . Because every family only has from 1 to 2 children , taking care of children is more enjoyable, Parents always tell them so carefully wrapped, do everything for the child even little things that they can do themselves. The problem is that most children are not able to adapt to the social environment when unforeseen circumstances occur, there is no proper awareness about their work or donot have the standards words when communicating with others of othrewise their life skills are limited. To help students overcome these limitations may also become more flexible in dealing with real- life, so right from the start with a fact of life, so at the beginning of the 2016 – 2017 school year, when assigned to teach English 9 , I need to think about training them some life skills and experiences with the tittle “ Train the students’ life skills through a number of English lessons in 9th grade ”

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Train the students’ life skills through a number of English lessons in 9th grade
Người thực hiện: Hoàng Thị Xuân
Chức vụ: Giáo viên
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Yên Trường
SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực môn: Tiếng Anh
YÊN ĐỊNH NĂM 2016 - 2017
Train the students’ life skills through a number of English lessons in 9th grade
Người thực hiện: Hoàng Thị Xuân
Chức vụ: Giáo viên
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Yên Trường
SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực môn: Tiếng Anh
YÊN ĐỊNH NĂM 2016 - 2017
1.1 The reasons for choosing topics.
1.2 The purpose of research.
 1.3. Study subject .
1.4. Research Methodology
2.1 Basis of the initiative argued experience
2.2 Status of the problem
2.3 New Solution
2.4. Effectiveness of experence initative.
* Conclution
* Suggestions 
1.1 The reasons for choosing topics.
In today’s life, humanity is facing risks and challenges of such natural disasters, epidemics as well as population boom led to a series of problems with housing needs, food, energy .. This brings about some negatives that affect on the environment, human health and impact on our planet. “Let’s save our planet” – this mission is not individual, but in fact there is still a significant number of people indifferent to this young generation is especially high school students . Because every family only has from 1 to 2 children , taking care of children is more enjoyable, Parents always tell them so carefully wrapped, do everything for the child even little things that they can do themselves. The problem is that most children are not able to adapt to the social environment when unforeseen circumstances occur, there is no proper awareness about their work or donot have the standards words when communicating with others of othrewise their life skills are limited. To help students overcome these limitations may also become more flexible in dealing with real- life, so right from the start with a fact of life, so at the beginning of the 2016 – 2017 school year, when assigned to teach English 9 , I need to think about training them some life skills and experiences with the tittle “ Train the students’ life skills through a number of English lessons in 9th grade ” 
1.2 The purpose of research.
The topic focuses on education, training four basic life skills groups following: 
 - Communication skills 
- Adjusted cognitive skill, behavior.
- Skills to improve health and ahealth protection.
- Skills disaster or epidemic. 
 1.3. Study subject .
Although the mass media propaganda always contains a lot of content about life skills education, but most of them are still not aware : such as , fans in classooms still run or light still bright , lights in hours the exercise yard or after school, litter in the classroom , school yard or on the go, in public places although the trash bin is placed next to it . Do not turn off the water after you’ve been using . All of these rules are explained and reminded regularly by the teacher and the monitor . Besidesdealing with the change of the weather as floods, effects Fon .. limited. There are still many chhildren dress style braking in cold weather, amphibious outing when floods, walking in the street when the thunderstorm. Right from the time to begin their school , they were speaking the words or with the right behaviors. But in fact they have not used them well in commuication, especially the isolated students, the education and traing need to be communicating more frequently. 
1.4. Research Methodology
I have explored research documents and Secondary English program, combined projected time colleague, experiment, examine and compare the academic performance of students, I have learned the best methods for teaching children.
2.1 Basis of the initiative argued experience
Derived from the goals of education is to train Vietnamese people to develop comprehensively, have goodness, knowledge, health, asthetics and profession , loyalty to the ideals of national independence and socialism; form and nurture the personality, qualities and competencies of citizen; satisfy requirements of the construction and defense of the country . The goal of teaching is not only to give students some basic knowledhe and practical activities swirling around the topic of life but also initially and train them some life experiences. Moreover, education is not just as the process of conveying the life itself; schools do not separate from society; and the student is the center of life andsociety. So education for life skills students is a very important thing, is a necessary requirement in order to meet this goal.
2.2 Status of the problem
Life – skills traing for students is one of the content of the movement “building friendly school , active students” by Deputy Prime Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Thien Nhan launched . It is requirement , the trend of modern society in the flat world, globaliration. Through the grasp of students at the beginning of the first hour weekly flag – raising, base on the monitoring of the red flag and assessment of the general in charge of competition as well as the exchange with my homeroom teacher noticed that although grade 9 students are seniors in the scholl sector , but the level of hygiene violations, environment, facilitied, being addictive of viedeo games are very great, the ability to communicate more limited. Here are some specific survey data:
Survey about cognitive life skills of students in grade 9. 
Communication skills 
Adjust awareness skills
Training to protect the health
Disaster prevention disease skills
Behavioral survey carried out by the students life skills
Communication skills 
Adjust awareness skills
Training to protect the health
Disastrous prevention disease skills
Note :
- Communicative skills.
- Ability to adjust focus awareness on Internet use reasonable and proper purposes.
- Skills training and protection of health is aware of environmental protection, energy saving, water and protection of physical facilities.
- Skills disastrous prevention of disease to know how to behave and be prepared to deal with the disasters, said remedial after flooding in their homes and schools. 
2.3 New Solution
From this situation I have studied and performed the topic “ Train the living skills for students through a number of English lessons in 9th grade ” . The topic was developed by the following methods: 
a) Method 1: Institution for educating and practising the communication skills.
 Communication is the needs of the people, by communicating they can understand each other. If there is no communication, there is no society. But how to communicate effectively, this is not a simple matter.
 If we don’t know the rules, There are five principles: 
 + In terms of content: say enough content
 + On substance: say what is true and has good grounds for the believing.
 + Relationships: strictly speaking topics, avoiding digresions
 + Manner: speak plainly and obviously
 + Courtesy : This motto is always present in types of activities
Moreover, communication skills are typical views of a foreign language in schools. Foreign language teaching methods ( according to teaching new perspective communication ) is selected as broad guidelines, communicative competence is the basic teaching, considering both the purposes of communiction and a means of teaching. Therefore, students need to be equiped on how to learn.
 English and sense of self-learning and self- trainging. So the students will learn self-discipline. Raising capital has accumulated experience ( vocabulary, grammar, ) to imitation, reproduction, behavior reseach and innovative behavior in social situations. They said revealing the awareness and understanding of their outward verblly, through foreign language articles. 
Thus,, foreign language teaching is essentially operational skills traing in the forms of commnication: listening, speaking, reading , and writing trough the environment with diverse situations of life. This environment is mainly due to lower teachers create communication situations and students to find appropriate behavior.
At the lower grade students are practicing delve into communication activities in their daily lives, they closely contact daily routine . For the grade 9th students , They focus more on natural activities and larger.
In speaking skill lesson of Unit 1 “ A visit from a penpal” They are training communication skills with a new friend abroad, from the greetings and introduction themslves politely, “ Please to meet you. Let me introduce myself.” O the introduction of the country and the people of Viet Nam and learn about the land and people of Malysia. Once more they are practices communication skills, at the end of the lesson , students act as Maryam and other students create the dialouges freely with the theme “ Making friends”, has created the habit of using English to communicate . They have both the opportuniy to deepenunderstanding of places and nice tradition of the two countries Viet Nam and Malaysia. After the lesson , it is the writing lesson. They can conclude the knowledge from the speaking lesson to express in words. 
Unit 2: “Clothing” equips the children vocabulary of clothing they wear in different places , different time. In speaking skill lesson, the students can express their opinions and answer the questions related to the topic that they are studying. This topic will attract more students, especially younger students tend to fashion: 
 + What do you ususally wear on the weekends ?
 + Why do you usually wear these / those clothes?
 + What are your favourite types of clothing? Why?
 + What color suits you? Why ?
 + Do you like to wear uniforms ? Why ?
 + What do you usually wear on Tet holiday? / on your birthday?/ on your sister’s or your brother’s wedding day ?
 + Do you want to be a fashion designer in the future? If yes, say why?
 So on .
In Unit 4 : “ Learing a foreign language” , they ask and answer about the information in the contest “Oral” or persuade others to participate in activities with them.
 Communication skills are always trained regularly in lessons of the units.
b) Method 2: Organise education, skills training Cognitive behavioral adjustment. 
 Secondary students are at the age of puberty, so the psychological and physical developments have several complications. They want to express themselves as adults but the behavior , the gestures so much of a child is very superficial and elated, sometimes without understanding the consequences that they themselves cause. So if adults donot timely orientation, shape it may lead to unnecessary mistakes. As the teacher, the concern , anxiety,especially with the current situation with the social and economic development of society has changed people’s lives , besides the positive expression also entails social ills are bad every hour, every minute affecting students. Especially the development of information technology to the black sites are everywhere on the Internet, books, rampant pornography, high degree of resonance in the student environment has brought serious consequences for the society. 
To train students self- training skills to adjust perceptions, their behavior through access to Information Technology, I have carried out the following steps:
 + When teaching reading information “Read” in Unit 5 I used the pictures to introduce the Internet as follow: 
 - Can you use computers?
 - What subjects help you to use computers?
 - Have you ever used the Internet?
 - Do you find the Internet useful?
 - What do you use the Internet for?
 - What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the Internet?
 - Do you think the Internet cost you much?
 - Do you think the Internet takes you much time?
 - ..
By answering these questions , the students can understand the positives and negatives of the Internet and from that I trained my students for skills the self- adjust their perceptions about the Internet, how to use the Internet to promote the efficiency of the internet in learning and in life. After this class, students are etched deeper knowledge, apply the vocabulary, sentence patterns learned in reading, They listed words and phrases to the topics said benefits and harms of the Internet to train traffic next. Through practice speaking part ( pre- writing) is that they can be aware of what is detrimental to avoid ourselves, or minimize it to the maximum. These tips are taught in an appropriate use according to the students’ level. The time of these activities and changes are in a flexible manner in order not to cause boring lesson : Brainstorming or networks using ..
The disadvantages of the Internet
The advantages of the Internet
Through this writing lesson I’ ve also trained for the skills , students can express their opinions about the specific issues.
In the end of the writing, I ask students to apply skills to work in groups to discuss the disadvantages of the internet, thereby we can determine the use of the Internet effectively and also instruct them to use games of all kinds to use English while playing , learning and to ensure a reaonable time. After school , I pick out afew good students to write on the subject and block up the forum by the host of gifted students under the guidance of teacher. From these activities, I help the students practice the skill cognitive self regulation, their behavior through access to Information Technology. ( the English Olympic competitions and Math through Internet for grade 9). 
c. Method 3: Organize education, skill training exercise and health protection.
 Everyone knows that health is an invaluable asset, health is everything. So having a good health and protecting it are not easy at all.. Our health depends on very simple things. It is educating a scientific lifestyle , knowing how to protect the environment and preseving facilities, energy saving. Today this problem becomes even more urgent than ever. Human life is now changing rapidly in each moment one. Without a good education and traning, the current generation, the next generation will be hard to adapt to life, facing many problems:
* The problem of waste and insatiable:
 Human mercilessly exploit resources such as land , minerals, rivers, mountains, gray matter and labor. Daily and hourly,people are also using them indiscriminately, without much thought and without caution. Since then, the consequences of which man has and will suffer enormous . A price that noone else is paying the progency of us.
In the role of teacher, I become a conservationist who indicate what people are doing today and lead them to the idea of saving through Unit 7 “ Saving energy”.
From the first lesson thanks to the available paintings in the ( Getting started) , I introduce them to observe the pictures, ask questions , students respond and clarify the situations the pictures contain the waste resources.
 - What happen to the faucets ?
 - Is the TV on ? Who is watching TV?
 - Is the radio on / Who is listening to the radio?
 - Is the light still burning ?
The following suggested questions are used to talk about how to handle the above situations:
+ What should we do to save electricity / water?
+ Should we turn on the TV / radio / lights/ faucets if we don’t use them ?
+ Do you think energy is never exhausted?
From the answers to handle the situations of students, naturally they take part in the protection and saving natural resources as well as national energy resources in which they usually do it at home. These ideas will also wake children who never or no sense of protection and saving energy resources.
To attract those who are not interested in this issue, I continue to give out real questions about their school and class:
+ Should we turn off the lights , the fans at recess ?
+ What should we do with the lights, the fans when they are dirty?
+ Should we turn the lights in the classroom when the sun is shining brightly ?
+ Should we turn the lights and the fans before leaving the classroom?
+ We should turn the faucets after using, should we?
+ Why should we do those above things ?
When they answer these questions perfectly, they are trained the problem- solving skills. Moreover, It also reminds and educates them to know how to save energy not only at school but also at home. 
After completing the “listen and read”, I give out the subject that requires the to discuss in groups in order to help them grasp how to save energy at home and at school. 
What do we have to do to save energy at home?
What do we have to do to save energy at school?
With the answers they do , express their opinions before class has proved that they know how to save energy , protect the environment as well as protect their own health.
+ Take a shower instead of bath
+ Turn off the faucets after using
+Make sure there are no cracks in the water pipes.
+ Turn off the lights after leaving the room
+ Turn of the TV, radio when they aren’t used
+ .
In Speaking skill lesson, Students are trained to make suggestions on saving energy using the drawings:
+ I think we should fix the faucets
+ I think we should turn off the faucet.
+ Why don’t we turn off the fan?
+ Shall we turn off the gas fire?
+ Let’s turn down the gas.
+ How about turning off the air conditioner?
+ What about turning off the lights and the television when we don’t use?
+ We should go to school, to work on foot or by bike instead of by motorbikes, cars, .
+I suggest taking a bus instead of a car.
Applying the knowledge they have learned from the “read” lesson, I ask students to discuss in groups with the topics “ The ways to spend less on lighting” . They also have learnt;
 The ways to spend less on lighting 
- Using energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt light bulbs.
- Turning off the lights before leaving the room.
- Using household appliances properly following the instructions.
- Keep the refrigerator door closed
- Using household saving appliances.
Writing lesson is the one that students gather al the knowledge in the extensive training prior to compelete an article revolves around the issue of energy savings. Obviously, the students are learned about the dangers of wasteful use of energy and consciousness change lives for the better.
* The problem of environmental pollution.
Environment includenatural factors and material factors related closely surrounds people and seriously affect life, production, exstence and development of man and nature. Therefore, environmental protection is to protect yourself. The paintings of Unit 6: The environment remind them the spectacle really urgent that human environmental triggers. I use tricks “name the pictures” so that students can focus on the topic “ environmental problems” such as air polution / water polution/ rubbish ( garbage) 
 I give out the phrase : garbage dump, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, dynamite fishing, spraying pesticides to the children communicate with online. In order to think about the issues, I pose the questions related to the environmental clean up activities in local schools or in accordance with the age of the children daily small, on the occasions of the holidays or the environmental months.
+ Wha

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