Organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3

Implement the policies of the Party and State secondary education reform to bring educational development of the country in accordance with the country's development and education in the world. In the English department that plays a very important role and essential. Education Strategy 2010 -2020 specifies oriented General education since 2010 under the direction of a modern nation. So the English department was included in the primary school level to perform basic tasks : All students are expected to learn foreign language program follow a uniform standard. Primary English program recently written to meet the requirements of educational innovation country. To accomplish this objective should be supported by the party, the state, the education sector, especially the team of teachers and parents of students to contribute [1].
Currently the distraction condition, students learned to cope without self rote learning, many poor students. How to overcome this? How to attract students to focus on learning as the problem requires educators, and passionate teachers, school pedagogical council primary concern, always working hard to plan, programs, forms, methods to improve teaching and learning better, improve the quality and efficiency of education [2].
For many practical reasons, objective and thus to stimulate student motivation to learn, cause feeling of excitement before and during the study that the use of games in each lesson is essential to study, how to apply for flexible fit and proper purposes will contribute to supporting effective in appetite sensation, pleasure of learning the English subject for all students, I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3".
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THANH HOA OFFICE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HOANG HOA EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE "Organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3”. Written initiatives : Trinh Thi Tam Position : Teacher Work place: Hoang Luu Primary School Experience Initiative : English THANH HOA YEAR 2017 INDEX Contents Pages I. BACKGROUND 1 1. The reason for choosing the topic 1 2 Purposes of research 1 3.Research subjects 1 4.Research methodology 1 5.The new point of experiences initiatives 2 II. PROBLEM SOLVING 2 1.Rationale 2 2. State of the research problem 2 3.Solution and implementation 3 4.Testing and results 11 III.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 12 1.Conclusion 12 2.Recommendation 13 Confirmation of rector 13 References 14 I.BACKGROUND 1.The reason for choosing the topic Implement the policies of the Party and State secondary education reform to bring educational development of the country in accordance with the country's development and education in the world. In the English department that plays a very important role and essential. Education Strategy 2010 -2020 specifies oriented General education since 2010 under the direction of a modern nation. So the English department was included in the primary school level to perform basic tasks : All students are expected to learn foreign language program follow a uniform standard. Primary English program recently written to meet the requirements of educational innovation country. To accomplish this objective should be supported by the party, the state, the education sector, especially the team of teachers and parents of students to contribute [1]. Currently the distraction condition, students learned to cope without self rote learning, many poor students. How to overcome this? How to attract students to focus on learning as the problem requires educators, and passionate teachers, school pedagogical council primary concern, always working hard to plan, programs, forms, methods to improve teaching and learning better, improve the quality and efficiency of education [2]. For many practical reasons, objective and thus to stimulate student motivation to learn, cause feeling of excitement before and during the study that the use of games in each lesson is essential to study, how to apply for flexible fit and proper purposes will contribute to supporting effective in appetite sensation, pleasure of learning the English subject for all students, I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3". 2. Purpose of research How to apply for flexible fit and proper purposes will contribute to supporting effective in appetite sensation, pleasure of learning the English subject for all students, I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" Make students interested in learning. Help them reproduce the knowledge system most easily. 3.Research subjects Due to the limited time, , I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3". Make students interested in learning. Help them reproduce the knowledge system most easily. 4. Research Methodology Candidates should apply many research methods such as: -Action of investigation. -Experimental method. -Research methodology for teaching language theory. - Study methods of “ organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3". 5. The new point of experience initiatives Encouraging learning English in elementary school students, teachers have integrated the game in class to help students not discouraged subjects are too new, the feeling of learning that play, play learning. Games during school hours not only help them gain knowledge of words but help them consolidate and deepen their knowledge. When teachers offer games in English classes on a regular basis, the quality of teaching English will improve day by day. II.PROBLEM SOLVING 1.Rationale Today on the mass media appears a lot of games to attract television audiences, especially young audience, such as pupils, students. ‘’All games, music and television programs, if asked: "Tell me the name of the game, the television music show that you know ?" They will answer one rim wall as a millionaire, games play music, we are soldiers, because this is the most loyal audiences [3]. From the current situation in order to improve the quality of English courses I have taken the initiative boldly "Organizing a game to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" with the hope to contribute a small part to improving the quality of learning in English for students in grade 3. 2. State of the research problem The majority of students at Hoang Luu primary school are not pay attention and investment to foreign languages, prepare a sketchy way, to deal in very weak when they learn this subject. Since, They have some boring school psychology department English. During school hours, the majority of them are usually passive, lack of flexibility, problems reading – speaking English and participating at speaking lesson to learn. Some students at Hoang Luu primary school learn better, hardworking and self learning, learning conscious, they are willing to learn and the ability to acquire all requirement. Besides still having a significant number of students have not learned their mother tongue well and still less attention to students in English. Students may not complete documentation for self – learning and fostering more. However, Hoang Luu is located in the district, the majority of parents are working away leaving their children at home with their grandparents. The collaboration between parents and teacher is limited. Most parents are farmers and workers. So educational level and economic are low. They are busy with their works. They do not time to interest, mentoring, rubbing, urging their learning and the parents said that :English in primary school is only electives therefore both parents and students are not interested in this subject, they only invest in raising their children learn Maths, Vietnamese. Although English is the primary elective course, it has important properties beginning in the next school year in grade 2. So it holds a significant role in the learning process of the children. It equips them vocabulary, grammar and sentence patterns minimal, basic, simplest revolves around the theme very close, was their favorite and familiar, is the point of introducing all relatives, friends school topics, family topics, and other topics (the world around them). Therefore, to inspire and reinforce students' knowledge is an extremely important work often. Because this affects a lot more motivated students, a basic factor to impact the process of learning a language and the consolidation of knowledge also inculcate over the corpus of the lessons learned in a systematic way, as a solid foundation to help them learn better, more confident in the learning process later. For the quality of their courses to achieve the best results it is not an easy thing. So how do they form and develop learning skills most comprehensive? How do I love them, inculcate knowledge of foreign cultures? In any way to help students understand that not all solid boring, to truly charismatic, playful atmosphere in class comfort, inspire students to absorb foreign culture that they themselves unknown. Specifically,in the beginning of the year I have examined the quality of 67 students in grade 3 of Hoang Luu Primary School, results are as follow : Total Completed Do not completed Quantity % Quantity % 67 55 82,1 12 17,9 After survey results, I have proposed and implemented solutions, the following specific methods to improve the quality of teaching. 3. Solution and implemention Stemming from my orientation on the proposed implementation of the following measures : - Instruct students to share knowledge recall reading – speaking practice of the lesson learned. - Strengthen the sense both sides as well as the form of words. Captures the characteristics of each sample questions, first of all to achieve their best performance in the semester, each school year. - In addition, the small tracks are also used for entertainment in order to create a playful, exciting learning or to teach them the lessons illustrate vocabulary, accent, rhythm, and a points of English grammar, help them memorize more easily. Thereby fostering pure soul, love of culture and beauty of foreign languages in general and the beauty of the English subjects in particular, to help them shape and personality development skills and comprehensive better. - Teachers read books and researched the problem I am about to make. - Teachers refer to the organization of the game from those who have more experience in the whole operation. - Teaching aids that teachers must be prepared carefully and the game content, so the teacher should summarize some vocabulary and basic structure of each lesson topics to integrate into the game, along with research organizations choosing appropriate forms. - Depending on the purpose and characteristics of each lesson, the teacher can select the mode of operation and specific procedures accordingly. - Create a pleasant atmosphere between teachers and students, the initiative creates confidence for students to focus attention, stable layer, causing excitement started right by a certain activity, such as: - Listen to a short song: for they hear a little song, fast, to put them in with the topic or type of exercise you would recommend, or can listen via all operators have the knowledge Posts related to old and new posts. - Play a game with the contents suitable for them all to cause excitement of learning and memory. - There are many ways to help students remember long words and lessons. However, each lesson has its own characteristics. Depending on the content of each lesson the teacher can select appropriate manner. The teacher can make in the warm up, practice or even free after finishing teaching vocabulary. - Teachers implement reasonable game creation fun classroom atmosphere and lively help for students with a psychological comfort to remember words and lesson content. This can be done in the form of group games, groups, couples or individuals. However, even if done in any way, teachers should be held for all students in the class watched, I commented to the same implementation. - Here are some games that I have used in the process of teaching English grade 3 of Hoang Luu Primary School. 1/ Guessing game. The purpose of this game helps students practice speaking from a temperate and efficiently. - Draw a simple picture illustrates the need to review some of the words on A4 paper and put into a stack. (You can use the stock picture from teaching). - For a student to select a picture (not for the other students to see the content of the picture). - The other students guess what it is contested by asking questions: "Is this a / an...........?" - Students who guess correctly will be encouraged by point or clap cheer. For example: on the location of the school. (Unit 7: That is my School) S1: That is my school S1: What are they doing? S2: Is it big ? S2: They are skating S1: Yes, it is. 2/ Who can write? Develope writing skill: Help students fill in personal checks or practice writing in the language suggests. Get a picture and poem or story to describing about that picture. Divide the class in to small groups or pairs. Get 2nd picture and ask student to make a poem or similar story. Example 1: Unit 4 : How old are you? This is a rabbit. Her name is Round. She is 20 days old. She is small. She likes carrots 3/ Jumbled Word ( for good students) - The purpose of this game to help students practice vocabulary and spelling of words. Write some words on the blackboard or on A4 paper with the letters arranged in random order together. - Ask students to rearrange the letters to form meaningful words. - Students can make competition between groups, couples or individuals. - Let the children read the words just arranged. Example 1 : Rearrange the following letters into meaningful words. ( Unit 7 : This is My School ) umics à music blirary à library lcssarmoo à classroom pucotrem à computer chsloo à school. Example 2: Order from under the picture: (Unit 13: Where is my book ?) 1 .reospt 2. ebd 3. ahcir 4. tirucpe 5. toac 6. llab 4 / Chain game - This game for memory training for students. Student participating in this game to really focus which helps students remember long over. In addition, students have the opportunity to speak, articulation, vocabulary. - Divide the class into small groups to sit face to face - Students in the first group of teachers repeating. - Students of 2nd group repeating the sentence of first group and added another word - Students of 3rd group repeating the sentence of second group and added another word to follow, so keep coming back to the first student in the group. For example : ( Unit 14 : Are there any posters in the room?) Mary and Linda are in the room. - Mary: This is my picture of my room. - Linda: Are there any chairs in the room? - Mary: Yes, there are. - Linda: Are there any posters in the room? - Mary: No, there aren’t. 5 / What and Where - The purpose of this game is to help students remember the meaning of words and reading. This procedure applies to all words in all, the word is often long and difficult to read. - Write some words on the board does not follow an orderly and circle them again. - After each reading teacher to delete a word but not delete circle. - Have students repeat the words after the words were removed. - When cleared from teachers to students rewrite the words to the old place. - If the form of a competition between teams, teachers need to be prepared table side table from the same position on teacher has removed the table and play for the team can do on the side panel. For example: (Unit 15: Do you have any toys? 6/ Bingo - This is the game to help students practice, review of connectivity through sounds with their spelling words. - Teachers require class 8 to 10 thoughts from a certain topic that requires teachers and write them on the board. - Ask students to choose from 6 or 9 from any and write in their notebooks or paper. - Teacher reads from arbitrary words wrote on the board. - Students tick if you hear from teachers chose to read. - Students who have 6 or 9 words from the reading teacher wins first game play and shouted "Bingo". Example 1: Unit 8: This is my pen. BINGO ü ü ü 5 6 2 ü ü ü 4 7 9 1 4 7 book backpack Pencil 2 5 8 rubber pencil sharpener Pencil case 3 6 9 pen Ruler school bag 7/ Simon say - The purpose of this game is to help students remember words and is often used for short imperatives. - The teacher shouted orders. - Students just follow the orders of the teacher if the teacher read the imperative sentence beginning with " Simon says ". - Teacher reads imperative, no question: " Simon says." Students may not perform that command. If a student does will be removed from the game. - This game is applied to the whole class, not by group or pair. For example :( Unit 9 : In My Classroom) If the teacher says " Simon says : stand up ! " Students will stand up. If the teacher says : " Stand up ! " Students are not made orders that, if the student will be removed from the stand up game. 8/ Group the words - The purpose of this game is to help students remember and understand the meaning of the word attributes. - Teacher writes some words on the blackboard. - Students work in groups to arrange the words in each topic the teacher has requested. - In certain intervals, groups sorted quickly and properly will be encouraged by point. Example 1 : Arrange the following words into the corresponding column : (Unit 17: What toys do you like?) Group the words into right column: Trucks, doll, kite, cat, dog, yo-yo, bird, rabbit, goldfish, doll, ball, parrot, tortoise, ship, Pets Toys parrot, cat.. kite, Robot, 9/ Who can read? Reading comprehension: Helping students develop reading skills through painting, observing the activities or read short stories. Example 1: ( Unit 7: That is my school ) * Students study the picture and write the answers to the following questions. 1.What is this?................................................................................................... . 2.What school is it ?.......................................................................................... . 3.Is it big or small?............................................................................................ . 10/ Matching - Aim to help students review from combining the words and pictures, from the sense, or from the number. - Depending on the purpose of each article, teachers can design activities accordingly. Can be used in part to teach from, or in consolidation from the game. Example 1: Matching the words - furnitures – pictures (Unit 12: This is my house) kitchen living room garden dining room Example 2: Matching the pictures and the words. (Unit 19 : they are in the park ). Example 3: (Unit 12: This is my house ) * Have students read the sentences on the left, then connect them with the right picture. Then teacher give key (1c; 2d; 3b; 4a). Look at this house. There are six rooms in the house: a a living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. 1. My friends and I are in b the living room now. 2. I sleep in the bedroom. c 3. I bathe in the bathroom. 4. And I eat in the kitchen d Example 4: ( Unit 18: What are you doing?) * Students read passages and answer questions. My name is Quan. Today my family is at home. We are in the living room. My father is watching TV. My mother is playing piano. My brother is listening to music and I am singing. 1. Where is Quan’s family?............................................................................... 2. What is his father doing now?....................................................................... 3. What is his mother doing now?..................................................................... 4. What is his brother doing now?..................................................................... 5. What is Quan doing now?............................................................................. *Have students read and fill in the blanks. She is (1) ___________ in the kitchen . And he is (2)_______ in the livingroom. My son is (3) _______ in the bedroom. and my sister is (4)_____ in the floor. 4.Testing and results Through the application of game content integrated into lessons in the process of. teaching English at Hoang Luu primary school this school year, I noticed a visible change in the attitude of students learning in lessons English. Recently, I have examined the learning outcomes for their own English department and got better results. Thankfully, students completely overcome their difficulties in reading - English-speaking and from which they actively participate in the activities in the lesson. Students eager, excited, excitement in learning more, all prepared at home more thoughtful. Therefore, results tracking quality English courses students improved markedly. Specifically,in the end of the year I have examined the quality of 67 students in grade 3 of Hoang Luu Primary School, results are as follow :Year 2015-2016. Total Completed Do not completed Quantity % Quantity % 67 67 100 0 0 With much effort and effort, with plate enthusiasm for the job, and I always strive to find new w
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