The differences in the importance of saying ‘sorry’ in Vietnamese and English culture

The main reason making English become one of the most important languages in the world are the speedy globalization of the world and the consequent need for effective communication language. As a result, learning English has become a basic and urgent need.However, it’s not enough to learn grammar and vocabulary.Learning pragmatic and cultural competence is very necessary so that learners can use target language in a apropriateb way. Speech acts are of all importance in daily language.In this study, speech act is the apology which belong to expressive speech, in which speakers try to indicate their attitudes.
It can not deny that communication, in particular conversation, has become an indispensible demand of human beings. Due to the fact that language has consistently been the main element of human social communication, meanwhile English is an international language and used as the medium of interaction , the demand to master it and effectively use it has been more and more great. It is by means of communication that human employ language to exchange and express their ideas and purposes as well as to maintain the social relations.
TABLE OF CONTENT I. INTRODUCTION 2 1. Rationale of the study :............................. . ................................... 2 2 Aims and objectives...................................................................................... . 4 3. Scope of the study ......................................................................................... 4 .4 Methods. ......................................................................... 4 II.CONTENTS PART I.THEORETICALBACKGROUND:............................................... ..... 5 1.1.Speech and Apology-givings Etiquette . 5 1.2. “Face” in Interpersonal Interaction. 5 1.3. Politeness in Interpersonal Interaction 6 1.4. Social and Cultural factors in the Ue of Apology-givings6 1.5. Social and Cultural factors in the Use of Apology-givings 6 PART II. TABLE OF SOME PARTICULAR SITUATIONS IN WHICH EXPRESSING APOLOGIES IS RECOMMENDED IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE..... 7-10 PART III. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ..................... ...................11 1. Data analysis..11 2. Discussion the Table III about the similarities and differences in socio-cultural features of apology-givings in English and Vietnamese 13 PART IV. PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS ................................... 13 1. For the teachers:.................................................................................. ..........13 2. For the students: .............................................................................................14 III.Conclusion......................................................................................... 15 IV. REFERENCE..17 I. INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale of the study The main reason making English become one of the most important languages in the world are the speedy globalization of the world and the consequent need for effective communication language. As a result, learning English has become a basic and urgent need.However, it’s not enough to learn grammar and vocabulary.Learning pragmatic and cultural competence is very necessary so that learners can use target language in a apropriateb way. Speech acts are of all importance in daily language.In this study, speech act is the apology which belong to expressive speech, in which speakers try to indicate their attitudes. It can not deny that communication, in particular conversation, has become an indispensible demand of human beings. Due to the fact that language has consistently been the main element of human social communication, meanwhile English is an international language and used as the medium of interaction , the demand to master it and effectively use it has been more and more great. It is by means of communication that human employ language to exchange and express their ideas and purposes as well as to maintain the social relations. Of all the functions of language, apology-givings have played a significant role in everyday social interaction of every society. Because each linguistic system has its own ways of expressing ideas, in particular apology-givings, the learners of foreign languages have to develop the socio-cultural appropriateness. As a result, they can avoid the misunderstandings and gain effectively communicative goals. According to Spence-Oatey : ‘culture is a fuzzy set of attitudes, beliefs, behavioural conventions, and basic assumptions and values that is shared by a group of people, and that influences each member’s interpretations of the meanings of other people’s behaviours’. In fact, such social factors as social contexts, different relationships between interlocutors, genders, ages etc remarkably affect the ways of using linguistic items, particularly in expressing apologies in real situations. The differences in the importance of saying ‘sorry’ in Vietnamese and English culture: For Vietnamese people, the stories of saying ‘sorry’ still need to mention as much as modern life has developed. ‘Sorry’ is only a simple word, however, it means a lot in not only formal conversations but also daily situations as well. Whereas, people from Western countries use ‘sorry’ in their whole life. They have been to say ‘sorry’ since they were kids, and we can see this still appear on their lips every time. This culture has embedded in their minds and has existed in Western communities for hundreds of years. Admittedly, cultural barriers cause numerous problems encountering Vietnamese students when learning English. Theoretically, the study is carried out to indicate the similarities and differences in ways of apology-givings in two languages: English and Vietnamese in social and cultural features. Also, some suggested implications are mentioned for English teaching in this study. For Vietnamese students, to give apology when they make mistakes is very popular but to make it more formal ,I would like to recommend some ways to give apology in an extra-curricular lesson. It also helps students to have a intensive lesson.they can study more effectively For that reason, I, in my efforts, try to concentrate upon the topic with an aim to enhancing learners’ language competence as well as to helping them overcome the difficulties they encounter during their learning. I hope through this research, learners can understand and use the word ‘Sorry’ more effectively. They need to know that saying ‘Sorry’ is also a beautiful characteristic in every culture from all around the world. We shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed of saying ‘I’m sorry’ or other kinds of giving apologies. 2 Aims and objectives. This study aims to find out distinctions and resemblances in ways of apology-givings; the effect of Cultural and Social behavious in apologising in the two languages: English and Vietnamese. The study is intended: - To present theoriotical background on apology-givings -To collect some popular situations in which we should say ‘Sorry’ from students in some particular situations -To present some differences in characteristics of the word ‘sorry’ between in English and in Vietnamese as well as the difficulties which Vietnamese learners may have to face in terms of understanding this word. -To suggest some implications paying ways for learners in effectively using apology-givings as well as teachers in helping their students encountering with native speakers. 3 Scope of the study In researching the ways of apology-givings in English and Vietnamese , due to lack of time, the study will not survey all linguistic aspects. With respect to expressive means, it will be driven to find out differences and resemblances in socio-cultural features, not lexical, phonetic and stylistic ones. In terms of social features, it will be focused on gender social status affecting ways of giving apologies especially to students at Quang Xuong 2 high school. 4 Methods: -Analyzing methods -Comparative methods This research on ‘Sorry’ culture is carried out by not only analyzing methods but also comparative methods in the hope that learners could realize and understand how it plays such an important role in our life. From that point, they can say this word more often as well as use it in the most intelligent and effective way. Besides, information in the research was collected from many sources so that learners will get broad knowledge of this culture in order to apply successfully into their real lives. II. CONTENTS PART I. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1. Speech and Apology-givings Etiquette 1.1 Definition of an apology and Etiquette of speech An apology is a word or statement saying for something has been done wrong or that causes a problem (Oxford Advanced Learners). Acording to Brown and Levinson, apologies are politeness strategies.An apology is a fundermental speech act which is a part of human communication occurs in every culture. In order to perform the role of the most important means in communication, language is considered and brightened to obtain a high ability of thought expressing. “Etiquette of speech is seen as a system of everlasting formulate with race’s specific. They are recorded in social communication and accepted by the society to set up relationship among interlocutors”[6] 1.2. Apology-giving Etiquette When people speak, they make utterances. An utterance is communicative unit, comprising of sound or word strings used in a certain occation to imply a purpose. “Utterance is the use by a particular speaker, on a particular occasion of a piece of language such as a sequence of sentences, a single phrase or even a single word”(60,p.15) 1.3. “Face” in Interpersonal Interaction According to Goffman (53,p.310), ‘the term “face” may be defined as the positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the line others assume that has taken during a particular contact. Face in an image of self delineated in terms of approval social attribute-albeit an image that other may share, as when a person may a good showing for his profession or religion by making good showing for himself.’ 1.4. Politeness in Interpersonal Interaction Politeness is such an interesting phenomenon that many linguistic experts have done research so far. The concept of politeness have expressed by many authors such as Yule( 1996), Leech (1983), Brown and Levinson(1987) Yule( 1996) states that : “ Politeness in Interpersonal Interaction can be defined as the mean employ to show the awareness of another person’ face.” Leech (1983) notes that politeness means to minimine the effect of impolite statements and maximine the effect of possitive politeness. Giving apology is one of the most sensitive ways of daily communication in term of politeness. It plays a crucial role in keeping people happy friendship lasts long. As a normal social habit, people would get angry when apologying is not given in apropriate time. 1.5. Social and Cultural factors in the Use of Apology-givings 1.5.1. The Habit of Using apology In Vietnam, people do not use apology in communication as much as English.In England ,they give apology naturally and effectively.They think that giving apology is one of the polite ways in communication when they have done something wrong or even when they want to get attention. 1.5.2. Communication Style Giving apology in England is more popular than in Vietnam. They use it in daily communication frequently because it is a polite cultural. PART II. TABLE OF SOME PARTICULAR SITUATIONS IN WHICH EXPRESSING APOLOGIES IS RECOMMENDED IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE English Vietnamese When people do something wrong *In formal situations:Such as -in a restaurant, to express your regret or to tell that you are really sorry because your food didn’t meet the standards. Eg. –I’m (really) sorry. The soup is rather salty. -Sorry. The soup is rather salty. This way is very popular in English culture. *In informal situations: Eg. -I’m (really) sorry I’m late. -I’m (so) sorry I forgot your birthday. -My bad. -It’s my fault. - Whoops’ or ‘Oops, sorry’ (when you by chance make a small mistake. You feel quite bad about one thing, but it is not a horrible mistake) This is used commonly with high tone and apologising attitude to show the mistakes even very small. -Student: -I’m sorry I’m late - I’m sorry I have made a mistake - I’m sorry I forgot my books Eg. – Xin lỗi ông/bà. Món súp hơi mặn. This is popular in nice restaurants in Vietnam. Eg.- ‘Tôi sơ ý làm vỡ ly rồi. Xin lỗi cô nhé.’ - Xin lỗi anh, tôi không cố ý xúc phạm anh. - Đó là lỗi của con. Con đã làm rách cuốn sách của mẹ. Mẹ hãy tha lỗi cho con. This is also used but not mostly in every situation. Worse, the tone and the attitude of the mistake-makers is rather in low voice -This is very popular in most situations in class in Vietnam When people want to give reasons: Eg. –I’m sorry I’m late but I missed the bus. This is regularly used in English regardless of who you are. Eg. Xin lỗi tôi đến muộn. Tôi bị nhỡ xe buýt This is mostly used when you are in junior position in society. It seldom happens with an employer. When something bad happens to someone else: Eg. -I’m sorry to hear that you failed in the driving test. -I’m sorry to inform that your application form was turned down. This is not only in special occations but also in daily conversations to sympathize. Eg. –Tôi/Chúng tôi thật lấy làm tiếc khi phải thông báo với quí khách đi chuyến bay VA102 rằng chuyến bay sẽ bị hoãn lại trong 30 phút vì lý do thời tiết. This is only used in special situations such as at the airport or station. It is hardly used in daily conversations. When people want to ask someone to repeat: Eg. -I’m sorry I didn’t hear that can you say that again? -Excuse me, I’m afraid I didn’t catch it. Can you repeat it? This way is always used to show politeness. Eg. –Xin lỗi, ông nhắc lại họ tên đầy đủ của ông được không ạ? - Em xin lỗi, em chưa nghe cô hỏi gì. Cô có thể nhắc lại câu hỏi được không ạ? This way is maybe only used in classroom or at a post office service. When you want to interrupt someone Eg. I’m sorry but can I get through? -I hate to interrup but you have an appointment at 9.AM (It means your polite reminding the boss about his appointment at 9.AM when he is talking to another) -Excuse me, Can you tell me where the National Library is, please? This way is commonly employed in any situation even when you are in the superior status in society. Eg. –Xin lỗi xếp, nhưng xếp sắp có một cuộc hẹn lúc 9h. (it also means your polite reminding the boss about his appointment at 9AM when he is talking to another) This is commonly in certain situations such as in companies or offices. -Xin lỗi, rất ngại khi phải ngắt lời bạn, nhưng bạn có thể chỉ đường tới thư viện quốc gia được không ạ? This way is not common. Only some polite people use it when they interrup others’ work. Apologizing word - Sorry, - Pardon - Excuse me! - Forgive - Xin lỗi. - Tha lỗi. - Tha thứ. - Lượng thứ Apologizing word - question -Excuse me! Could/Can you please show me the way to the post office? - Excuse me! Can you tell the way to .. -Xin lỗi, cô cho cháu hỏi đường đi đến bưu điện? Apologizing sentence I beg your pardon. I am terribly sorry to leave you waiting such a long time. We apologize for -Xin tạ lỗi. -Thành thật xin lỗi vì tôi để anh đợi lâu như vậy Apologizing question - Are you willing to forgive me? -Will you accept my apology? -B (Hearer) có sẵn lòng tha thứ/thứ lỗi/tha lỗi cho A (Speaker) không? -(Does B have willing forgive for A?) PART III. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 1. Data analysis The samples collected were described qualitatively in terms of politeness in Interpersonal Interaction, social and cultural factors in the use of apology-givings as well as the habit of using language according to modern linguistic points of view in English and Vietnamese. The frequency of apology-giving culture is used in the table in comparison between English and Vietnamese. The contrastive method was applied to analyse the similarities and differences in the socio-cultural features of apology-givings in the two languages. Some generalizations and implications were drawn out after the data analysis. In general, giving apology in Vietnam is not as popular as in England. 2. Discussion the Table III about the similarities and differences in socio-cultural features of apology-givings in English and Vietnamese. 2.1. The similarities. Firstly, in both languages English and Vietnamese, apology-givings are used when you do something wrong regardless of formal or informal situations. Secondly, apology-givings are also employed when you want to hear something bad to someone else or you want to inform something not good for them . Thirdly, apology-givings are also employed when you want to interrupt someone in their mid-sentence to show politeness. However, some aspects of apologising culture are distinctive in these two languages. 2.2. The differences Firstly, the frequency of usning apology-givings is not popular in Vietnamese culture, which is extremely different from English culture. In English, ‘Sorry’ or ‘Excuse me’ seems like a daily vocabulary for conversations of Western people; but in Vietnamese culture, ‘sorry’ only means ‘xin lỗi’ – the term that people only say when they make a big mistake. Furthermore, it also proves that the sayers who come from Western countries are polite, considerate and well-educated. They say ‘sorry’ not only to apologize, but also to express a regret or deep sympathy to listeners. Secondly, the position of participants in a certain conversation causes the frequency of expressing apologies. Thirdly, the tone and attitude of the person who makes a mistake is not the same. More than that, it is really difficult for Vietnamese people to speak out this word as well as the feeling of guilt. Actually, the way people show their reactions towards this common term depends mostly on cultures of each country. Fourthly, it is not the same in the purpose of the apology-makers. In Vietnam, people rarely use ‘xin lỗi’ but other expressions to show sympathy, to interrupt or to ask someone to repeat, that’s why ‘xin lỗi’ in Vietnamese culture is not a common term like ‘sorry’ in Western culture. In addition, the most popular forms of apologies in English are apologizing sentence. By contrast, the most popular structure in the Vietnamese data is nonapologizing sentence, especially in getting attention. The finding helps the Vietnamese native speakers and the native speakers of English eradicate the interference of the mother tongue into the real-life communication in the new language environment and to minimize the risk of misunderstanding by becoming aware of the great differences in choice of using structures of three apology strategies by the two people from the different cultures. The English native speakers should not be shocked when they do not receive an apology from Vietnamese people because of Vietnamese culture. Seldom saying apologies does not mean that Vietnamese people are afraid of threatening their face. Although they do not say apology, they will show their regret or sincere behavior instead of saying apologies. Hence, this thesis can help the visitors and newcomers avoid being culture shock. PART IV. PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. For the teachers Teaching a foreign language to students is an activity by which the teacher can help them to widen their knowledge not only in terms of language but also in terms of culture. The ‘culture’ factor is very important, it can become an advantage or a disadvantage during the learning process of students. Many Vietnamese learners usually have difficulties in communicating with foreigners even if they are not bad at English; it’s actually because they still keep thinking of Vietnamese values in their mind without knowing that there is always a big gap between different cultures.So it’s very important for the English teacher to explain the differences between two languages and show how to use them.Sometimes an apology also indicate the regret of the speaker about something. This has caused some unexpected problems to Vietnamese students and misunderstandings are unavoidable. This study refers to a common topic that receives a lot of attention from both Vietnamese people and foreign people and it is still discussed until now: ‘expressing an apology in English and Vietnamese’. And in fact, saying ‘sorry’ is very necessary and extremely needed in daily conversations. It helps us to show our attention and consideration to other people and make our lives become better and easier. Besides, saying ‘sorry’ will leave a good impression on other people’s minds as it will make them feel pleased and comfortable. With people from Western people, saying ‘sorry’ is not a big problem. But with Vietnamese, they still need ‘bravery’ to overcome their ego and say ‘I’m sorry’ int
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