SKKN Using some games in teaching English in grade 3

Nowadays with the trend of development and economic integration between the countries in the region and the world, the use of English in communication has become extremely popular and important. In recent years English has been taught in most schools as an elective subject. Yet, it is the basis, the premise for children to learn these subjects well in secondary school and higher levels.We want the primary students to be good at English, each teacher not only impart, explained according to the documents available in textbooks, in the manual and the design of a lecture We make students learn passively. With such teaching, the learning of students will take place very monotonous, boring and the learning results will be limited. It is one of the causes obstructing their training into the dynamic, confident, creative people which willing to adapt to the new change on a daily occurrence.
Language acquisition for primary school learners is an important step in becoming effective students and communicators. Educaters cannot offord to oversee the significance of acquired and used by primary students if teachers include games and play in their teaching .
Through games,teachers can enhance motivation and stimulate further interest. Also, using appropriate games , teachers can help students build self- esteem and self- confidence , such important elements when dealing with second language learning .Children are said to be natural learners of a foreign language because they can learn it quickly and easily . But for teachers who have taught children this is not completely true : children are able to pick up language quickly; however they are likely to forget it quickly , too.The reason for this could be that a young child faces and has lots of new things and experiences each day .A child is thought to operate pragmatically: she or he only remembers the important things . When a child gets to live in a foreign community she or he needs to learn the languge quickly for communicating and making friends .
Games can focus on various skills , grammar, listening , speaking, writing,reading, pronunciation, so they can be extremly complex. Games also help the teachers to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful.
INTRODUCTION 1.1 The reasons of choosing topic: Nowadays with the trend of development and economic integration between the countries in the region and the world, the use of English in communication has become extremely popular and important. In recent years English has been taught in most schools as an elective subject. Yet, it is the basis, the premise for children to learn these subjects well in secondary school and higher levels.We want the primary students to be good at English, each teacher not only impart, explained according to the documents available in textbooks, in the manual and the design of a lecture We make students learn passively. With such teaching, the learning of students will take place very monotonous, boring and the learning results will be limited. It is one of the causes obstructing their training into the dynamic, confident, creative people which willing to adapt to the new change on a daily occurrence. Language acquisition for primary school learners is an important step in becoming effective students and communicators. Educaters cannot offord to oversee the significance of acquired and used by primary students if teachers include games and play in their teaching . Through games,teachers can enhance motivation and stimulate further interest. Also, using appropriate games , teachers can help students build self- esteem and self- confidence , such important elements when dealing with second language learning .Children are said to be natural learners of a foreign language because they can learn it quickly and easily . But for teachers who have taught children this is not completely true : children are able to pick up language quickly; however they are likely to forget it quickly , too.The reason for this could be that a young child faces and has lots of new things and experiences each day .A child is thought to operate pragmatically: she or he only remembers the important things . When a child gets to live in a foreign community she or he needs to learn the languge quickly for communicating and making friends . Games can focus on various skills , grammar, listening , speaking, writing,reading, pronunciation, so they can be extremly complex. Games also help the teachers to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. In recent years, the requirements of today's education requires to change the teaching methods at all levels of education, to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Therefore, in general in English and English in primary school in particular should have a stronger innovation, promote positive, creative initiative of students, student-centered. So the teacher has to make attraction to learning for children by attracting them to participate in learning activities. Learning game is an activity that interests children most. The game has the rich content, using interesting and rewarding language suitable with their awareness. Through the game they will comprehend the knowledge and ability to use language to communicate easily, consolidate, deepen knowledge in a firm manner, giving them the passion, excitement in learning as well as in working. When we give the game in English class regularly, then surely scientific quality in English teaching will more improve. Because of these reasons I chose the subject innovative experience "Using some games in teaching English in grade 3". 1.2 The purpose of the topic: To contribute to innovating English teaching methods in primary schools following the direction of promoting a positive, creative initiative of students, enhance individual coordinate activities with academic exchanges. Formating and drilling skills to apply knowledge to perform the communicative process.Create interest in learning English for students. To insert games in learning not only helps students comprehend knowledge, word, but also help them strengthen and deepen knowledge further. The more variety we can introduce into teaching, the more likely we are to meet the needs of all the different learners. What is more, as children need to be motivated, exciting and relevant classroom exercises appear to be necessity if real understanding and acquisition is to take place. For games are activities with rules, a goal to achieve, and an element of fun; they seem to be challenging and interesting enough to keep the young students occupied and eager to complete the task. The majority of activities, which are found in resourceful materials for teachers, are based on the belief that the games children enjoy and are interested in playing outside the classroom can be adapted and exploited for use in the English language classes. Furthermore, as they use English for real purposes, they make the children play and learn at the same time. Moreover, games help to create a context in which children’s attention is focused on the completion of a task without realising that language items are being practised. As a result, language learning takes place in a context that children can directly relate to. However, it is always necessary to keep in mind the interests and needs of the learners. Games can provide a valuable learning experience in which the children practise and revise language only if they are carefully chosen, according to students’ styles of learning. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that games like any other activity or tool can be overused when exploited too much so that the motivating element disappears rapidly. 1.3 The object of the topic: Students in grade 3 at Thi Tran Primary School .Choose class 3A and 3B with 75 students 1.4 Researching methods of the subject : To research a topic, people often choose many different methods. With this topic, I use the following meth 1 / Theoretical research method :I read the conducting material issues related to my research needs. 2. Learning experience from my colleagues Attend the colleagues’ lesson to follow their good method. 3. Experimental matching method. 4. Observation method. 2. CONTENTS 2.1 The theoretical basis of the subject: We can say: playing is a necessity for students in primary school, it is as important as eating, sleeping, studying in their lives. Therefore, they are always find the ways to spend time and in any condition playing. When they join the games they will try the best voluntarily and proactively. At that time they express their feelings very clear, They feel happy with victory and sad with failure. Glad to see the team to complete the task, they personally do not feel guilty when good is his duty. Because of a collective they overcome difficulties and try their best to bring victory to the team, including their group. This characteristic is very high emulation of the game. So when joined the game,students often use their best effort, focus attention, intelligence and their creativity. Learning games is the game that its laws includes rules associated with the knowledge and skills have been in learning activities, close to the lesson content, which helps students to explore their own experience to play . Through playing students are applied the knowledge and learned skills in the situation of the games and therefore students do a practice to consolidate and expand knowledge and skills learned. Thus in the learning games, learning skills of English are included in the games. Learning game changes forms of children’s activities, help students acquire knowledge in a positive voluntary way. It helps students to practice and consolidate knowledge and develop experience through playing activities. Learning games train skills, promote intellectual activity, Thank to using learning games the teaching process to become a fun activity and more attractive, learning opportunities more varied. The learning game is not only the means but also the methods of education. So I have used the method "Using some games in teaching English in grade 3" in the teaching process in the past year. 2.2 Reality matters: Being a teacher, I love my job, love my children so I always study the psychology of primary school age children (especially pupils in grade 3). They are also at the age of eating, sleeping and the giddy. They remember fast but forget quickly, especially with English subject which is a fascinating subject but different from their mother tongue, so they do not have the help when they do not understand at home. They can only study with teachers and friends in class, the fact that I teach in rural schools, many parents do not understand deeply the importance and necessity of the English subject and only focus on natural subjects like Mathematics, Vietnamese ... The majority of students do not pay to foreign languages, they prepare the lesson very sparingly, to deal when they learn this subject very bad. Since then, a number of children with psychological bored with learnning English. During school hours, the majority of them are usually passive, lack of flexibility, afraid of reading - saying English and participate in learning lessons very little. Therefore making interest and consolidating students' knowledge is an extremely important and regular work. Because this affects a lot of to the students, a fundamental factors affecting the process of learning a language: To having the learning quality of the children achieve the best results, it is not an easy thing. So how do they form and develop learning skills most comprehensive? How do they love, deepen their knowledge of the lesson? By any way to help students understand the lesson but not boring, I think that the lesson must be really charismatic, atmosphere during school hours interesting and relaxing. Since then I checked the quality survey the first semester of third graders, and the results showed that: Class Total of students Excellent Satisfied Unsatisfied Mark 9-10 Mark 7-8 Mark 5-6 Mark under 5 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % 3A 36 5 14 10 28 10 28 11 30 3B 39 8 20.5 12 30.7 11 28 8 20.8 After that I conducted the survey to interest in their learning. Therefore, the role and responsibilities of teachers not only teach English but need to continuously study and apply the methods of innovation and creativity. Teachers should build a learning English environment friendly. Students can participate in meaningful comunicating activities through the intresting game activities. Teaching to the communicating method encourages students to practice lessons under the situation that learning is playing, playing is learning. This view makes them see learning English as a game, they will remember the lesson very quickly. 2.3 Solution and organizing the implementation: 2.3.1 The general solution: - Observe the actual situation of students.Talk with them to find out the feeling, aspirations, problems ... they meet in the process of learning English. - Study materials, books, magazines newspapers education ... read textbooks, teacher ‘s books... and prepare the suitable games. - Attend and exchange experiences with colleagues. - Summasize and draw experience in the teaching process. - Interview directly pupils after the lessons they are participated in the games with the lessons which they are not joined the games. - Consult closely with the school:The attention of the school facilities ... to create conditions for teachers and students can participate in the games .. - Encourage children to participate in computer games such as crossword in English, wordsquare in Englishor watch cartoons in English on TV to attract them into the process of game organization during class hours in a natural and effective way. 2.3.2 Design the learning games in English: Organize learning games to teach English in general and in English in primary school in particular, we have to rely on lesson content, conditions of time in each specific class put the game accordingly co. Song is also intended to organize games in teaching English to be highly effective, each teacher must have a plan prepared, thoroughly and ensure the following requirements: + Games meaningful education. + The game aims to strengthen and deepen the lesson content. + Games to fit psychology, student performance, consistent with the ability of the guidelines and conditions of the school facilities. + Mode to a rich, diverse, and must be prepared carefully, meticulously. + Games to be stimulating and passion for student learning. 2.3.3 How to organize games. Step 1: The teacher introduces the name and purpose of the game, playing time. Step 2: How to Play. This step includes the following jobs: - Organization of participants Game: Number of participants, number of participating teams (those teams), management game, the referee. - The instrument used to play (flipchart, cards, magnetic cards, chess ...) - How to play: Each job's specific player or team play, play time, the players do not get ... - How to confirm the results and scoring play, the solution of the game. (If any) Step 3: Conduct game Step 4: - End game :Teachers or arbitration commented on the attitude of each participating team game, not good thing of the team to learn from experience. Encouragements fine quibble, the Rules that accept players relaxed and voluntarily make the game more attractive, stimulating students' learning. Purish students with the game rules simple but fun form as: Applause, hop, sing a song, or greet you win, ... 2.3.4 Introduction of the games in primary school. I would like to introduce some typical games that I've applied in the teaching process for primary school students. Game 1: Slap the board.[3] Example : Unit 9: This is my pen –Lesson 2-English book 3 [5] The goal: Practice and reinforce skills learned from listening to and identify the typeface. + Train reflexes in piles . - Preparation: No need to prepare any utensil. - How to play: The children sit in place. Teachers introduce the name of the game and draw a circle so bizarre board, and recorded a number of new learning on the image above. Students stand in front of the table, listening to the teacher read and palpitations in the letter. - Rules of the game: Played in pairs, the teacher split the class into two teams and each team's name, each team in turn sent out once you play with your team '. Two stand before you board at a certain distance and then listen to the teacher read quickly slapped the teacher has read the word is written on the board, who beat rapidly and properly will bring his team 1 point. Continuing to play with other couples. End game party sites that team win and be rewarded with applause. Note that this game can also be appointed to a good friend to read from any medium on the board for two you hear identify and slapped. Game 2: Lucky number [6] Purpose: Create exciting atmosphere lively, highly concentrated in school. Preparation: Teachers prepare some questions, answers sticking lesson content. No need to prepare any utensil. How to play: Teachers who a board of 15 squares and write to them any natural number 15, which corresponds to the number that is 12 questions that students must answer 3 questions lucky number. Rules of the game: The teacher divided the class into 2 teams and name, each team leader sent a friend to see who is an officer and group options before deciding discuss how to choose the leader said, if selected believe the question, the teacher read the questions and discussion group to find answers to the leader read if the other side is wrong reply. Count 2 to the other side the box, if the box is lucky not to answer questions and congratulatory applause.Note: You can change to improve competitiveness, create exciting atmosphere heated by specified point: In 15 cells, the cell 12 has 5 points, 2 points and 1 box with 10 special cell for 20 points. End Game: Points team that won the team points, or team selected the box number will be given a Lucky guy applause. Game 3: The Hangman [7] - Purpose: Create a lively atmosphere and excitement grind maze learning, help students review and test their vocabulary. - Preparation: No need to prepare any utensil. - How to play: Divide the class into two or three teams and each team's name on the foot cliff stock price that teachers draw on the board. Teachers specified topic today is what then ask students to find a word with 5 letters, then each team has a volunteer you should write from the table and read it aloud to the class. Continue second series each team to choose a volunteer you should find records of his request letters number of teachers. - Rules: Must find the right from a sufficient number of letters as required and correct spelling, wrong team will be writing a toilet to cross the neck of his team, if in the wrong team is losing 7 times. Or losing team is the team who were completing a form completed on the cross stock price before. - End Game: Give a round of applause to congratulate the winner. Note that each team plays no writing on the blackboard was a stroke Game 4: Bingo [3] - Purpose: To strengthen and deepen knowledge, attracting passionate student learning. - Preparation: No need to prepare utensils. - How to play: Play style checkered flag. Teachers who on board 16 or 20 squares, 4 and 5 box vertical and horizontal cells teachers fill any 20 numbers, 20 of which have 20 questions corresponding predefined content lesson, Divided into two teams and regulations Team A marked x, team B marked 0, first you do each team sent a team leader who is an officer exam option before, then you chief representative of the box How many teachers will be marked with the symbol of the team in here, and read the questions within each cell to the other side answers. Finally team that ranked 3 box symbol of his team line up is Bingo. Game 5: Electronic Communications [6] - Purpose: To help students test their vocabulary and a change in learning. - Preparation: No need picky, do not need any preparation utensils. - How to play: The children sit in place, teachers stated rules of the game and started calling me A volunteer from a stand to speak to a verb in English, and only fast on any one other friend to "electrify". At this point you have to say B to a verb, if they're right back at you fast only to transmit power C any more. Just do it if you do wrong, they must hop around the room. End of commendation and reward applause for your right and fast. * Note: Teachers should distinguish and analyze the types of students with your first right (can be nouns, verbs or adjectives, ...) for grades good one, while the average grade is not required distinguished from type. This game does not need to be picky but still causing air fun, lively, excited during school hours for children Game 6: Bee find word.[8] -Example : Unit 4 : How old are you? - Lesson 2 -English book 3 [5] - Purpose: To consolidate knowledge, memory and application of skills in using the form. - Preparation: + 5 off two flowers, each flower color, flower petals on each of the following record, magnets mounted on the back. 10 7 2 4 1 5 3 9 6 8 + 10 bees can write letters on his back, the back has a magnet attached. one two ten four seven six five eight nine three + Coloured chalk. + How to play: Choose 2 teams of 5 students. Teacher divides into two tables, each table inside a flower and bee 5 below in no particular order, and introduce the name of the game. He has two flowers, petals on the numbers, and bees carry on the corresponding letters, their mission is guided put bees in terms of fit. The two teams lined up, to hear command 'start' then you should put one by bees on the appropriate number. But first you continue your second and until the end. Finally done fast and right team is the team that wins. Game 7: Networks [7] Example : Unit 16: Do you have any pets?- English book 3. I checked the old lesson by getting the stu
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