SKKN Using some brainstorming techniques and outlining to improve writing skills for 12th form non - English majors at lam son gifted high school

SKKN Using some brainstorming techniques and outlining to improve writing skills for 12th form non - English majors at lam son gifted high school

 In the process of globalization, English plays an important role in enhancing economy, politics, culture and international relations between many countries. Therefore, there is a great demand for teaching and learning English in the world as well as in Viet Nam. English users today focus more on the ability to communicate in spoken and written languages. However, the education quality has not met the society’s expectation because mostly high-school graduates cannot communicate in English effectively in both oral and written forms. Under the urgent demand of improving the quality, Vietnam’s English language teaching has recently undergone a comprehensive reform. Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training has continually updated a new set of textbook for high school students in order to develop students’ communicative competence. Moreover, in September 2014, Education Ministry decided to merge the two current exams into one national exam that is required the writing ability of students. However, regarding Vietnam’s context, the change will create many difficulties to not only teachers but also learners of English who are too familiar to the old teaching methods, especially in teaching writing skill, which seems to be the most difficult work in teaching and studying English nowadays.

At Lam Son Gifted high school, writing skills is really a big challenge for non-English majors. For students, they used to learn in the way which writing has no place. Another problem is their level of English proficiency. That is why they find it too difficult to write English compositions. Moreover, lack of motivation also faces the students. They often get bored and indifferent in the writing lessons.


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Lam Son Gifted High school
Using some brainstorming techniques And Outlining to improve writing skills for 12th form non - English majors at Lam Son Gifted high school 
 Writer : Nguyen Thi Huong
 	 Position: Teacher 
 Subject : English
THANH HOA - 2016
PART A. INTRODUCTION..................................................................
I. Reasons for choosing the topic..............................................................
II. Aims of the study................................................................................. 
III. Participants and applying scope of the study......................................
IV. Method of study..................................................................................
PART B: DEVELOPMENT..................................................................
I. Overview of writing...............................................................................
1.1. Definitions of writing.........................................................................
1.2. Approaches to teaching writing skills in foreign language teaching	........................................................................................................
2. Applying of Brainstorming techniques in English teaching.................
2.1. Definition of Brainstorming ..............................................................
2.2. Organization of brainstorming techniques for warm-up .................. 2. 3. Some suitable and useful activities for applying brainstorming techniques in pre- writing. .......................................................................
3. Applying of outlining a paragraph writing in English teaching...................................................................................................
II. The actual teaching and learning context at Lam Son Gifted high school........................................................................................................
III. Examples of applying brainstorming techniques in actual lessons in English teaching Tieng Anh 12................................................................
IV. Examples of applying outlining in actual lessons ...........................
V. Reached results...................................................................................
PART C: CONCLUSION......................................................................
I. Reasons for choosing the topic
 In the process of globalization, English plays an important role in enhancing economy, politics, culture and international relations between many countries. Therefore, there is a great demand for teaching and learning English in the world as well as in Viet Nam. English users today focus more on the ability to communicate in spoken and written languages. However, the education quality has not met the society’s expectation because mostly high-school graduates cannot communicate in English effectively in both oral and written forms. Under the urgent demand of improving the quality, Vietnam’s English language teaching has recently undergone a comprehensive reform. Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training has continually updated a new set of textbook for high school students in order to develop students’ communicative competence. Moreover, in September 2014, Education Ministry decided to merge the two current exams into one national exam that is required the writing ability of students. However, regarding Vietnam’s context, the change will create many difficulties to not only teachers but also learners of English who are too familiar to the old teaching methods, especially in teaching writing skill, which seems to be the most difficult work in teaching and studying English nowadays. 
At Lam Son Gifted high school, writing skills is really a big challenge for non-English majors. For students, they used to learn in the way which writing has no place. Another problem is their level of English proficiency. That is why they find it too difficult to write English compositions. Moreover, lack of motivation also faces the students. They often get bored and indifferent in the writing lessons. 
As a teacher of English, who is aware of the fact and current challenges and wishes to contribute some suggestions for possible improvements in the teaching and learning of writing skill, I have been trying all the best ways and techniques to teach and improve writing skills for non-English majors in grade 12th. During my writing teaching period, I have always wanted to see my students’ excitement on the lesson every time they learn English. Thus, I think it 	is necessary to operate a lesson with some activities that take a little time but can bring much effect on stages of the lesson. In addition, in order to cope with the demand of the society and the requirement of the current national examination this school year, I want to introduce the brainstorming techniques and making outlines that I am applying in classroom teaching. Therefore, I decided to make this “Using some brainstorming techniques and outlining to improve writing skills for 12th form non - English majors at Lam Son Gifted high school”
II. Aims of the study
This assignment is aimed at:
- Investigating the situation of teaching and learning writing to the 12th form non- English majors at Lam Son Gifted high school.
- Giving the effectiveness and difficulties of applying some brainstorm techniques and outlining in teaching writing to the 12th form non- English majors at Lam Son Gifted high school.
- Providing some suggestions and implications for the improvement of writing teaching and learning by using some brainstorm techniques and outlining.
III. Participants and applying scope of the study. 
The brainstorming techniques and outlining methods of teaching writing skills were carried out at Lam Son Gifted high school with the participation of students whose majors are Physics, Biology, Information Technology and Literature in grade 12th. To those students, English was not their majors but a compulsory subject in the courses. All of them have learnt English for at least four years at secondary schools, especially some of them have learnt English for nine years. Most of them can do grammar very well but have difficulties in mastering four skills, especially writing skills which students find most challenging and boring. 
I mainly concentrate on effectiveness and difficulties of applying some brainstorm techniques and outlining in teaching writing to the 12th form non- English majors at Lam Son Gifted high school
The examples given in this assignment are based on the textbook of English 12.
IV. Method of study
 To conduct the study, many methods are used. However, the main ones are descriptive statistics, observation and analytical method.
I. Overview of writing
1.1. Definitions of writing
There are many definitions of writing. According to Byrne (1991), writing can be defined as the act of forming graphic symbols. When we write, we use graphic symbols: alphabet, grammar, and structures to make visual meaningful utterances. Other researchers considered writing as a communicative process with purposeful interaction between the participants. For example, NuNan (2003, p. 100) stated, “Writing is not a solitary act; rather, it is the result of the interaction among people, contexts, and texts.” 
Writing is characterized with some basic features, such as being linguistics, creative, progressive and interactive. Besides, the word “writing” itself may imply an act, a process, or a skill, which needs practice and study to develop. It requires both physical and mental powers from the writers.
In classroom, the teaching and learning of writing also plays an important role. Through writing, we are able to share ideas, arouse feelings, persuade and convince other people. We are able to discover and articulate ideas in the ways that only writing makes possible. Therefore, writing has always occupied a place in the language syllabus. The teaching of writing also aims at communication. However, beside used to communicate, writing helps our students learn. First writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary that we have been teaching our students. Second, when our students write, they also have a chance to be adventurous with the language, to go beyond what they have just learnt to say, to take risk. Third, when they write, they necessarily become very involved in the new language, the effort to express ideas and the constant use of eyes, hand and brain is a unique way to reinforce learning.
With all the roles mentioned above, writing really becomes an integral part in almost every language syllabus from elementary to tertiary level. 
1.2. Approaches to teaching writing skills in foreign language teaching	
There are various ways to teach writing but the two most common are the product approach and the process approach. Nunan (1991) introduced the two approaches in teaching writing and the differences between them clearly as follows:
The product approach
The process approach
- In favor of classroom activities in which the learners individually imitate copy and transform model of correct language, usually at sentence level.
- Organization of ideas is more important than ideas themselves
- Emphasize grammar exercises and correctness. 
- Focus on the end result of the writing process: the writing paper of the learners.
- Learners only produce one final draft.
- Favour of collaborative group work and conferencing to enhance motivation and positive attitude toward writing. Model texts are only for comparison.
- Ideas are important.
- The learners are encouraged to get their ideas on paper without worrying too much
about correctness.
- Focus on the various forms of classroom
activities which promote the development
of language use.
- The final draft is the result of a long and
painful process of writing successive drafts.
 Table 1: Approaches to teaching writing skills
While “The product approach to writing usually involves the presentation of a model text, which is analyzed and then forms the basis of a task that leads to the writing of an exactly similar or a parallel text” ( Evan and St John, 1998: 116), the process approach focuses on thinking and writing processes. Nevertheless, the product approach sees the language learners as creators of language, decision makers of the message and content. In the view of Hedge (1990), the process contains a lot of stages which can be illustrated as follows: "being motivated to write - getting ideas together - planning and outlining – making notes - making a first draft - revising. replanning. redrafting - editing and getting ready for publication." There are three essential steps: pre-writing, planning (outlining), writing, and revising drafts. Each step involves certain kinds of task that the writers have to fulfill in order to construct a good piece of work.
The most important is pre-writing that is any classroom activity that encourages the learners to get ready to write. It may include understanding the purpose of writing, discovering the topic, thinking about the audience, gathering information or inventing possible content. Once the possible content for writing has been explored, the writers will feel more confident to move forward to the next stage. This step is included choosing and narrowing the topic, gathering ideas and editing ideas. 
2. Applying of Brainstorming techniques in English teaching
2.1. Definition of Brainstorming
 “Brainstorming is the name given to a situation when a group of people meets to generate new ideas around a specific area of interest.” Raimes, A.(1983). Using rules that remove inhibitions, people are able to think more freely, move into new areas of thought, and so create numerous new ideas and solutions. The participants shout out ideas as they occur to them and then build on the ideas raised by others. All the ideas are noted down and are not criticized. Only when the brainstorming session is over are the ideas evaluated. Brainstorming is a process for developing creative solutions to problems.
2.2. Organization of brainstorming techniques for warm-up
“Brainstorming is a way of gathering ideas of a topic via making a list, free writing and mapping.”, McDowell, 1999. This is adapted these requirements: 
Rules: The teacher has to ensure that the students understand how a game or activity is played by giving clear instructions of the rules and remembers to check their understanding before starting.
Forms of playing: Students can play the games or brainstorming activities: in pairs (student A with student B); in small groups of four or five or more; in two groups ( the class is divided into two teams); in individually with class
 Depending on each game or brainstorming activity, teacher chooses the most suitable one flexibly.
Requirements: While playing the games students should use English as much as possible. In connection with the games is the topic of the new lesson student should recognize the link between them.	
Preparation: A teacher should prepare a little in advance: pictures, cards, word square, quiz, questions, clear instructions and so on.
Role of the teacher: Teacher plays the role of an instructor and counselor during the game or brainstorming activity.
Time limit: Each game or activity in pre- writing stage takes from 5 to 8 minutes. Before starting, time limit should be given to students and teacher should stop them whether they have finished or not. 
2. 3. Some suitable and useful activities for applying brainstorming techniques in pre- writing. 
There are many suitable activities that I have adapted in each writing lesson.
a. Building up sentences 
- Divide the students into groups. The size of group may vary depending on total number of the class.
- Give words making up meaningful sentences in a wrong order and explain the sentences to students.
- Ask the students to write out sentences correctly, read out the sentences and then write on the board. 
b. Writing consequences
This is a fun activity to create a group story. Each student needs a blank sheet of paper and a pen. If possible, sit in a circle to play. Each student adds one stage to the story then folds the paper to cover the information and passes the paper to the student on the right. 
- The teacher asks the students to get into groups of six or seven.
- The teacher reads aloud to provide the students with the following instruction:
- Write the name of a man. It can be a famous man or a man everyone in the class know. (Depending on the group, allow them to put the names of classmates).
- Write the name of a woman. It can be a famous woman or a woman everyone in the class knows. (Depending on the group, allow them to put the names of classmates)
- Write the name of the place where the two people meet.
- When they meet, he says something to her. What does he say? Students write what he says to her. She replies to the man. What does she say? What is the consequence of this encounter? What happens? What is the opinion of the whole story? What does the world say as a comment?
- After each command, the student writes down the information that he has been asked to provide, fold the paper over to hide what he has written to the person on his right. The next command is given and the procedure is repeated.
- When the work has finished, groups open them and, in writing, join the fragments of information together to make it more interesting and logical.
- The students read the story aloud.
c. Correct the facts
Preparation: Prepare handouts that contain one picture and sentences with wrong description of the picture.
- Divide the class into groups.
- Deliver handouts to each group. Then ask them to correct the sentences to match the picture.
- Go around and observe the performance of groups.
- When the groups have finished their work the teacher calls representatives of groups to write the answer on the board.
- The teacher and the students correct sentences together. The group that does better and more quickly will be the winner.
d. Exchange letters
The complaining customer: In this activity, students write complaining letters about goods they have bought after seeing an advertisement. The students represent the company who make the goods then have to reply to those letters. 
- Students are divided in to small groups. Each group is given an advertisement 
- The groups are told to imagine they have bought the item that is advertised but are not satisfied with it for some reasons.
- The letters are then given to different groups. The new group has to study the letter of complaint and decide what to do about it. When the decision has been reached they can write a reply to the original letter.
- The letters are then returned to the original group who read them and discuss what they have been sent. 
e. Writing games
 As for games, they are enjoyable and lively at all levels. This means that students should not be too much inhibited by the fear of making mistakes.
Students write the description of people or places and the rest of the class have to guess who the people are what the places are.
- The teacher divides the class into 2 groups.
- The students are all instructed to write a description of famous person or a member of the class, without mentioning that person’s name.
- A member of one of the group reads his description. If someone from the opposing team can identify the person, the group scores a point from the group reading the description if the information about the person in wrong or the English is totally unpredictable. 
f. Role playwriting
 Writing can be much more motivating if the teacher gives students a chance to play a role. In this activity, the students will have the chance to write to an imaginary romantic partner.
- Prepare the role cards for the students.
- Read the situation from the role-play.
- Divide the class into groups and then give out role cards to each group for them to read. Explain to them that the different groups do not talk to each other.
- Give the students time to write the letter but be sure to give them a firm time limit. Remind them that they must finish the letter with the last line provided.
- When they have finished the letter the teacher can either ask them to read the letter aloud. The important thing is that they must the letter in the correct order to tell the story.
3. Applying of outlining a paragraph writing in English teaching
Knowing how to write an essay outline is an invaluable skill. Especially writers who are experienced and used to writing off the cuff can write good essays without outlines. However, using outline makes the process easier, smoother and better organized. It provides the skeleton, on which students can build writing, low the ideas and thoughts logically, and go on towards a strong conclusion. Without these steps, students may run the risk of going off in different directions, the ideas disorganized and the thoughts all jumbled. 
 Steps of making an outline.
a. Read the assignment guidelines carefully.
 Highlight or underline important words and phrases in the instructions. Make sure that students fully understand what the instructor is asking you to do. 
b. Develop a topic.  
There are many useful prewriting strategies that can help to generate ideas for the paper. List all the ideas that come to mind (good or bad) and then look over the list the students have made and group similar ideas together. Expand those lists by adding onto the list or by using another prewriting activity. 
Questioning. On a piece of paper, write out “Who? 

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