Effective teaching method of period “language focus” for students of Grade 9

The more growing the society is, the more increasing the international relation expanding demand is and that learning languages is an essential element. Thus Vietnamese education has put English (Eng) into secondary schools as key subject discouraged from kindergarten, primary school to compulsory in the secondary and graduate educational level. Thus, creating a vivid & exciting learning environment plays an important role in teaching and learning in secondary schools. This environment is a facility as well as the aim of the teaching process in general. Because English is not loved by all of learners and it is not able to be self-studied well by all of learners. Our current educational goals is to educate and provide students with the comprehensively growth, full knowledge of natural sciences and the social sciences in which foreign language is indispensable subject, and the goal of language learning is to communicate, so students need to meet the skills to perform the communication process well. In which the grammar skills cannot be underestimated in the communication process.
Thus, how can an English teacher bring students the interesting, refreshing lessons to stimulate students to be interested in learning.? Each lesson not only inculcates knowledge but also helps students (st) be impressive and remember active images forever, from which students will easily remember the lesson whenever being evoked? .
THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING OFFICE INITIATIVES EFFECTIVE TEACHING METHOD OF PERIOD “LANGUAGE FOCUS” FOR STUDENTS OF GRADE 9 Written by: Trịnh Thị Thu Position: Teacher Working Unit: Tran Mai Ninh Secondary School Subject: English THANH HÓA 2016 I- INTRODUCTION: INDEX No. Content Page 1 INTRODUCTION Retionale Research purposes 3. The object and subject of the study 3.1. The object of the study 3.2. Subject of the study 4. Research methods 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 II. CONTENT 1. Theoretical background 2. Problem reality 3 3 3 3 III. SOLUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION 1. Implementation solutions of grammar periods 2. Implementation steps 2.1 Presentation of structural form and meaning (presentation) 2.2 How to perform grammar practicing skills: (practice) 2.3. Procedures of consolidation and test after practice * ILLUSTRATIVE LESSON PLAN 2.4. Research results 4 4 5 5 8 10 13 16 4 IV. Conclusions and suggestions 1. Conclusion 2. Suggestions 17 17 18 5 References 18 I.INTRODUCTION I. Rationale The more growing the society is, the more increasing the international relation expanding demand is and that learning languages is an essential element. Thus Vietnamese education has put English (Eng) into secondary schools as key subject discouraged from kindergarten, primary school to compulsory in the secondary and graduate educational level. Thus, creating a vivid & exciting learning environment plays an important role in teaching and learning in secondary schools. This environment is a facility as well as the aim of the teaching process in general. Because English is not loved by all of learners and it is not able to be self-studied well by all of learners. Our current educational goals is to educate and provide students with the comprehensively growth, full knowledge of natural sciences and the social sciences in which foreign language is indispensable subject, and the goal of language learning is to communicate, so students need to meet the skills to perform the communication process well. In which the grammar skills cannot be underestimated in the communication process. Thus, how can an English teacher bring students the interesting, refreshing lessons to stimulate students to be interested in learning...? Each lesson not only inculcates knowledge but also helps students (st) be impressive and remember active images forever, from which students will easily remember the lesson whenever being evoked? ... 2. Research purposes For years of innovative method application in teaching English in secondary schools with the book changing program, many teachers have had experienced initiatives for the teaching English and for each particular skill. However, in the process of applying and teaching according to the new method, the book changing program, I met and so much distress, I am always thinking and looking for direction to solve problems that I find it is very necessary and actual for students of grade 9: "Understanding English grammar" in order to improve the quality of tests as well as improve the quality of teaching English. 3. The object and subject of the study With such problems, from 2014 - 2015 school year, I have researched to find solutions and applied . The research object is grade 9 students whom I'm directly teaching. 3.1. The object of the study: Students of class 9C and 9D at Tran Mai Ninh secondary school, Thanh Hoa city. 3.2. Subject of the study: “Effective teaching method of period “Language focus” for student of grade 9. 4. Research methods a. Using mindmap b. Translation c. Comparing grammar structures d. Giving examples of standized sentences e. Matching games f. Method of observation. g. Exchange method, discussion. II. CONTENT 1. Theoretical background - At present, teaching grammar in communicative method is no longer following the analysis of part of speech, analysis of sentences under the old method. Most of the time for grammar exercises incorporates practicing of listening-speaking-reading-writing skills through many different forms and lessons are reinforced by games, and mindmap. Teaching English grammar through these exercises in conjunction with the teaching of language skills, comprehension skill, and skill of use, - For teaching grammar effectively, teachers need the flexibility to choose methods and techniques of teaching to achieve requirements of the lesson, students will learn to apply separate grammar exercises award or integrating grammar exercises. In addition, teachers also need to explain to the students about the importance of learning grammar. Thence, they can use language in a meaningful way and describe the right thing that they want to communicate. Most importantly, students understand the form and meaning of the grammar structures that they are learning to use through the form of listening-speaking-reading-writing. And they can demonstrate knowledge of language that they have learned through the tests and can achieve good results. 2. Problem reality - Now there are a lot of books, references, as well as professional syllabus, standard material of knowledge for each grade for English teacher to refer and they are also active supporting materials in the new teaching method of English. Besides, teachers also participate in professional improving classes held by education institutions, or professional activities, special topics held by the education institutions, in order to help foreign language teachers access and use the most effective new method. However, we hardly apply the same for objects of students in the francophone market all schools while it requires every teacher in every school to select, use the method appropriate to levels of students, objects of students and the facilities of each school. - Students of classes 8, 9 learning English, they learn each skill in each period and grammar is introduced through lessons of Listen & Read, then more practicing in Language Focus period. Moreover, a number of lessons in English 9 have a lot of structures, grammar structures so that while they have only one period to perform, teachers often have burden to teach grammar knowledge and always worry that students cannot apply well to be grammar structures and grammar structures in the form of exercises from which makes the lessons stress and students do not have time to practice the skills required through the exercises in the Textbooks. * The survey: (Carrying out on September 2015) Grade Number of students Rate of students interested in English Very good score Good score Average score Under-average score 9 89 Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % 73 82.0 17 19.1 28 31.5 38 42.7 6 6.7 - Therefore, the classification and selection of activities, teaching techniques to appropriate apply in each exercise is determining the success and the effectiveness of teaching period. Besides, the plan design to consolidate lessons after the teaching of grammar is essential to test the level of understanding lesson and students' application with specific exercises. In other that students apply to homework, test at good results. Derived from practice and reasons which in the course of teaching I have referred professional books as well as exchange and consult with colleagues at Tran Mai Ninh Secondary school and partners' schools to figure out some tricks to help grade 9 students to practice grammar skills well to apply in doing exercises and tests. From the above situation, in order that teaching English in secondary school is more efficiently, I bravely improve method content for my topic that is: "Teaching method of English grammar for grade 9 students effectively" III. SOLUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION 1. Implementation solutions of grammar periods: - Most of grammar structure of English 9, students are learning or are introduced through in the lower classes that may be 6, 7, and mostly in class 8, class 9, you are going on and expansion, there are also not a few completely new structures and though students have been introduced through the structures and grammar structures in Listen and Read periods. In Language Focus period, we also need to teach according to the process of grammar period "P-P-P" that we've been trained and I have done in 3 stages: * Introduce the form and meaning of the structure (presentation) * Practice * Reinforce with exercises and activities or next game after practice (production) - Each stage has specific requirements and particularities of its own exercise type. Thus when researching to make teaching plan, teachers should study carefully the form of exercises, properly identify to choose technology that is suitable in terms of teaching, student object and actual circumstances for effective teaching period. 2. Implementation steps: 2.1. Presentation of structural form and meaning: (presentation) Before going on practice step, teachers introduce of specific form and meaning of sentence structure on the table, though there are some sentence structures which have been introduced in Listen & Read period but we need to reintroduce more specific, clearer, and to not be boring and monotonous when introduced (because of grammar is boring, rigid), teachers should use a lot of different tricks to fit with each type of sentence like: + Using situation + Using eyesight (real objects, real persons, pictures) + Comparing grammar structures + Translation + Giving examples of standardized sentences + Using mind map Specific references: * Using situation: - The teacher gives situations for students to recognize when to use such sentence pattern, promote creativity and reasoning ability of students. - When introducing, the teacher can use pictures or drawings to state circumstances. For example: To teach the structure "the past simple with wish" in Lesson 1, I draw up a simple drawing on the board (a short man) or a picture of a short girl: I wish I were taller -The teacher starts outlining situations: T: Look at him (or her). What does he (she) look like? S: He (she) is short. He (she) isn't tall T: Is he (she) happy with it? S: No T: What does he (she) have in his (her) mind? S: He (she) minds "I wish I were taller" T: What tense was used in the clause after WISH? S: past tense - Next, the teacher introduces the structure and purpose of using WISH * Use of eyesight: -The teacher uses objects, drawings or pictures or he/she may be associated with facial expressions, gestures to help impress on images for students to contact directly with the sentence meaning. For example: Unit 1: section Language Focus 1/Page 89-90 (review modals: may/might) -The teacher can use a real object, a gift box to review modals: may/might. T: This is a present. Do you know what it is? S: No T: However, you can guess. What may it be? S1: It may be a pen S2: It may be a doll/a box of cookies (etc) - The teacher can let a few more students guess the use of may/might. The teacher writes one of the sentences guessed by students on the board "It may be a pen It might be a doll" and then help students review the two verbs with the structure and how to use them: Form: may/might + V (Bare-infinitive) Use: -may/might is used to talk about the present or future possibility - Might is normal a little, less sure than May * Comparing grammar structures -The comparison of new grammar structure to the structured learned by students helps students consolidate the various sentence modals on the basis of what was said, so students are not confused the use of different sentences. For example: Unit 7: Section Language Focus 3/Page64 T: Who can remind what Mrs. Mi suggests Mrs. Ha doing to save water? (in section Listen and Read) S: I suggest taking showers T: Now, listen to me, I give you other suggestion to save water "I suggest that you should take showers" Tell me the difference between these two sentences "I suggest taking showers" and "I suggest that you should take showers" S: Sentence 1: "........ suggest + V-ing Sentence 2: "........ suggest + that - clause" T: That's right -Then, the teacher summarizes the idea and helps students grasp the using purpose of "suggest" sentence structure before starting the practice step. * Translation -The teacher uses this way to express the meaning of the same sentence pattern in 2 different languages, help students distinguish differences between expressions the meaning of sentences in their native language and English, avoid the negative transfer of native language. -Some of the sentence structures can be translated by teacher from Vietnamese to English and vice versa. Example 1: Unit 6: Section Language Focus 2/Page64 - Students are taught "Adverb clause of reason" used to "as/because/since" from this structure and in lesson 3-section Language Focus 4/page 31, students are taught "Adverb clause of result" with "so". Thus, 2 structures are connected by "Because-so" - According to native language: “Bởi vì tối qua Ba thức khuya xem TV nên bây giờ cậu ấy mệt”. But when it is expressed in English: “Because Ba stayed up late watching TV, he is tired now” -Then the teacher summarizes the idea and instructs students how to use conjunctions in English. Example 2: Unit 8: Section Language Focus 3,4/Page 71-72 -In this section, students are taught grammar structure "Adverb clause of concession" used to "although/though/even though"-with native language means “mặc dầu – nhưng mà”. -After introduction, the teacher asks students to translate: T: Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet. Thu Ha has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes. + Combine two sentences into one by using a connective-EVEN THOUGH S1: Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet, even though Thu Ha has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes. S2: Even though Thu Ha has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes, she is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet. T: Vietnamese? S1: Thu Hà không hài lòng với việc chuẩn bị tết của mình mặc dầu cô ấy đã trang hoàng nhà cửa và làm rất nhiều bánh. S2: Mặc dù Thu Hà đã trang hoàng nhà cửa và làm rất nhiều bánh, nhưng cô ấy không hài lòng với việc chuẩn bị tết của mình. - By the expression of second student (S2, students shall misuse "Mặc dù – nhưng mà" = > "Even though-but". - Next, the teacher analyzes and summarizes grammar form for students to grasp and practice * Using Mindmap: (See lesson plan illustrated in page 13) When introducing new vocabulary terms or any topic that we can use more efficient and convenient mindmap. However, we can also apply in the introduction of grammar. For example: Unit 2: section L. F/4.5 P21 -In this section, we can use mindmap to reintroduce forms of passive sentences that students have been taught in English 8. * Giving examples of standardized sentences -The teacher gives examples in order to offer students the standardized sentence structures, from which students can combine, replace each component of sentence to create many different ones. For example: Unit 5: Section Language Focus 4/Page 46 - The teacher asks students to listen T: Listen to me about my hobbies: "I love listening to music and I enjoy playing sports, too," who can remind my hobbies S: I love listening to music and I enjoy playing sports, too The teacher writes that example on the board and explains the grammar structure of the sentence: "....... love/enjoy ... + V-ing" to talk about someone's hobbies. - Students follow that sentence form to talk about themselves, their friends and relatives, and then apply to practice. 2.2. How to perform grammar practicing skills: (practice) - Providing grammar structures for students to grasp in the introduction language materials is necessary and obligatory step in teaching grammar and indispensable next step which is to help them apply their sentence patterns learned in specific exercises. (Practice) - The exercises of sentence pattern practice are compiled in text book - Language focus section in various forms to help students practice their skills via language knowledge. However, these exercises are tools that teachers must know how to instruct students to use them to improve the subject learning goals. -To perform this step, I use several techniques in the process of instructing students to practice. + Substitution drill: (substitution drill): (See lesson plan illustrated schedule of page15) - This exercise form, students practice listening-speaking according to the models on the learned structures. The teacher facilitates students rehearse about space, time and the instruments of teaching such as pictures, posters, etc. ... and arrange to practice in pairs, groups, ...this exercise form is usually done in the form of a dialogue between 2 or 3 characters, consequently the teacher needs to guide samples a clear and particular way for students to practice easier and more deeply remember studied knowledge of language. For example: Unit 2: Section Language Focus 1/Page 19-20 -The teacher uses posters to write the sample dialogue between Nga and Mi and substitution information, and then the teacher notes by underlining what information is needed and can be substituted for a number of under-average students to easily practice with their partners. T: Look at the dialogue between Nga and Mi Nga: Come and see my photo album Mi: Lovely! who's this girl? Nga: Ah! It's Lan, my old friend Mi: How long have you known her? Nga: I've known her for six years. Mi: Have you seen her recently? Nga: No, I haven't seen her since 2003 She moved to Ho Chi Minh city with her family then -When students are introduced and provided enough information of supporting exercises to practice as stated, students are easy and confident to work in pairs. -When students are practicing, the teacher gently, quietly walks around the class to listen to their practice, if any pair of students meet difficulty, the teacher will help and correct errors for students at site timely. + Repetition drill: (Repetition drill) - This exercise form, the practice way is in machinery way because there are some sentence structures, students do not need to understand but they can do. So the teacher should pay attention to the differences in the nature of the exercises to promote the advantages of this exercise is that the student will be acquainted with the accent and intonation system of English through which the sentence meaning is expressed, and the students get acquainted with the English sound system through listening - speaking. -When students practice the form of exercises, the teacher should pay attention to each student object not to cause boredom for some good students; we can ask the students who are good at accent, intonation to show the expression higher than the others. 2.3. Procedures of consolidation and test after practice: Most of grammar knowledge of English 9 is to review, re-systemize and consolidate the knowledge learned in grades 6, 7, 8. Thus, most of the exercises in sections LANGUAGE FOCUS aims to consolidate, test the studied knowledge of grammar. To help students acquire content of knowledge and drill, in addition to instruct them to do homework, I think we should give students feeling of euphoria and excitement to actively take part in lessons as well as acquire knowledge. The best way is that teachers should apply the appropriate tricks, at the same time as the games will have a positive effect in stimulating students to learn. With the usual tricks can be applied for the purpose of this lesson: Dialogue build, Dictation, Gap fill, Matching, Network, Finding friends, Find someone who, Ordering words, Write-it-up, Language games, Mindmap. We are intere
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