SKKN Some methods of teaching english idioms for non - English major students at lam son gifted high school

SKKN Some methods of teaching english idioms for non - English major students at lam son gifted high school

 Teaching and learning English in Vietnam as a foreign language has been encountering controversial social reactions when students are said not to be able to competently communicate in English after their six or seven years of studying English. It is claimed that students even cannot purposively speak one or two correct sentences in English for their communicative intention. Some students with good English grammar and vocabulary think that they can communicate in English. However, they still fail to communicate when they discover that the language English speakers actually talk to them is different from what they have been taught.

 On the one hand, this may come from the teaching methodology. In the past foreign language teachers just focused on grammar and writing. Speaking and listening received inadequate attention; therefore, students did not have chance to speak and to express their ideas in English. Later, in the 2000s English started to be taught in light of the skill-based teaching approach. Students have, consequently, learnt four skills separately, that is, speaking, listening, reading and writing. In spite of the advantages of this approach, the biggest drawback is the undervaluation of word power such as fixed phrases, formulaic expressions because of the heavy emphasis on skills.

 On the other hand, this crucial problem may come from the lack of idiomatic phrases in teaching and learning English whereas idiomatic expressions are of great popularity in English in use. Copper (1998) indicates that an English native speaker uses about 20 million idioms in his or her lifetime of 60 years. These impressive statistics illustrate the undeniable significant role of idiomatic phrases in daily language use.


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Người thực hiện: Bùi Thị Bạch Tuyết
Chức vụ: Giáo viên
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THPT chuyên Lam Sơn
SKKN môn: Tiếng Anh
Aims of the study
Scope of the study
Methods of the study
Literature Review 
Definition of Idioms 
Types of idioms 
Methods of Teaching Idioms
The current situation of teaching and learning English at Lam Son Gifted High School
Some tips and techniques of teaching idioms for high school students
Four tips before teaching idioms 
Effective Activities for Teaching English Idioms
Teaching idioms with pictures
Provide idioms in context
Combination of pictures and dialogues
Dividing Idioms into Categories	
Teaching idioms with worksheets
Using stories
Using board game – Balderdash
Other Games
Reached results
3.1. Conclusion 
3.2. Recommendations
Aims of the study
Scope of the study
Methods of the study
Literature Review 
Definition of Idioms 
Types of idioms 
Methods of Teaching Idioms
The current situation of teaching and learning English at Lam Son Gifted High School
Some tips and techniques of teaching idioms for high school students
Four tips before teaching idioms 
Effective Activities for Teaching English Idioms
Teaching idioms with pictures
Provide idioms in context
Combination of pictures and dialogues
Dividing Idioms into Categories	
Teaching idioms with worksheets
Using stories
Using board game – Balderdash
Other Games
Reached results
3.1. Conclusion 
3.2. Recommendations
	1.1. Rationale of the study
	Teaching and learning English in Vietnam as a foreign language has been encountering controversial social reactions when students are said not to be able to competently communicate in English after their six or seven years of studying English. It is claimed that students even cannot purposively speak one or two correct sentences in English for their communicative intention. Some students with good English grammar and vocabulary think that they can communicate in English. However, they still fail to communicate when they discover that the language English speakers actually talk to them is different from what they have been taught.
	On the one hand, this may come from the teaching methodology. In the past foreign language teachers just focused on grammar and writing. Speaking and listening received inadequate attention; therefore, students did not have chance to speak and to express their ideas in English. Later, in the 2000s English started to be taught in light of the skill-based teaching approach. Students have, consequently, learnt four skills separately, that is, speaking, listening, reading and writing. In spite of the advantages of this approach, the biggest drawback is the undervaluation of word power such as fixed phrases, formulaic expressions because of the heavy emphasis on skills.
	On the other hand, this crucial problem may come from the lack of idiomatic phrases in teaching and learning English whereas idiomatic expressions are of great popularity in English in use. Copper (1998) indicates that an English native speaker uses about 20 million idioms in his or her lifetime of 60 years. These impressive statistics illustrate the undeniable significant role of idiomatic phrases in daily language use.
	However, students and teachers tend to traditionally avoid idiomatic expressions in English. This prevents students from the exposure to multi-word units in English. Thus, students cannot profoundly understand the communicative meanings of multi-word units in the right context. Researchers in language acquisition such as Wray (2000), Joyce & Burns (1998) emphasize that mastery of idiomatic language is one significant indicator of successful language acquisition. In fact, idiomatic competence is one of the criteria for IELTS speaking assessment. In the IELTS speaking band descriptors, uses of idiomatic vocabulary and collocation are mentioned as indicators for the use of lexical resource in bands 7, 8 and 9.
	At Lam Son Gifted High School, English is a compulsory subject in the curriculum and it is considered as a major subject for the high school examination. It is taught with the purpose that students have some basic knowledge of English in order to communicate and to use it as a key to science and technology. Moreover, most teachers expect their students to speak English fluently and naturally like native speakers and their aim is to help them pass the national examination with flying colors.Those are the reasons that inspire me with the desire to write: ‘‘Some methods of teaching English idioms for Non-English major students at Lam Son Gifted High School, Thanh Hoa.’’
	1.2. Aims of the study:
This study is aimed to: 
	- Provide teachers some helpful tips and techniques of teaching English idioms in their classes. 
 - Help students easily remember English idioms.
	 1.3. Scope of the study. 
	The study concentrates on strategies and methods teachers use in idiom teaching. The subjects of the study are students whose majors are Math, Chemistry and Physics in grade 12 ( 12T, 12F, 12H) at Lam Son Gifted high school, Thanh Hoa.
	1.4. Methods of the study:
	This study uses an action research as methodology. Action research provides teachers with an opportunity to apply the findings of research to their own situations and to adapt theory to practice. It also involves teachers as participants in their own educational process, and helps them to develop a critical and reflective eye for their own instructional practices along with those of their peers.
	2.1. Literature review
	2.1.1. Definition of Idioms:	
Idioms belong to the category of nonliteral or figurative language that also includes metaphors, similes and proverbs.There are many definitions available for idioms. In this study, an idiom, or idiomatic expression, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a group of words whose meaning cannot be deduced from the individual words that form it. In other words, idioms are considered as fixed chunks with arbitrary meanings. For example, the idiom kick the bucket cannot be interpreted by simply connecting the meanings of each single word; learners who want to obtain the meaning of the idiom have to memorize its corresponding figurative interpretation, which is to die. Meanings of idioms are arbitrary and thus unpredictable. Even native speakers consider learning and understanding idiomatic expressions difficult (Gibbs 1994), let alone language learners whose comprehension of idioms is blocked by their limited language proficiency and cultural immersion. Idioms, therefore, have been considered an obstacle for learners. However, idiomatic expressions are used so widely and commonly in spoken and written English that learners have to prepare themselves to meet the challenge of learning and understanding them (Cooper 1999). Without a doubt, this presents language learners with a special vocabulary-learning problem. Thus, teaching idioms to learners is a necessary element in the field of EFL teaching.
	2.1.2. Types of idioms:
Idioms can be broken down into several categories (Badger, n.d.):
- Simile idioms
These idiomatic expressions compare one object or action to another using the words "like" or "as." For example, the expression "like two peas in a pod" describes how two things are similar or close in nature, by comparing them to peas which grow together in a pod. "Light as a feather" and "busy as a bee" are two other examples of simile-based idiomatic expressions.
- Phrasal verbs idioms
These idiomatic expressions function as verbs. They usually contain one or more individual verbs and prepositions that, when used together in a sentence, act as a single verb. For example, the phrasal verb "to get away with" is used to mean "avoid punishment" as in the sentence, "She will get away with stealing that car."
- Metaphorical idioms
The metaphorical idiom is a phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is inferred to another, making an implicit comparison (Tang, 2007).It compares two situations, objects or actions. However, idioms based on metaphors do not use the words "like" or "as" to connect the two ideas. For example, a "carrot and stick method," is used to mean a method of coercion. It compares the situation at hand to the practice of luring stubborn horse or mule by dangling a carrot in front of him and prodding with a stick behind.
- Aphorisms
Aphorisms are idiomatic expressions intended to convey wisdom or morals. They are also colloquially called "sayings," widely read books, famous speeches or other texts. They contain profound philosophical truths in short, easy-to-remember sentences.
- Cultural and Historical Idioms
These idiomatic expressions deal with landmark events and important historical figures. They are therefore particular to certain cultures. For example, in the United States, "John Hancock" means to provide a signature. This expression references one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock, whose signature is one of the largest and most distinct on the document. Another example is "Honest Abe." This idiom alludes to the fabled honesty of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States.
	2.1.3. Methods of Teaching Idioms:
	Since native speakers use numerous idioms during the course of every day and since it is important to teach idioms to learners, teaching idioms received much more attention recently and it becomes a topic in teaching ESL and EFL after it was a neglected topic. It is important to have a clear view on how to implement a methodology to teach idioms. However, the argument between the traditional method and the conceptual metaphors instruction on how to teach idioms is not over.
	Teachers have a variety of methods to apply in their classes in order to teach idioms. These teaching methods can be organized under two broad methods. The traditional method encourages teaching idioms explicitly in context. Or the conceptual metaphor method that teaches English idioms after obtaining some knowledge of the terms. The traditional method teaches idioms in context, Liontas (2003) stated that the context can effectively facilitate understanding as well as learning and teaching of idioms and idiomatic expressions. Liontas’s study concluded that “the absence of context” creates obstacles “on learning and comprehending idioms” (p. 288). 
	- Teaching English Idioms in Contexts
	The role of context is central in language learning. It’s common that EFL students don’t really understand the various meanings of new words in different contexts. That’s why EFL students don’t know how to apply the words they have learned practically in various contexts. It’s fundamental for teachers to provide a rich context for students’ language learning and practice. For instance, linguistic contextual information enhances adolescents’ interpretation of idioms (Nippold & Martin, 1989). The contextual cues surrounding a particular word can help readers get that’s meaning. In contrast, context-reduced language will be hard for readers to tolerate (Brown, 2001). Consequently, it’s more effective for EFL students to learn language in meaningful contexts than learn isolated words through memorization and drilling.
	- Teaching English Idioms with Rich Illustrations
	Although there is lingering debate regarding the effect of visuals on reading comprehension, some researchers claim that reading materials accompanied by visuals will be more comprehensible. For example, Scarcella and Oxford (1992) stressed that teachers need to illustrate key vocabulary effectively by showing pictures and diagrams so as to improve the ESL students’ reading comprehension (p. 107). Mayer (1999) found that words and pictures presented together helped students recall better than alone. It is efficient to provide interesting pictures to foster and reinforce vocabulary development. Consequently, visuals must be stimulating, interesting and motivating to students’ comprehension and retention of reading.
	- Teaching English Idioms with Group Discussion
	Students’ discussing what they read is a helpful strategy to increase their comprehension. Group talk can provide learners with rich opportunities to acquire social and linguistic knowledge necessary for understanding new texts they encounter (Freeman & Freeman, 1994). Klingner & Vaughn (2000) stressed that ESL students engaging in collaborative talk during content reading, they assisted one another in understanding the meaning of challenging words, getting the main ideas, and answering questions about what they read. As a result, group discussion appears to be an effective technique to enhance students’ reading comprehension.
	- Teaching English Idioms with Readers Theater
	Readers Theater has been viewed as an interesting and motivating strategy that can provide readers with a legitimate reason to reread text and further improve their word recognition, reading fluency and reading comprehension. Researchers claim that Readers Theater offers a way to improve fluency and enhance comprehension (Bafile, 2003) as well as to create interest in and enthusiasm for learning (Ruddell, 1999). Even slow learners can benefit from Readers Theater because there is no memorization required and there is no risk for them at all. Apparently, Readers Theater provides enough opportunity for practice--repeated reading in language learning. This activity also enhances interaction opportunities with peers and makes the reading task more appealing than learning alone.
	- Teaching English Idioms with Retelling and Rewriting    
	Retelling has been a good strategy to know how much students have learned and to increase their comprehension. Retelling activities can facilitate students’ reading retrieval because the activities can encourage students to try to recall. Their recalling help teachers understand how much information their students have obtained. Older students can benefit from retelling stories because it allows students to learn to organize and describe events, which enhances reading comprehension (Brandi-Muller, 2005). In Brandi-Muller’s classroom, she found that her ELL students not only became more enthusiastic and willing to take a chance and read aloud but also remembered the vocabulary better with this method (Brandi-Muller, 2005). As a result, retelling activities can reinforce integration of recentlyl earned reading.
	- Teaching English Idioms with Dialogue Writing and Role-Play
	Dialogues can provide situations for students to practice ordinary conversation and offer students ample practice with basic speaking skills in context. Firstly, dialogues can be viewed as short plays and used for students to act out rather than simply read aloud. Moreover, the dialogues the students write function as basic communication at all levels (Scott & Ytreberg, 2000). In addition, putting pupils into pairs for the role-play in the daily dialogues is an effective way of oral practice for various ages and levels (Scott & Ytreberg, 2000). Nunan (2003) stressed that role-plays are also excellent activities for learners’ speaking in the relatively safe environment of the classroom before they must do so in a real environment. Therefore, dialogues offer students opportunities to act out and practice oral skill before encountering the real world.
	2.2. The current situation of teaching and learning English at Lam Son Gifted High School.
	At Lam Son Gifted High School, English is one of the compulsory subjects in the curriculum and students have to pass the national examination by the end of grade 12 to be qualified for the secondary school diploma.
	“Tieng Anh 12” textbook consists of sixteen units for two terms. Each unit focuses on four different language skills: reading, speaking, listening, writing and grammar but not much on English idioms, which are included in the national English Test and the IELTS assessment. It is very important to integrate students in the four skills. Moreover, they should combine idiom knowledge in the four skills in order to get the best result.
	Traditional methods of teaching idioms focus on rote learning and memorization. They are time- and effort-consuming as learners picked up idioms discretely without associations between forms and meanings. There has been the need of a flexible and dynamic approach towards the teaching of English idioms. Therefore, teachers should design various activities for students to use with English idioms so that they can collaborate with peers and utilize idioms in different contexts.
	2.3. Some tips and techniques of teaching idioms for high school students: 
	2.3.1. Four tips before teaching idioms: 
	* Amount: Not too many at once
	Planning an idiom filled lesson may not be the best approach to introducing this topic. Idioms are complex and difficult not only to understand but also to explain so consider introducing only a small number, maybe three or five, at a time.
You can do this by including them in your usual lessons. This approach will give you enough time to cover them thoroughly and allow students sufficient practice time without overwhelming them.
	* Themes: Related to your topics
	You can include idioms in your normal lessons by introducing them thematically. If they are related to the topic you are studying, students will have an easier time remembering them and will be familiar with the vocabulary you are using. When talking about pets, for instance, you can introduce idioms such as ‘work like a dog’ and ‘dog tired’ which are related to the topic and will give students something to discuss. What makes idioms so interesting is that they are a unique combination of words that have completely different meanings from the individual words themselves.
	* Level: Intermediate+
	Many teachers do not introduce idioms to students who are not at the advanced level. In some ways this seems like a good approach because idioms are complex and have different meanings than their words alone suggest. However, Idioms do not have to be just for advanced students, you can introduce them earlier as long as you choose ones that are appropriate for your students. Obviously, beginners may not have the vocabulary and comprehension skills to learn certain idioms, however, intermediate students could definitely benefit from learning about this aspect of the English language. Using the two examples above, you can even discuss how these phrases may have been created.
	* Comprehension: Make sure they understand the individual words first
	Students have to know or understand the individual words of an idioms before understanding the idioms itself. Avoid introducing idioms which use new vocabulary and be able to simplify the meaning of idioms. You could say, for instance, that ‘work like a dog’ means to work very hard. Students will have to know all the words you use in your explanation as well so use the simplest language you can. Even with advanced learners, simplifying i

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