Renewing methods in teaching speaking skill in English 10,11,12 at tho xuan iv high school

Renewing methods in teaching speaking skill in English 10,11,12 at tho xuan iv high school

In recent years the Ministry of Education and Training gave us 7 year- textbooks on English subjects performed synchronously at secondary schools all over the country, to meet the needs of today's new realities. Each unit of study was compiled under five basic parts: Part A: Reading; Part B: Speaking; Part C: Listening; Part D: Writing; Section E: Language focus.

Through the teaching process, we may find out that in the practice sessions of design skills training activities are relatively reasonable, clearly help both teachers and students can easily grasp its mission through each specific task in the textbook.

However, over the years of teaching, I found that teaching speaking part at high school has encountered many difficulties and obstacles. Students participating in this class is not natural, and passive. This makes lessons become tedious, no depth. Usually these classes are taught in a perfunctory, students do not communicate effectively. Thus, the practice of language in communication in a large part of students is not much.

2016-2017 school year, I myself have tried to learn, to explore ways to more effectively to teach speaking skill. How to create training activities share knowledge speaking skills classes become simple, practical, easy to remember high communicative is what I always concern and think. Therefore, initiatives in this study I want to share with colleagues:

 "Renewing methods in teaching speaking skill in English 10,11,12 at Tho Xuan IV high school".


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 Người thực hiện: Nguyễn Trọng Thắng
Chức vụ: Giáo viên 
 Đơn vị công tác: Trường THPT4 Thọ Xuân 
 SKKN thuộc môn: Tiếng Anh
Reasons for choosing the study..
Aims of the stduy..
Subjects of the study.
Methods of the study
2. Contents of the study.
2.1. Theoretical background
2.2. Current status of the problem before applying the study
2.2.1. Prepare.
2.2.2. Reorganize the class.
2.3. Some measures of organization
2.3.1. Preparing and arranging the speaking topics.
2.3.2. Forms and ways of organization
2.3.3. Prepare a source of knowledge for students to make speaking and reflecting on situations
2.3.4. How to stimulate students to practise speaking skills from the beginning of class until the end of class..
2.3.5. Specific methods for teaching speaking parts.
2.4. Effectiveness of the study for educational activities, with myself, the colleagues and the school
3. Conclusions and recommendations
3.1. Conclusions
3.2. Recommendations.
Reference books
Reasons for choosing the study:
In recent years the Ministry of Education and Training gave us 7 year- textbooks on English subjects performed synchronously at secondary schools all over the country, to meet the needs of today's new realities. Each unit of study was compiled under five basic parts: Part A: Reading; Part B: Speaking; Part C: Listening; Part D: Writing; Section E: Language focus.
Through the teaching process, we may find out that in the practice sessions of design skills training activities are relatively reasonable, clearly help both teachers and students can easily grasp its mission through each specific task in the textbook.
However, over the years of teaching, I found that teaching speaking part at high school has encountered many difficulties and obstacles. Students participating in this class is not natural, and passive. This makes lessons become tedious, no depth. Usually these classes are taught in a perfunctory, students do not communicate effectively. Thus, the practice of language in communication in a large part of students is not much.
2016-2017 school year, I myself have tried to learn, to explore ways to more effectively to teach speaking skill. How to create training activities share knowledge speaking skills classes become simple, practical, easy to remember high communicative is what I always concern and think. Therefore, initiatives in this study I want to share with colleagues:
 "Renewing methods in teaching speaking skill in English 10,11,12 at Tho Xuan IV high school".
Aims of the study
This topic was conducted to help students improve speaking ability and confidence to help them communicate, as well as help them to have more interest in the English subject.
 	Subjects of the study
This study will investigate the student's interest in learning English. Then set out a number of activities to renew methods in teaching speaking skill in English 10,11,12 at Tho Xuan IV high school 
 	Methods of the study
 Methods to build the theoretical basis: Learn the reality of the problem then find out the solutions to solve the problem.
 Methods actual survey, gathering information: Distributing questionnaires learning attitude of students towards subjects in English before performing the subject. Then gather information to grasp the spirit of their learning
Statistical methods, data processing: After applying the theme will be the result statistics about the level of student progress to evaluate the success of your project.
2.1. Theoretical back ground
	Vietnam, we are on the path of development and international integration. Do That, English is a powerful decision-making tool. It is also possible that English is considered a high school subject. Teaching and Learning English There are many different and different ways to work, but it includes live action files, academic calculations to help solve problems.
However, the ability to hear, speak, read and write, especially the speaking skills of students, is the most difficult when communicating with foreigners. Because communication is a good condition to stimulate learners to use foreign languages ​​effectively. However, this speaking skill is sometimes forgotten because we only assess language through knowledge, not knowledge, measured by the ability to use the language. So we have to pay a great deal of attention to this skill to equip students with the ability to communicate confidently and fluently. In order to do this, the instructor needs to organize a compelling learning environment to engage more students. There are so new students confident enough, more courageous to communicate a certain language later.
	2.2. Current status of the problem before applying the study
Through the lessons, I found that most of the students are passive, not really interested in learning. This is because the majority of students lack vocabulary, lack of confidence, and the subject matter in textbooks is dry and unsuitable for students.
When the teacher asks the children to work in groups, they just sit and stand up to talk and push you to the best of the group. Therefore, they do not develop the capacity of students nor create confidence in speaking English to them. And very few students are interested in learning to speak.
Specifically, at the beginning of the school year, I distributed a questionnaire about the joy when learning the speaking skills of the students in the 2 classes I taught as 10A6 and 12A4 as follows:
Like very much
	And this is the result:
Like very much
5 (11,1%)
10 (22,2%)
30 (66,7%)
7 (15,2%)
12 (26,1%)
27 (58,7%)
From this point of view, I think it is necessary to innovate the method of teaching speaking skills with various activities in order to promote the speaking skills and activities to a moderate level, not too difficult nor too easy. .
However, through the speaking skills classes we can also promote the organization of activities for students to work in groups, pairs, or individuals ..... These activities encourage the I'm more confident, more self-confident and more active while learning.
To do this is a great effort of teachers and pupils.
	2.2.1. Prepare
           Every plan we put out has to have goals and plans as clear and detailed as we can achieve. So therefore:
- We have to know how to prepare and arrange the topic to suit the capacity and level of the students.
- Organized classes in teams, groups.
	Knowledge must be prepared so that students can speak and reflect in situations.
- How to stimulate students to perform speaking practice from the beginning of class until the end of class.
+ Students must prepare well vocabulary at home before class.
	2.2.2. Reorganize the class
- Classroom teachers work in pairs, groups, teams to suit each activity.
- Bonus points if individuals, pairs or groups do well to encourage them, creating excitement while learning.
	2.3. Some measures of organization
	2.3.1. Preparing and arranging the speaking topics : Do not stick to the same activities as textbook topics because they will make students rigid and dry, unable to fully explore and count. Creativity in student communication. Because of the easy situation they do not speak, how to say difficult situations. Therefore we should guide the students to follow the topics in the textbook then do it themselves or in the same group to carry out the topics on the dialogue, self-comment ... in accordance with their ability, then Repeat at class (maybe each child, each group doing many different things).
By doing this, I realized that they were thinking, exploring and saying everything they need to say. They are also very excited in the syllabus, expecting to have a new subject sooner and more talkative because they have the opportunity to express themselves and to express themselves.
This not only creates conditions for good students to express themselves but also helps all students in the classroom, especially weak, timid, less English-speaking students. Because they are better advised by students, prepared at home and practicing well, they are not confident, confident in speaking and communicating in public. Conditional to express.
	2.3.2. Forms and ways of organization. 
	This is also the key skill that determines success or failure in communication. If the class is not active, few students practice speaking skills, it is unsuccessful. If the classroom is rattled, vibrant, uninhibited and many students practice speaking skills then the class is considered successful.
Therefore, I think we should organize the "Open Classroom" - which can remove students from their familiar position to find the right person or can stand in place to do the speaking in pairs. Or group is very good (should not sit). By that time, the students will be very comfortable to perform the activity as well as easy "hand dance, dizziness" express the meaning of each sentence to the listener.
In the meantime, if you are afraid of the noise of the classroom and let your students sit at their familiar places, they will be very passive and psychologically inhibited. Therefore students can not promote the "vocabulary" they have, by gesture, eye contact, action is also "magnetic" in the communication of each language that makes the listener can understand. Moreover, if they are only told to sit next to them, they will be very boring and not know all the characteristics of each classmate.
If so then the class will be very noisy hard to manage and control?
	This is a question many teachers are concerned about especially young teachers. However, I also boldly say that learning to speak is not afraid of noise in the classroom because of the "noisy in control" will make the classroom become more exciting. Since after we finished asking the students to return to their seats or sit down, they followed the "inertia" order. Then we can evaluate the comments and suggestions for the speaking activities we have set out.
Therefore, during the speaking process, we recommend that students:
- Always speak slowly
	Because most students believe that speaking English faster will be more like native speakers because most English learners find it difficult to grasp information when the native speakers speak because they speak quite fast. However, the "say as fast as possible" view is completely wrong. Encourage them to try to speak slowly and accurately. If the students slow down, their tone and accent will become lighter, whereas their vocal tone will be heavier and more difficult to understand, which is understandable because they will not. There is enough time to form the correct phoneme and intonation. Take control of the speaking speed as appropriate as the basic principle to achieve what you want.
- Speak loudly enough
	This is an important factor in communication. Because whether you talk to a person, 10 people or a hundred, you need to talk loud enough so all of the people who are present can listen to you easily. If you talk too small, what will happen?
Practice speaking with a suitable volume will give you more confidence and can adjust your volume to suit different spaces and circumstances. It is best to spend 15 to 20 minutes each day practicing English pronunciation by reading aloud words, sentences, paragraphs in English. If students practice regularly every day for 3 months, then your muscles develop appropriately for speaking a new language. It is possible to record your voice and hear the words you pronounce wrong. People often hate to hear their own voice and tend to avoid hearing their voices. However, this is a pretty important practice because in this way you can recognize the mistakes that you often get.
- Pronounce all the sounds in words.
	As mentioned above, slow English speaking practice will give you time to focus on the sounds that are in the word. Maybe now, you can miss the last or the middle of a word, or the syllables are not stressed in words. This does not affect the speaker but makes it difficult for the listener. Therefore, it is recommended that students focus on each syllable in the word and not miss any sounds, especially the last syllables of the word such as "s", "ed", "t", "p", etc.
It is recommended to use a simple grammatical structure:
By the way, no one will notice that you use simple or complex structure to assess your ability and even no one recognizes the level of structures you are using. So use simple structure and sentence patterns to facilitate communication.
- Thoughts in English, should not be translated from Vietnamese.
	One of the most serious mistakes is that we tend to "translate" (from mother tongue into English) before speaking. This will immediately create a language barrier. For example, when we want to give up an appointment, we will think in mind: "I want to cancel the appointment." Then we translate that sentence into English. We will have problems because we may not remember or know the words "cancel" and "appointment" to form the sentence "I would like to cancel the appointment". If we think in English, we will not have this problem and there are many ways of expressing this situation in English, for example: "I'm sorry. I'm not free tomorrow "or" I'm afraid I can not come tomorrow ", etc.
- Do not be self-deprecated about your English ability. For example: When you are asked "How is your English?", You should not answer: "Oh, my English is very poor, I should not answer to practice", you should reply: "I love to speak English" Or "My English is improving". Answers like this will give you a sense of confidence. When you are confident, you will no longer be afraid to speak English.
	2.3.3. Prepare a source of knowledge for students to make speaking and reflecting on situations in situations: There are many sources of knowledge that students can collect, but the problem is that they work and accumulate brain? If we do not guide them, then maybe they will say without purpose. So first and foremost, we should make simple sentences, conversations, and simple sentences for students to easily use and excite in speaking. Then rely on the sentence patterns, that dialogue to impose on the subject in the textbook to help students surprise.
	So we have to know how to process the knowledge to suit the taste of students. We have to thicken the collection of images and materials related to the topic or new words in the lesson: These pictures we can zoom into a large image or shrink many different shapes to insert a Small paper to give students practice. In this way we do not need to spend a lot of time explaining new words that are of interest to our students. Because when students look at the pictures, students will not care about new words anymore. In the beginning always think of how to express the pictures properly. Since then the psychology of students will not be heavy on vocabulary, so it will stimulate the speaking skills more.
	2.3.4. How to stimulate students to practice speaking skills from the beginning of class until the end of class? If you are not well prepared for the lessons, the lessons are often very sporadic and tiring for the learner as well as the instructor. Teachers should be prepared logically from the beginning to the end of the session and should not be left with too much "downtime". Because that will distract the student, feel depressed and not excited for speaking.
	2.3.5. Specific methods for teaching speaking parts:
	 +. Before speaking ). We can use:
	- Matching
	- Pre-teach vocabulary
	- Open prediction
	- Ordering
	- Answer the guiding questions (pre- question )
	- Games
	 +. While speaking). We can use:
	- Giving opinions 
	- Discussing
	- Ask and answer
	- Matching
	 +. After speaking): We can use:
	- Interviewing
	- Recall/ retell the story or dialoguge.
	- Role play/ taking a survey
	- Discuss the main idea.
	- Summerising the main points 
	- Card Deck
Example 1 : Unit 13- textbook 10- FILM AND CINEMA
WARMER: * Match the picture with A type of film: 
1. Science fiction 	.
2. Comedy	.
3. Cartoon	.
4. Love story	.
5. Detective	.
BEFORE SPEAKING: Rely on the pictures and practice like below:
 A. What kind of film do you like much?
B. I Likevery much.
A. What kind of film don’t you like very much?
B. I don’t likevery much.
A. What kind of film don’t you like at all?
B. I don’t all.
WHILE SPEAKING: Work in groups and practice about each kind of film. Using the information below:
Science fiction
Love story
A. What do you think of horror films?
B. I find them really terrifying
C. I don’t agree with you. I find them very interesting
* Suggestions
A: What do you think of .........................?
B: Oh, I find them ......................
C: I don’t agree with you .I find them ........
D: I agree with you. I find them ........
AFTER SPEAKING: Work in pairs to talk about the film you have seen: Using the suggestions below:
A. Where did you see it? 
I saw..
A. What kind of film is it? 
It is Detective/ action/ cartoon/ love story..
A. How much do you like it? 
Very much/ not very much/ not at all
A. Who is/ are the main character(s)?
He/ She is
A. How do you feel about it?
I find it interesting/ moving/ violent.
A. Why do you prefer it to other films?
Example 2: Unit 14- textbook 12- INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS
WARMER: Look at the pictures then guess which international organizations they are.
What do you know about these organizations?
Their main office, aims, activities.? -> LEADING THE NEW LESSON.
1. Vocabulary:
	- stand for [stænd fər] (v): 
	- advocate ['ædvəkeit] (v)
	- establish [is'tæbli∫] (v)
	- attainment [ə'teinmənt] (n):
	- objective [əb'dʒektiv] (n)
2. Read the passage about WHO and answer the questions
	1. What does WHO stand for?
	- WHO stands for World Health Organization.
	2. When was WHO established?
	3. What is its major objective?
	4. What are its main activities?
1. Work in pairs- ask and answer about WHO organization like below:
	1. What does _______stand for?
	-______ stands for________________________ .
	2. Where is its headquarters?
	- It is in _______.
	3. When was _______founded?
	- It was founded ______________ .
	4. What is its aim?
- Its aim is_____________
	5. What are its main activities?
- Its main activities are _____________________________
_____________________________________________ . 
2. Going on practicing the conversation like modal above about UNICEF and WWF organization:
- Founded: 1948
- Headquarters: New York
- Aims: to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their babic needs and help them reach their full potential.
- Activities:
 + provide supports and funds for the most disadvantaged children – victims of war, disasters and extreme poverty.
 + carry out education development programmes for children.
- Founded: 1961
- Headquarters: New York
- Aims: to protect endangered wild animals and their habitat.
- Activities:
+ carry out reseachrch on endangered species
+ collect data on rare and endangered animals and plants.
AFTER SPEAKING: Which international organization would you like to work for: UN, WWF, WHO, RED CROSS or UNICEF? Why?
	- have high salary 
	- use English at work
	- do volunteer work 
	- live and work in New York
	- protect endangered speci

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