Helping grade 8th students at Ha Vinh secondary school remember the way to change an active sentence into a passive sentence in present simple tense and past simple tense

Helping grade 8th students at Ha Vinh secondary school remember the way to change an active sentence into a passive sentence in present simple tense and past simple tense

In recent years, the teaching and learning of foreign languages in general, in particular in English secondary schools are now due attention and extensive development in our country. Moreover, English courses has become one of the main subjects in graduation exam grade 3 blocks D and implementation University. Foreign language learning in secondary schools has been considered as a core subject with a maximum of 3 periods per week. When English has confirmed its role and importance in schools and at all levels, it is important to improve the quality of teaching and learning. So how to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning is an essential need not only for learners but especially for those who are directly teaching English. By teaching, as well as by monitoring the learning process of students, especially the 8th grade students in Ha Vinh junior high school when beginning to learn about "passive sentences", the transfer of a sentence from the sentence Active passive sentence in general is limited, especially the pupils have limited capacity; In addition, the ability to memorize the practice is not high. Most students are afraid to practice. The reason is because English completely different from the mother tongue, difficult to learn, hard to remember. There are now a lot of research papers on this subject, but when teaching and instructing students, the students find it very difficult to memorize the practice of changing from active sentences to passive sentences. If at the beginning of the practice the transition from active sentence to passive sentence in the present simple and the past simple that students practice well, they will easily acquire knowledge and use that knowledge to do active - passive sentence exercises faster in the rest tenses.

.To help students remember the method of changing a sentence from active into passive in present simple tense and past simple tense easier and to improve the subject’s quality and to help students gain the basic knowledge to continue studying English 9 at secondary school, I choose themes: “Helping grade 8th students at Ha Vinh secondary school remember the way to change an active sentence into a passive sentence in present simple tense and past simple tense”. In this topic, I give a method which I have successfully used during passive voice teaching periods in English 8 progam for several years.


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4. TESTED RESULTS ....	Page 14
1. CONCLUSION :	Page 15
2. RECOMMENDATION  ....	Trang 18
In recent years, the teaching and learning of foreign languages ​​in general, in particular in English secondary schools are now due attention and extensive development in our country. Moreover, English courses has become one of the main subjects in graduation exam grade 3 blocks D and implementation University. Foreign language learning in secondary schools has been considered as a core subject with a maximum of 3 periods per week. When English has confirmed its role and importance in schools and at all levels, it is important to improve the quality of teaching and learning. So how to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning is an essential need not only for learners but especially for those who are directly teaching English. By teaching, as well as by monitoring the learning process of students, especially the 8th grade students in Ha Vinh junior high school when beginning to learn about "passive sentences", the transfer of a sentence from the sentence Active passive sentence in general is limited, especially the pupils have limited capacity; In addition, the ability to memorize the practice is not high. Most students are afraid to practice. The reason is because English completely different from the mother tongue, difficult to learn, hard to remember. There are now a lot of research papers on this subject, but when teaching and instructing students, the students find it very difficult to memorize the practice of changing from active sentences to passive sentences. If at the beginning of the practice the transition from active sentence to passive sentence in the present simple and the past simple that students practice well, they will easily acquire knowledge and use that knowledge to do active - passive sentence exercises faster in the rest tenses.
.To help students remember the method of changing a sentence from active into passive in present simple tense and past simple tense easier and to improve the subject’s quality and to help students gain the basic knowledge to continue studying English 9 at secondary school, I choose themes: “Helping grade 8th students at Ha Vinh secondary school remember the way to change an active sentence into a passive sentence in present simple tense and past simple tense”. In this topic, I give a method which I have successfully used during passive voice teaching periods in English 8 progam for several years.
Changing an active sentence into passive sentence ia a focal and difficult knowledge part in English 8 program as well as in secondary program. Therefore, students must master the method to do this format at the beginning of studying the way to change an active sentence into passive sentence, especially, at the beginning of studying the way to change an active sentence into passive sentence in present simple tense and past simple tense. But many students have lots of pressure at the beginning of studying passive format, even more difficult for students with weak average academic performance. Sometimes I feel the anxiety of the students when they make mistaken about the passive sentence. And I also noticed the indifference, neglect while learning about passive sentences of some students. Therefore, if they are sure of this method of doing the exercises in the above two, then it is easier for students to do the exercises in the other. Students will be more interested in learning passive sentences in general and English in particular. So I studied the ways to move an active sentence into a passive sentence to find out how to help students easily remember the formula that turns an active sentence into a passive sentence in a memorable, easy way. The students will be in the formula I used to teach from the beginning when you begin to familiarize with the passive sentence.
+ The object of the research subject is the the method of changing an active sentence into a passive sentence in present simple tense and past simple tense used for grade 8 students in Ha vinh secondary.
+ The result of students’ study after using this method to change an active sentence into a passive sentence in the present simple tense and past simple tense.
	During the study process. I myself used some following methods:
+ Survey method of collecting information
+ Documentary study methods
+ Evaluation test method
+ comparative method.
Learning English is a language study, learning a difficult subject in junior high school. In the last few years, English has been raised to the same level of importance as Literature and Mathematics as many high schools choose it as the third test to take into high school. The knowledge of passive sentences is one of the knowledge of certainty in the structure of the test in the English Upper School. Therefore, students must have a definitely knowledge of this part. However, when beginning to learn passive sentences, most students find it very confusing because most sentence components change and change positions. Although in the process of teaching I have instructed the students to study in the form of diagram but they still find it difficult to remember. To help students no longer feel anxious about this problem, forged the students skills to do passive sentence exercises effectively, I have studied how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence in the present simple and the past simple and easy to remember and understand. This makes it easier for students to learn English, especially passive part.
+ As far as the district is distant, access to the new has many limitations, nearly 80% of parents of students working in agriculture, hard life, low educational level, awareness of the importance of the subject is not high ... .. It creates a difficult pressure on the teacher during the instruction.
+ Some teachers have limited ability, do not have much experience in teaching, do not really trying to explore, study, donot really invest in teaching, especially not creative in teaching, do not find new methods to help students master the knowledge that teachers teach. 
+ Teachers have not yet grasped the psychology of each student.
+ Teachers have not created the excitement for the students in order to love the teacher and the subject.
+ Grade 8 - Knowledge of the 8th grade English program - which will be the basis for the next 9th grade student good or not? For eighth-graders, the fact of student achievement in the same class, grade level is uneven: most students are weak.
+ Most students feel a lot of pressure when they learn passive sentences. Because if they practice fluently in a passive sentence conversion, then when they learn more passive sentences, they get confused. For students with good academic performance, they only need to explain how they can practice well, but students who are weak, they receive new knowledge and forget their old knowledge so they are passive and lose confidence in the lesson.
	In the process of teaching, I also noticed the embarrassment of some weak students.
 This leads to the fact that they are afraid to study English and fear even more if they lack the will and determination to lead to lazy, lose basic, do not like subject, do not like teacher, ... 
+ The ability of the students to learn, to transfer information, knowledge is limited, not to know and solve the problem in a scientific, logical and effective way. Therefore, they are difficult to absorb and remember information and knowledge in a sustainable way.
+ The lack of knowledge so students have not been able to absorb knowledge to gain knowledge, training to turn the knowledge teachers teach into their knowledge.
Therefore, it is necessary to build a positive spirit for students to participate in activities during the lesson. So, I have tried to build a friendly lesson, giving each student confidence in himself with a thorough, practical and effective guide. Prior to the study, I conducted a survey on the quality of 8A students in the school year 2015-2016 in Ha Vinh junior high school when I was a teacher teaching passive sentences according to the old method I previously applied in the previous school year to compare with the quality of 8C students in the school year 2015-2016 Ha Vinh junior secondary school when I applied his new experience initiative.
 3.1. Here, I present the old method I applied when teaching passive sentences in the present simple and the past simple tense.
- Before teaching the children how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence, I teach basic knowledge that students need to remember.
* Verbs in English come in two forms:
+ Active: The subject performs the action
 They wash the car.
+ Passive: Subject is affected by action.
 The car is washed (by them).
 The verb form of the passive sentence has the form:
 Be + Past participle
+ Some general rules when changing an active sentence to passive.
- Active object -> Passive subject.
- Active verb -> be (depends on tense) + P2.
- Active subject -> By + passive object
 A. S V O
 P. S BE + P2 by + agent 
+ If the subject in the active sentence is:
I / he / she / it / people / somebody / everyone / everybody ..... do not need to use (By + O) in the passive sentence if you do not want to indicate the actor.
+ If the active sentence has an adverb / adverb indicating time, place it after the "by + passive object.
+ If the object is in a passive sentence indicating things, then we use the preposition "with" replace for "by” before object. 
Example: Smoke filled the room. -> The room was filled with smoke.
+ If the active verb has two objects, one of the two objects can be used as the subject in the passive sentence. However, direct object-oriented language is more commonly used. Indirect Object, there must be prepositions followed by the verb.
Example: I am writing her a letter.
 -> She is being written a letter
 -> A letter is being written to her. 
- Then I teach in detail how to change from active to passive sentences one by one.
3.1.1. Passive in simple present:
a. Affirmative:
A. Hoa does her homework every day.
P. Hoa’s homework is done by Hoa every day. 
Form: A. S + V(s/es) + O + ....... + (adv of time).
 P. S + am/is/are + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time).
b. Negative:
A. Hoa doesn’t do her homework every day.
P. Hoa’s homework is not done by Hoa every day. 
Form: A. S + don’t/doesn’t + V(inf.) + O + ....... +(adv of time).
 P. S + am/is/are not + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time).
c. Interogative:
- A. Does Hoa do her homework every day?
 P. Is Hoa’s homework done by Hoa every day? 
Form: A. Do/Does + S + V(inf.) + O + ....... +(adv of time) ?.
 P. Am/Is/Are + S + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time) ?
d. Wh-questions:
- A. When does Hoa do her homework?
 P. When is Hoa’s homework done by Hoa?
Form: A. When Do/Does + S + V(inf.) + O + ....... +(adv of time) ?.
 P. When Am/Is/Are + S + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time) ?
- When giving each affirmative, negative, Interogative, Wh-questions structure, I give them exercises that apply that structure to their homework. Each structure requires the students to do 5 sentences in 10 minutes.
Exercise 1: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply negative sentence structure)
 My grandmother keeps old photographs in these boxes.
She pays a lot of money each day.
People speak English over the world.
People grow rice in tropical countries.
English people like football.
Exercise 2: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply negative sentence structure)
We don’t play soccer at school.
He doesn’t listen to music in his free time.
They don’t watch TV in the afternoon.
Mai and Lan don’t clean the house in the morning.
Linh’s father doesn’t drive the red car to work.
Exercise 3: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply interogative sentence structure)
Does Nga play voleyball?
Do you like pop music?
Does she read books every evening?
Does Minh play tennis on Sunday morning?
Does she love her house?
Exercise 4: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply wh -question sentence structure)
When do you play badminton?
What time does she do her homework exercises?
How do they teach English here?
Why do you buy fish every day?
How often do they fly their kites?
Similarly, I teach how to change an active sentence to a passive sentence in a simple past.
3.1.2. Passive in simple past:
a. Affirmative:
A. Hoa did her homework last night.
P. Hoa’s homework was done by Hoa last night. 
Form: A. S + V-ed + O + ....... + (adv of time).
 P. S + was/were + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time).
b. Negative:
A. Hoa didn’t do her homework last night.
P. Hoa’s homework was not done by Hoa last night. 
Form: A. S + didn’t + V(inf.) + O + ....... +(adv of time).
 P. S + was/were not + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time).
c. Interogative:
- A. Did Hoa do her homework last night?
 P. Was Hoa’s homework done by Hoa last night? 
Form: A. Did + S + V(inf.) + O + ....... +(adv of time) ?.
 P. Was/Were + S + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time) ?
d. Wh-questions:
- A. When did Hoa do her homework?
 P. When was Hoa’s homework done by Hoa?
Form: A. When Do/Does + S + V(inf.) + O + ....... +(adv of time) ?.
 P. When was/were + S + P2 + ...... + by O + ( adv of time) ?
- When giving each affirmative, negative, Interogative, Wh-questions structure, I give them exercises that apply that structure to their homework. Each structure requires the students to do 5 sentences in 10 minutes.
Exercise 1: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply negative sentence structure)
 I took my younger sister to the park last Sunday.
My teachertold us to be here at 6 o’clock.
A violent storm destroyed the fishing village.
They invited a lot of people to their party last night.
A policeman took him to the police station.
Exercise 2: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply negative sentence structure)
Her husband didn’t love her.
Last night, our grandmother didn’t tell us a very interesting story.
They didn't help me.
They didn’t give me the information I needed.
Quang didn’t break the window.
Exercise 3: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply interogative sentence structure)
Did your mother make a big cake for your birthday?
Did they plant those flowers two days ago?
Did he meet Lan’s father in the park last weekend?
Did they invite their friends to their party last night?
Did a policeman take him to the police station?
Exercise 4: Change the following sentences in to passive: (apply wh -question sentence structure)
When did Christopher discover America?
What time did the violent storm destroy the fishing village ?
When did they last paint the house?
When did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?
How did they build the pyramids in Egypt?
3.2. And this is a new method that after years of passive teaching I have learned the experience. I would like to present my method as follows:
- Before teaching the children how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence, I also teach basic knowledge that students need to remember.
 * Verbs in English come in two forms:
+ Active: The subject performs the action
 They wash the car.
+ Passive: Subject is affected by action.
 The car is washed (by them).
 The verb form of the passive sentence has the form:
 Be + Past participle
+ Some general rules when changing an active sentence to passive.
- Active object -> Passive subject.
- Active verb -> be (depends on tense) + P2.
- Active subject -> By + passive object
 A. S V O
 P. S BE + P2 by + agent 
+ If the subject in the active sentence is:
I / he / she / it / people / somebody / everyone / everybody ..... do not need to use (By + O) in the passive sentence if you do not want to indicate the actor.
+ If the active sentence has an adverb / adverb indicating time, place it after the "by + passive object.
+ If the object is in a passive sentence indicating things, then we use the preposition "with" replace for "by” before object. 
Example: Smoke filled the room. -> The room was filled with smoke.
+ If the active verb has two objects, one of the two objects can be used as the subject in the passive sentence. However, direct object-oriented language is more commonly used. Indirect Object, there must be prepositions followed by the verb.
Example: I am writing her a letter.
 -> She is being written a letter
 -> A letter is being written to her. 
- But in my new method, I symbolize the sentence components with natural numbers in mathematics:
+ Subject in active sentence: 1
+ Verbs in active sentences: 2
+ Object in the active sentence: 3
Then an active sentence is transformed into a passive sentence in the present simple tense would have the form of the formula as follows:
3.2.1. Passive in simple present:
a. Affirmative:
	1	+ 2	 + 3 + (adv of time).
	->	3 + is/am/are + 2 + by + 1 + (adv of time).
Attention:	1 must be converted into an object if 1 is the personal pronoun ( she, he, they, I, we -> her, him, them, me, us)
2 must be converted into P2.
3 must be converted into a personal pronoun if 3 is an object ( her, him, them, me, us -> she, he, they, I, we ) 
Example: A: I watch TV everyday. 
	 1 + 2 + 3 + ( adv of time).
 P: TV is watched by me everyday.
 3 + is + 2 + by + 1 + ( adv of time).
b. Negative: 
1 + don’t/doesn’t + 2 + 3 + (adv of time).
-> 3 + is/am/are not + 2 + by + 1 + (adv of time).
Example: A: I don’t watch TV everyday. 
	 1 + 2 + 3 + ( adv of time).
 P: TV isn’t watched by me everyday.
 3 + is + 2 + by + 1 + ( adv of time).
c. Interrogative: 
 Do/Does + 1 + 2 + 3 + ( adv of time)?
-> Is/Am/ Are + 3 + 2 + by + 1 + ( adv of time)?
Example: A: Do you watch TV everyday? 
	 1 + 2 + 3 + ( adv of time)?
 P: Is + TV watched by me everyday?
 3 + 2 + by + 1 + ( adv of time).
d. Wh-questions:
 When + Do/Does + 1 + 2 + 3 + ( adv of time)?
 -> When + Is/Am/ Are + 3 + 2 + by + 1 + ( adv of time)?
Example: A: When do you watch TV everyday? 
	 1 + 2 + 3 + ( adv of time)?
 P: When is + TV watched by me everyday?
 3 + 2 + by + 1 + ( adv of time).
- When giving each affirmative, negative, Interogative, Wh-questions structure, I give them exercises that apply that structure to their homework. Each structure requires the students to do 5 sentences in 10 minutes. Exercises that apply this method are also exercises that I apply when taught by the old method.
Similarly, I teach how to pass an active sentence to a passive sentence in a simple past.
3.2.2. Passive in past simple tense:
a. Affirmative:
	1	+ 2	 + 3 + (adv of time).
	->	3 + was/were + 2 + by + 1 + (adv of time).
Attention:	1 must be converted into an object if 1 is the personal pronoun ( she, he, they, I, we -> her, him, them, me, us)
2 must be converted into P2.
3 must be converted into a personal pronoun if 3 is an object ( her, him, them, me, us -> she, he, they, I, we ) 
Example: A: I watched TV last night. 
	 1 + 2 + 3 + ( adv of time).
 P: TV was watched by me last night.
 3 + was + 2 + by + 1 + ( adv of time).
b. Negative: 
1 + d

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