Experience teaching conditional sentences effectively at trieu son 4 high school

In the curriculum at the level of general education, English is also one of compulsory
subjects such as Vienamese and Math. The high school English textbook of the Ministry of Education and Training is compliled on the subject and each unit corresponds to literacy and numeracy skills: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Language focus. The language focus is divided into two parts: Pronunciation and Grammar. In the textbook distribution, grammar is equally important, so If students won’t be able to do the tests in the class and the exam later, when they don’t understand the grammar.
In the grammar school English upper secondary school program, conditional sentence or conditional clause - If clause. It is taught by the Ministry of Education and Training systematically in all three blocks 10, 11 and 12.Forms of this clause are included in the section Language Focus in grades 10, 11 and 12 textbook ,in the structure of high school National high school exam, in the excellent student competion, .ect. In addition, use English as spoken language as well as writing, everyone uses a lot of Conditional sentences. As such it can be said that this is an important grammar point in English in general education in particular. For all students to use proficiency conditional is not easy. Why ? To apply the theory to the exercises requires the learner to memorize the tructures ( Formulas), there are “ tips” to keep in mind and use correctly when doing exercises.
So how to improve test-taking skills as well as use conditional sentences in practice for students is a problem that concerns for teachers to teach foreign languages. As a teacher of English, through the process of teaching and accumulating experience, in this article “ EXPERIENCE TEACHING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES EFFECTIVELY AT TRIEU SON 4 HIGH SCHOOL” I would like to mention one small aspect is how to teach CONDITIONAL SENTENCES at high school effectively to help students do tests in English.
THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRIEU SON 4 HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE IDEA “ EXPERIENCE TEACHING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES EFFECTIVELY AT TRIEU SON 4 HIGH SCHOOL” Implementer: LE THI PHUOC Post: Teacher Experience: English THANH HOA: 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. INTRODUCTION Page 1. REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC. 1 2. PURPOSE AND RESEARCH TASKS 1 2.1. The purpose: 2.2. The research tasks: 3. SUBJECTS AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY 2 3.1. Subjects of the study 3.2. Scope of the study 4. METHODS 2 4.1. Observe pedagogy. 4.2. Look at the document. 4.3. Look at the pedagogical activities. B. PROBLEM SOLVING 1. THEORETICAL BASIS 2 2. PRACTICAL BASIS 2 3. IMPLEMENTING MEASURES 3 3.1. The importance ... 3 3.2. Advantages and disadvantages 4 3.2.1. Advantages: 4 3.2.2. Disadvantages: 4 3.3 .The implementing measures ... 4 3.3.1. Introduction to the purpose and practice ... 4 3.3.2. Introduction to the purpose and practice ... 5 3.3.3. Practice doing exercises must be systematic, ... 5 SOME EXAMPLES 5 4. TEACHING AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 14 C. CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL 1. CONCLUSION 15 2. PROPOSAL 15 2.1. For teachers 2.2. For schools A. INTRODUCTION 1. REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC. In the curriculum at the level of general education, English is also one of compulsory subjects such as Vienamese and Math. The high school English textbook of the Ministry of Education and Training is compliled on the subject and each unit corresponds to literacy and numeracy skills: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Language focus. The language focus is divided into two parts: Pronunciation and Grammar. In the textbook distribution, grammar is equally important, so If students won’t be able to do the tests in the class and the exam later, when they don’t understand the grammar. In the grammar school English upper secondary school program, conditional sentence or conditional clause - If clause. It is taught by the Ministry of Education and Training systematically in all three blocks 10, 11 and 12.Forms of this clause are included in the section Language Focus in grades 10, 11 and 12 textbook ,in the structure of high school National high school exam, in the excellent student competion, ...ect. In addition, use English as spoken language as well as writing, everyone uses a lot of Conditional sentences. As such it can be said that this is an important grammar point in English in general education in particular. For all students to use proficiency conditional is not easy. Why ? To apply the theory to the exercises requires the learner to memorize the tructures ( Formulas), there are “ tips” to keep in mind and use correctly when doing exercises. So how to improve test-taking skills as well as use conditional sentences in practice for students is a problem that concerns for teachers to teach foreign languages. As a teacher of English, through the process of teaching and accumulating experience, in this article “ EXPERIENCE TEACHING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES EFFECTIVELY AT TRIEU SON 4 HIGH SCHOOL” I would like to mention one small aspect is how to teach CONDITIONAL SENTENCES at high school effectively to help students do tests in English. 2. PURPOSE AND RESEARCH TASKS. 2.1. The purpose: To find ways to improve English test-taking skills effectively to apply in the teaching process. 2.2. The research tasks: - Understanding the theory, how to do exercises on conditional sentences. - Understanding the problems of teaching English in general and teaching conditional sentences for students in Trieu son 4 upper secondary school in the 2015-2016 school year in in particular. - From the results of the research, I give some measures to enhance effective teaching about conditional sentences for high school students. 3. SUBJECTS AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY: 3.1. Subjects of the study. - Teaching students of public high school system under the standard of English textbook program. (7 years) 3.2. Scope of the study. - Studying the best approach so that the teacher can apply when organizing activities to teach about conditional sentences in class effectively. - Conducted in grades 12C4, 11D2, and 10A6 at Trieuson 4 in the school year 2015-2016. 4. METHODS. 4.1. Observe pedagogy. Attending classes, studying and teaching theories of conditional sentences and how to do exercises for students. 4.2. Look at the document. Reading books, studying materials about theoretical basis about conditional sentences in general and particular. 4.3. Look at the pedagogical activities. - Looking at the lesson plan, pictures, furniture and teaching equipment. - The level of the lesson and the ability of the students. B. PROBLEM SOLVING 1. THEORETICAL BASIS: As teachers know it’s right to write properly to do the right kind of exercise of The Conditional Sentences , the students must master the verb ( Basic English tenses) and recite the irregular verbs and regular verbs that appear high frequency verbs in the If-clause. In the current high school grammar , the conditional sentences is distributed in all three grades: 10, 11 and 12. In the 10th grade program, the conditional sentences are distributed in Unit 8, Unit 9,and Unit 11. In the 11th grade in Unit 7. In the 12th grade in Unit 5 ( Type 1, 2, and type 3).So, to understand and use conditional sentences effectively, most students still have difficulty. 2. PRACTICAL BASIS. We are currently using the method of teaching English as the most “preeminent” English. So students can easily absorb, to master and apply good knowledge learned in listening, speaking and the paper. So that the students have a basic knowledge so that their higher education later convenient and easy.Teachers who are teaching and Dhamma teaching is” a walking stick”,also, depending on the level of ability of the teacher and the learner.After learning and practicing the exercises and checking the results, the number of students who master and use the grammar points will be a measure of the method of application ( teaching methods- teaching techniques), which method and technique is superior and can be applied approriately to the object of students, their own area of teaching- where most of them do not know how to learn English in a combination of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.In a normal classroom, there is only from 25% to 40%the learner acquires knowledge called basic grammar and a modest vocabulary.And the reality may be lower. The sense of subject is not high. Most of the undergraduate level did not know anything about the grammar of vocabulary, words or regular and irregular verbs.Most of them use very little and sometimes they do not know at all.So students are inclined “ forget, indifference or put in aside “ English.The work of the majority of students is not self-aware, but rather a desire if the teacher does not have a positive resolution to help them overcome this obstacle. From the base of theory and practice, along with experience in the process of teaching by myself, I boldly launch a few experience in teaching conditional sentences through topics: " EXPERIENCE TEACHING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES EFFECTIVELY AT TRIEU SON 4 HIGH SCHOOL”. So the question here posed with me is to really innovate our teaching methods to meet new current training needs and must realize the value of using conditional sentences in the life and understand how to practice this kind of instruction to improve myself to benefit for my students. 3. IMPLEMENTING MEASURES 3.1. The importance of the improvement of the conditional sentences for high school students. "The conditional sentences" is also one of the important grammatical parts in teaching English to students likely to do exercises quickly and effectively as possible. The students in my school are bad at all five skills of listening, speaking, reading , writing and especially grammar points. they are afraid to learn English in classes or in school for many reasons such as: difficult subject, afraid to learn vocabulary, learn by heart structures and do homework. But when students do exercises wrong; so crowded classes are, I have less time to correct mistakes for each student. If practiced in class it will help students to overcome these limitations. While learning conditional sentences, students can learn from each other, correct mistakes for each other, from other students without the teacher. Through learn and do exercises, students can acquire knowledge in an active way, overcome the inhibition when in class only some good students take part in doing exercises, so I will encourage, appeal to all students in participating class activities including school students with average or weak. Improve how to solve different exercises, different types of exercises, inspire, confident when students do the quiz exercise with the conditional quiz so that the class will become easy- going, exciting and effective. 3.2. Advantages and disadvantages while teaching about condional sentences for students. 3.2.1. Advantages: Students have been learning English at junior high school. Information technology is very developed in Vietnam, so students are exposed early to the computer, the internet and get more information from here. Information technology applications in teaching is one of the easiest to attract students to learn the lesson content, making lessons more vivid through vivid pictures, attract attention, save time and get results. From which students can do more exercises. 3.2.2. Disadvantages: In class, students’ abilities are different from each other, but most students are average or bad at English and especially difficult when too many students in the class with 42 to 45 students. I can not edit the exercises for all students in the class (for the large classes and limited time). Therefore, requires me to prepare well, active pedagogical approaches, and creativity, always improve training methods in many different forms, different types of suitable exercises for each lesson content to inspire interesting and motivating all students enthusiastically doing exercises. 3.3. The implementing measures teaching and learning conditional sentences 3.3.1. Introduction to the purpose and practice teaching conditional sentences with students. At the beginning of the school year, I compose and distribute students handouts and revise for students according to program distribution arrangements- about the basics in English. Ask students to memorize at least three sentences for each and explain what is based on what to divide in that. Checking is conducted regularly throughout the school year at any time. For example, I ask student A: ” Could you please give the class a sentence used in Simple present tense ?” Student A might answer: - “ I always get up at 5.30 everyday.” I can ask more: “ Why can/ do you use this tense in this situation?” Student A might answer: Because in this sentence use adverb refer to the frequence. So we use the present simple in this situation. Then call the other student for comments and additions if necessary. Interrogation is conducted to check all the tenses, depending on the situation, to put the situation into place for the student to put the revision. Attention to the development of the mentality, the remarks from the students, and the student’s compulsion to memorize the prey, in situations where the words are remembered for a long time and can be used in the conditional sentences used tenses. If students do not know how to use the basics then it is hard to understand and do conditional sentences assignments. The material I compose will be kept by the student throughout the school year and use as needed. For conditional sentences, structures and example sentences I apply the same way. It is a requirement to memorize and be checked out as a checking up the old lessons, checking 15 minutes or checking periodically. 3.3.2. Introduction to the purpose and practice learning conditional sentences with students. Learning conditional sentences can be practised individually, in groups. If practiced in groups, I need to know who is the leader student of each group, the student must be better off than the students in the group and tutorial for the group. I also must request to school discipline. 3.3.3. Practice doing exercises must be systematic, ongoing, under the motto from easy to difficult: requiring me to have the creativity, know redesign, adjust the layout of each task (if necessary) to highlight the content focus and provide opportunities for students to practice doing exercises. Here are some illustrated examples: SOME EXAMPLES Example 1: Unit 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE - LANGUAGE- FOCUS . ( English 10- p.82) A. Câu điều kiện loại I (Conditional sentence type I) Teacher: Introduce the situation through pictures. From the picture , give example Student: Look at the picture, example then give structure Example: If you study hard, you will get good marks. If I am hard, I shall get A mark. If he studies hard, he will pass the exam Teacher: Give base structures, explain, give usage and ask students to give to add examples. Ask students to learn by heart “ the structure” they have just learnt. Form IF- CLAUSE MAIN- CLAUSE if S + V(s/es) + O ( be : am/is/are + ( not)...) ( doesn’t/ don’t + V(b-inf).... S + will + V (b-inf) + O ( shall/ can/ must + (not)...) (1) If- Clause (the simple future), Main- Clause (the simple present) ( an obvious truth) (1) If - Clause (the simple present) , Main- Clause (the simple future) ( possible happen) Example: (1) If my dog sees a stranger, it barks. (2) If it rains, I shall stay at home. 2. Usage: - It’s possible to happen in the present or future. It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled. Note: “If- clause” can stand in front of or back of the clause. If “ If - clause” stands in front of we use comma”,” . Example: I will visit Ho Chi Minh City if I have time. If I have time, I will visit Ho Chi Minh City. 3. Basic variations: 3.1. To indicate objectivity Example: It's sunny. We may get a headache if we go out without a hat. It's sunny. If we go out without a hat, we may get a headache. +Main- Clause (may/can + V) + if- Clause (the simple present) If- Clause (the simple present) + , Main- Clause (may/can + V) 3.2. To indicate permission Example: You can go home now if you finish your test. If you finish your test, you can go home now. + Main- Clause (must/should + V) + if -Clause (the simple present) If -Clause (the simple present), Main- Clause (must/should + V) 3.3. To indicate request, proposal Example: You must do the exercises if you want to get good marks. If you want to get good marks, you must do the exercises. 4. If . not= Unless (Trừ phi; nếu ...... không) IF CLAUSE => UNLESS + negative=> affirmative + affirmative=> affirmative MAIN CLAUSE + keep intact + changes main verb => negative Example: - I won't visit you if I don't have time → Unless I have time, I won’t visit you. - If you don't attend the lecture, you can't say you understand it. → Unless you attend the lecture, you can't say you understand it. Note: The clause containing “unless” does not use the negative. Student: Give examples . If I have enough time, I will come to see you. They won’t go out if it continues to rain. Teacher: Ask students do exercise in the textbook ( Enlish 10 - page 90) Exercise 3: Look at what Ha Anh hopes will happen in the future ( English 10 - p90) Make sentences, using If........................, .............. will............................... Example: If I don’t go out much, I’ll do more homework. If I do more homework, I’ll .............................. not go out so much ---> do more homework ---> pass the exam ---> go to medical college ---> study medicine ---> become a doctor ---> cure diseases and help sick people If teachers do not pay attention to the design exercise will just get the chance for good students in class. But personally, we should design the exercise as follow: ( design to multiple choice questions - prepare handouts for the students) 1. If do more homework, I’ll __________ the exam. A. pass B. will pass C. passed D. passing 2. If I ______ the exam, I’ll go to medical college. A. will pass B. pass C. passed D. passing 3. If I go to medical college, I _________ medicine. A. study B. studied C. will study D. studying 4. If I study medicine, I’ll _______ a doctor. A. become B. will become C. became D. becoming 5. If I become a doctor, I’ll _______ dieases and help sick people. A. will cure B. curing C. cured D. cure I can suggest the form if there are too many weak students in class. Work with a different partner to choose the right answer. So for the weak students in the class, they will be more confident . Ask to note down the answers in the table. Depending on the situation and require that teacher should prepare the appropriate forms of teaching for many students. Example 2: Unit 9: UNDERSEA WORLD.( English 10 - p94) B. Conditional sentence type II Teacher: Introduce the situation through pictures. From the picture , give example Student: Look at the picture, example then give structure 1. Form: Teacher: Give base structures, explain, give usage and ask students give to add examples. Ask students to learn by heart “ the stucture”, they’ve learnt. IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE IF S + V( v2/ed) ... ( be: were) IF S + be + not ...... IF S + don’t/ doesn’t + V(b-inf)... S + WOULD + V(b-inf) ..... ( could/ should/ might) S + wouldn’t + V( b-inf)...... MAIN - CLAUSE (would + V) + IF- CLAUSE (the simple past tense) If - Clause (the simple past tense) , MAIN- Clause (would + V) Example: If I were a kind of flower, I would be a sunflower. I would study hard if I were you. 2. Usage: – To express an untrue or unreal condition at the present. - It is possible but very unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled. Student: Give examples . Example: - He would fly if he were a bird. If he were a bird, he would fly. (But he isn't a bird and he can’t fly at all.) Note: At the traditional grammar, we use “ were” for all of the personal pronouns, now is also accepted for “ he, she, it and I” but for students only remember to use “ were”. 3.Basic variations: Main-Clause (might/ could + V) + if - Clause (the simple past tense) If - Clause (the simple past tense) , Main-Clause (might/ could + V) – To indicate ability Example: - He might succeed in his job if he tried. If he tried, he might succeed in his job. Exercise : ( English 10 - p103 ) Put the verbs into the correct form . But in my opinion, we should design the exercise as follow: ( design to multiple choice questions- give handouts) 1. They would be rather offended if I ( didn’t go/ don’t go) to see them. (not/ go) 2. If you exercised more, you (would feel/ feel) better.( feel) 3. If I were offered the job, I think I (took/ would take) it.(take) 4. I’m sure Amy will lend you the money, I’d be very surprised if she (would refuse/ refused). (refuse) 5. If I sold my car, I ( didn’t get/ wouldn’t get) much money for it.( not/get) 6. A lot of people would be out of work if the factory ( closed down/ would close down). ( close down) 7. What would happen if I ( pressed/ would press) that red button?. ( press) 8. Liz gave me this ring. She (were/ would be) very upset if I lost it.(be) 9. Mark and Carol are expecting us. They would be disappointed if we (didn’t come/ wouldn’t come). ( not/ come) 10. Would Tim mind if I (borrowed/ would borrow) his bicycle without asking him?.(borrow) 11. If somebody (would walk/ walked) in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened. (walk) 12. I’m sure Sue ( would understand/ understood) if you explai
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