Develop students’ activeness in teaching group disscussion methods in English 8

Our country is entering the stage of industrialization, modernization, integration with the international community, especially when our country has officially become a member of the WTO. The decisive factor for the success of industrialization and modernization is that the resources of the Vietnamese people are developed in quantity and quality on the basis of the intellectual level. As the education and training of our country has also changed from education and training to teaching and learning to contribute effectively to the preparation of resources for the country. Meeting the new educational goals, the textbook program has changed positively. To renovate teaching methods, to teach and to learn based on the positive activities of students under the organization and guidance of the teacher flexibility to develop thinking, independent creativity help shape The method, self-learning needs, learning excitement, creating confidence, joy in learning for students.
There have been many methods of teaching in secondary schools so far, especially after the implementation of the textbook renovation program, there are many methods to overcome the situation of teachers, Innovative teaching methods to promote the positive and creative nature of students in class, at home and many other extracurricular activities, by guiding their learning organization. In order to achieve the objective of the lesson, in addition to using the superiority of many methods, it is necessary to use group discussion as it is one of the best methods to help students develop their mind. Create your own, learn for yourself about the knowledge of the lesson through the opinions of your group.
For this reason, I chose the topic "Develop students' activeness in teaching group discussion methods in English 8"
THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THO XUAN EDUCATION AND TRAINING OFFICE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE Topic: “DEVELOP STUDENTS’ ACTIVENESS IN TEACHING GROUP DISSCUSSION METHODS IN ENGLISH 8” The Implementation: Lưu Thị Ngọc Hà Position: Teacher Unit of work: Tho Xuong seconday school – Tho Xuan Experience Initiatives (subject): English THANH HOA – 2018 * CATEGORY No. Content Page A INTRODUCTION 1 I Reason for choosing the project 1 II Purpose of the study 1 III Object of study 1 IV Research Methodology 1 V New points of initiative 2 B EXPERIENCE CONTENT 2 I Rationale 2 II Current situation 3 III Solutions used to solve the problem 4 1 The basis for proposing solutions 4 2 Main solutions 4 3 Organization and implementation 4 4 Effectiveness of the experience initiative 10 C CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 11 I Conclusion 11 II Recommendations 12 D CATEGORY 13 E APPENDIX 14 I Reference books 14 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE PROJECT Our country is entering the stage of industrialization, modernization, integration with the international community, especially when our country has officially become a member of the WTO. The decisive factor for the success of industrialization and modernization is that the resources of the Vietnamese people are developed in quantity and quality on the basis of the intellectual level. As the education and training of our country has also changed from education and training to teaching and learning to contribute effectively to the preparation of resources for the country. Meeting the new educational goals, the textbook program has changed positively. To renovate teaching methods, to teach and to learn based on the positive activities of students under the organization and guidance of the teacher flexibility to develop thinking, independent creativity help shape The method, self-learning needs, learning excitement, creating confidence, joy in learning for students. There have been many methods of teaching in secondary schools so far, especially after the implementation of the textbook renovation program, there are many methods to overcome the situation of teachers, Innovative teaching methods to promote the positive and creative nature of students in class, at home and many other extracurricular activities, by guiding their learning organization. In order to achieve the objective of the lesson, in addition to using the superiority of many methods, it is necessary to use group discussion as it is one of the best methods to help students develop their mind. Create your own, learn for yourself about the knowledge of the lesson through the opinions of your group. For this reason, I chose the topic "Develop students' activeness in teaching group discussion methods in English 8" 1.2 Purpose of the study: - As a teacher teaching English subjects, I constantly research, actively and actively innovate teaching methods to improve the quality of teaching and learning. - Based on the above facts, anyone teaching English should think about how to find the best teaching method to create learning excitement for learners. And bring the best effect. - Through this study, I myself will have more experience in teaching by group discussion method. - Promote student learning in the classroom, especially in group discussions. - Help students acquire skills in group learning methods and know how to work together, assign tasks in group learning methods. 1.3 Object of study "Develop students' activeness in teaching group discussion methods in English 8" 1.4 Research Methodology: To implement this topic I implemented the following methods: * Observation method. Observing English lessons, especially organizing group activities for students during new language lessons and during skill training sessions, to see if the activities offered to them are appropriate, It is not effective at the same time to draw experience in order to make activities more suitable and effective for each particular article or section. * Product research methods. Through the results of the knowledge acquisition of students, and the ability to apply knowledge to communicate in each specific activity. * Conversation method. Discuss with your child's teacher the student's ability to use language in the student's communication so that he or she can make useful contributions. * Documentary study methodology. Read books, books related to research topics * Method of summing up experience. By the experience of self from the process of teaching. Also learn about the student experience in group activities during the hours of teaching and learning English subjects of secondary school students of English language teachers in and out of school. * Experimental method. Experiment some of the proposed content in accordance with their ability and conditions. 1.5 New points of initiative Add more excitement to the class when participating in group discussions, helping students realize that group discussions are the best place to improve their knowledge of the subject, share their experiences in learning foreign languages, and forging. Practice listening and speaking skills through group work. Develop communication skills through themes such as environment, health ... Practice teamwork, spiritual education, solidarity through organization. Practice proper behavior with life situations, work habits and skills, group activities. 2. EXPERIENCE CONTENT 2.1 Rationale The innovation of foreign language teaching methods is in line with the content innovation, but this task requires the effort of undertaking a real revolution that teachers have to make in order to change their perspectives. Habits do not match the requirements and tasks teaching today. The goal of English language arts in Grade 8 is to provide students with a basic knowledge of the English language program and a vocabulary of vocabulary and basic structures expressed through listening and speaking skills. Read - Write step by step building the ability to communicate to students. To achieve the objectives of the lesson, the teacher must apply effective measures in teaching and learning in the classroom. The group discussion method is indispensable in every language lesson. Our country and our society are innovating, so education is changing, and English teaching in schools is changing. Innovate for more practical results, meet the need to innovate in teaching English class 8 with good results. Group discussion method is collectivization of target audience, learning process of students In this method the activities of each individual are organized in concert to achieve common goals. Group discussion allows the group members to share their experiences, understand what they are thinking, and they can comment on their level of knowledge about the topic. What should be learned, the lesson becomes a process of self-learning rather than a passive reception from the teacher. Group discussions play a very important role in language learning, but in practice are not properly considered, resulting from many different reasons, from teachers as well as students. So I see this is a very important topic that each teacher must pay attention and study to take measures to promote student activeness in the group discussion and achieve the goal of the school. 2.2 Current situation: Implementing the education reform of the Ministry of Education and Training we have paid much attention to teaching methods, but the process of organizing the teaching activities in English we still stereotyped with what has been instructed. , lack of creativity, lack of flexibility, efficiency of lessons is not high. Therefore, teaching English is not as good as expected. Quality survey at the beginning of the school year Class total Excelent Good Average Weak Bad amount percent amount percent amount percent amount percent amount percent 8A 36 2 5,5 4 11,1 11 30,5 17 47,2 2 5,5 8C 33 3 9,1 7 21,2 8 24,2 14 42,4 1 3,03 Based on the above statistics, it can be seen that the proportion of students who are weak is quite high. This proves that students are not able to communicate in English on a basic level. They have not fully developed the positive effort in learning and the ability to think creatively. Their ability to pronounce is limited, due to rural students. They are not eager to learn. Therefore, in the process of implementation, there are many obstacles for teachers as well as learners. In general, the quality of the topic is not high in learning the skills. Teachers do not assign the students well to prepare the contents of the discussion. Students do not prepare the lesson before class, so it takes time to discuss. Therefore, in the time limit of a class, teachers can not go in depth to guide students to thoroughly analyze the content of each group. Some students also rely on the group to not actively discuss. From that fact, as a person teaching English directly, I have tried to work out ways to promote students' activeness in group discussions to achieve the goal of teaching hours. 2.3 Solutions used to solve the problem: * The basis for proposing solutions: In general teaching methods and group discussion methods in particular, it is very important to promote student motivation, to achieve the objectives of the lesson in general and English in particular. Through the process of research and classroom practice, I propose group discussion solutions as follows: * Main solutions: At home: After the end of the lesson in the previous lesson, the teacher asks students to read ahead of the new lesson and makes some requests to prepare for the next lesson and prepares students. In class: The most appropriate form of discussion is grouping: 2-3 or 4 groups (groups of 10 to 15, each group being a group or two). The team has a leader, a deputy leader and a secretary. Each group is assigned one or more specific issues that require content implementation, time and method. While students discuss, the teacher must supervise the class to see how the groups discuss. After discussion, the teacher discusses the group by: Each group sent representatives to present the results of their group discussions (or the teacher could call any group member) and then to other groups (if any). Finally the teacher sums up the problems that are given and then makes the right and wrong conclusions for the class. Discuss the teachers praised the good discussion groups and scored some prominent children, reminding the team not to complete well. This is a way to encourage them to prepare at home and actively discuss. The above are the main solutions to promote the positive of students in the group discussion. * Organization and implementation: From the solutions above, I conducted the implementation in the subject. Basic program. Over a period of time we can not discuss the contents of the lesson, but we discuss only the important parts of the lesson. Here are some specific examples: Unit 3: AT HOME Section: - Speak Aim: Describe the location of objects in the home. Break down four steps in the discussion: Step 1: Prepare for the discussion Teachers ask students to read before the new lesson, paying special attention to: The names of items in the rooms; living room, kitchen .... Group 1: Describe the objects in the living room Group 2: Describe the objects in the kitchen Group 4: Describe the objects in the bathroom Step 2: Assign discussion task This step takes place after learning while - speaking The teacher delivers the discussion sheet to the groups (sub table) as required in step 1. For discussion groups: Requires lively debate but must be orderly. Step 3: Conduct discussion (5 minutes) Student activity: Each group discusses in the form of individual comments (or each individual makes two sentences), then the group leader summarizes, rearranges into the general idea of the group, the secretary writes Go to the sub table (requires correct grammar structure). Teacher Activity: Covering the whole class for the group discussion, the teacher can suggest directions to help students discuss the focus of the task. Step 4: Summarize the discussion: The teacher stabilizes the class and calls any one of them to represent his or her group (hanging up the panel of each group on the board). Teachers and groups comment, supplement (if any). Unit 3 AT HOME section: - Read Content: Discuss about safety precaution Step 1: Preparing for the discussion: The teacher asks students to read ahead of the new lesson, paying special attention to the discussion. The teacher classifies into two groups and assigns tasks to each group Group 1 Preparing for the discussion (group 1, group 2): Discuss about safe things in the home for children Group 2 (group 3, group 4) Discuss about dangerous things in the home for children Step 2: Assign discussion task This step takes place after learning while - reading. Teachers distribute questionnaires (extra table) Ask the groups to follow step 1), then the groups discussing in the form of emulation groups with multiple correct sentences will win. Step 3: Conduct discussion (5 minutes) Student activity: Individuals present their ideas, then the team leader arranges the group's general ideas, the secretary writes in the sub-table. The teacher covers the class to capture the situation of each group. Step 4: Summarize the discussion The teacher stabilizes the class, calling one of the group's children to hang up the board. Additional groups (if any). The teacher summarizes and concludes. Group 1: Drugs, electricity, boiling water, chemical, fire, scissor, bead, knife, match ... Group 2: - Put all chemicals and drugs in the locked cupboard - Do not let children play in the kitchen - Cover electrical sockets. - Keep all dangerous objects out of children reach. Unit 4 OUR PAST Section: - Speak Aim: Write the diference between the life in the past and now The teacher asks students to come home to prepare vocabulary for things in the past and now. Step 1: The teacher divides the class into two large groups and discusses the problem with each group. Group 1: Discuss and write 5 sentences you used to do last year and now. Group 2: Discuss and write 5 words you did not use to last year and now Step 2: Assign discussion task (4 minutes) - After learning song while speaking. The teacher asked the two groups to discuss and write in the sub-table of each group. - Teachers divide classes into 2 groups Step 3: Conduct discussion (4 minutes) Individual comments, then the team leader summed up, the secretary recorded in the sub-table. The teacher conducts the class to keep track of each group's discussion. The teacher can help students discuss and write the correct sentences. Step 4: Summarize the discussion Additional comments (if any) Group 1: Last year, I used to get up late, Now get up early and do morning exercises. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Group 2: Last year, I did not use to go to school late, Now I often go to school late. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Unit: 8 COUNTRYLIFE AND CITYLIFE Section: - Speak Aim: Talk about changes in your place of residence. The teacher asks students to come home to prepare vocabulary about what is changing at their place of residence. Step 1: The teacher divides the class into some small groups and discusses the problem with each group. All groups: Look at the two pictures and talk about the changes of the town . The word prompts in the box may help them. - They show changes using the verbs to “get and to become”. Busy tall beautiful modern noisy dirty expensive Example; - The streets are becoming noisier - The houses are becoming taller and more beautiful. - Things are getting more expensive. Step 2: Assign discussion task (10 minutes) - The activity of groups. It takes place after Pre - speaking. The teacher asked the groups to discuss and write in the sub-table of each group. - Teachers divide classes into 4 groups Step 3: Conduct discussion (4 minutes) Individual comments, then the team leader summed up, the secretary recorded in the sub-table. The teacher conducts the class to keep track of each group's discussion. The teacher can help students discuss and write the correct sentences. Step 4: Summarize the discussion. Discuss changes in your location. Additional comments (if any) * After While – Speaking Teacher asks Students to discuss changes in your neighborhood. Step 1: The teacher divides the class into 2 large groups and discusses the problem with each group. Step 2: Conduct discussion (5 minutes) Individual comments, then the team leader summed up, the secretary recorded in the sub-table. The teacher conducts the class to keep track of each group's discussion. The teacher can help students discuss and write the correct sentences. Step 3: Summarize the discussion. Discuss changes in your neighborhood. Additional comments (if any) Group 1: Thanh Hoa, my home town, has changed a lot of in some recent years. ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Group 2: Lam Kinh, my home town, has changed a lot of in some recent years. The town is becoming busier and more modern. The traffic is becoming busy. The streets are getting newer and cleaner. The houses are b
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