Applying some positive teaching techniques to stimulate learning for students in teaching English 7 at secodary school

Applying some positive teaching techniques to stimulate learning for students in teaching English 7 at secodary school

. In response to the current trend of globalization, English is becoming increasingly useful and essential tool. English is a means for economic, cultural, scientific and technological activities. Easier, people in the world can understand the exchange of mutual learning both the material and spiritual values. Thanks to the understanding of English, the relationship between people in the international community is closer and closer.

For the Ministry of Education, English was introduced into schools and became a compulsory, important and essential subject at the upper secondary level.

Learning English is simply learning the language, to use that language fluently, the learner needs to practice four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The ultimate goal of learning English is communication. Communication is chosen as the guiding principle of verbal action, both as a purpose and as a means of teaching. This direction will best promote the role of the subject, the product. Extremely, active students in the training of skills. But to make students master the content, communicate and use English effectively, the teacher must design a light lesson, giving students the interest to explore, easy to love the subject , creating a dynamic atmosphere for the class. From this reality, I boldly implemented the topic "Applying some positive teaching techniques to stimulate learning for students in teaching English 7 at secodary school" in the hope to share experiences and knowledge. On teaching techniques with colleagues, and at the same time apply to the practice of teaching to improve the quality of the subject.


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1.1. Reason for choosing the topic: 	3
1.2. Purpose of the study:... 	3
1.3. Study subjects ..	4
1.4. Research Methodology 	4
 -Method of teaching .	4
 -Teaching Techniques. 	4
 1. Piece technique: ...	6
1.1 Concept: 	6
1.2 How to proceed .	7
1.3 Applying technique "piece graft" in English teaching 7 ..	8
1.4 Reviews .	8
2. "Tablecloth" technique.. 	9
2.1 Concept .	9
2.2 How to proceed .	9
2.3 Applying the "tablecloth" technique to the English program 7 . .	9
2.4 Comments: ..	10
3. Mind Mapping  .	 11
3.1 Concept 	.11
3.2 How to proceed .11
3.3 Utilizing Mind Mapping in English Teaching 7... 11
3. 4 Comments. ...13
1.1. Select topic:
. In response to the current trend of globalization, English is becoming increasingly useful and essential tool. English is a means for economic, cultural, scientific and technological activities. Easier, people in the world can understand the exchange of mutual learning both the material and spiritual values. Thanks to the understanding of English, the relationship between people in the international community is closer and closer.
For the Ministry of Education, English was introduced into schools and became a compulsory, important and essential subject at the upper secondary level.
Learning English is simply learning the language, to use that language fluently, the learner needs to practice four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The ultimate goal of learning English is communication. Communication is chosen as the guiding principle of verbal action, both as a purpose and as a means of teaching. This direction will best promote the role of the subject, the product. Extremely, active students in the training of skills. But to make students master the content, communicate and use English effectively, the teacher must design a light lesson, giving students the interest to explore, easy to love the subject , creating a dynamic atmosphere for the class. From this reality, I boldly implemented the topic "Applying some positive teaching techniques to stimulate learning for students in teaching English 7 at secodary school" in the hope to share experiences and knowledge. On teaching techniques with colleagues, and at the same time apply to the practice of teaching to improve the quality of the subject.
1.2. Research purposes:
 For subject research purpose to provide some positive teaching techniques to stimulate learning for students in teaching English 7. With the desire to help students learn quite demanding desire, interested in learning English. Promote the positive of students as learners.
- Help teachers improve their knowledge and skills. Get useful experience for yourself.
1.3. Research subjects
- Some positive teaching techniques 
 - The subject that I practiced pedagogy is the 7th grade students.
1.4.Research Methods [1]
- Method of reasoning, logical reasoning
- Methods of analysis, synthesis.
- Open method, question and answer.
- Method of materialization, abstraction.
- Test method.
2.1.1. Teaching methods
Teaching methodology is a way of interacting teachers and students in the field of teaching and learning activities in order to educate and cultivate the education of the young generation.
 Today's teaching methodology is a teacher's guiding and directing approach to organizing students' cognitive activities and practices, leading to a solid intake of academic content, Form the world view and develop cognitive abilities.
In this view, teaching is the process of organizing students to acquire knowledge. The role of the student in the teaching process is proactive. Thus, the teaching of positive teaching methods is a necessary issue.
2.1.2. Teaching technology
Teaching technology is the measure, how to conduct equipment-based teaching activities to ensure the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning, or, in other words, how teaching is taught. To study and organize the educational reform in order to ensure the efficiency and quality of teaching.
Teaching techniques are not independent teaching methods, they are components of teaching methods. Teaching technique is the smallest unit of teaching method. In each teaching method there are many different teaching techniques, teaching techniques differ from teaching methods. However, since they are the means of action of teachers and students, teaching techniques and teaching methods have similarities, difficult to distinguish clearly.
Ability to use different teaching techniques in each teacher and it is considered very important to the classroom, especially in the context of innovation in teaching methods in high school. Training to improve this capacity is a task, a very important issue for every teacher, in order to meet the requirements of improving the quality of teaching and learning at school.
Positive teaching techniques are measures and ways in which teachers act in small action situations to implement and control the teaching process. Teaching techniques are not independent teaching methods but are components of teaching methods. Teaching techniques are particularly important in promoting the active participation of students in the process. Teach, stimulate the thinking, creativity and collaboration of students.
There are many different teaching techniques that teachers can use in their instruction to promote student activeness. And in this topic, only some of the active teaching techniques used in teaching English are included. 7. Include techniques: questioning techniques, tablecloth technique, piece technique Grafting, technical thinking diagram ......
According to the program of the Ministry of Education, starting from 2015 has made a new textbook. Therefore, the application of active teaching methods and techniques in teaching is very necessary. However, the application of these teaching techniques in order to promote students' creativeness and activeness is still limited and many places are formal. The kind of teaching that is so popular in many subjects today is still the teacher who transmits the content presented in the textbook, students hear and memorably passively.
At present, the application of active teaching techniques to teaching is limited. The reason is that some teachers still have the view that positive teaching techniques are very difficult to apply to teaching in 45 minutes in class so very few use these techniques. There are also limited facilities for teaching. Life of a part of teachers is still difficult, so we have not invested adequately in renovating technical teaching methods.
       For students, most do not pay attention to lectures, lack of concentration to answer questions asked by teachers. They are always worried that they are mispronouncing or misleading, leading to their lack of initiative and lack of co-operation while working in pairs or groups with you.
Through the tests for 7th grade, I used teaching aids and applied some common teaching techniques, mainly students who are good at studying, the number of students with weak learning opportunities is low. Active activities. Therefore, learning is often less exciting, monotonous, less interested in the development of personal capacity.
At the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, I conducted a survey of seventh-graders attending the following results:
                                                 Survey results of 7th grade
                                                     Quantity: 36 students
Listen to lectures
Answer question
Comment your opinion
Self-realization exercises
The results of the examination showed that the level of listening attention is limited. Students participate in answering questions, comments are few, still students do not voluntarily do homework. At the same time, in many students communication activities, life skills are very limited, not boldly put forward his views in the classroom, not dare to argue especially with teachers, do not have the habit of cooperation in learning has a very negative impact on student learning. There are many causes for these limitations but the main reason is still the education method.
During English teaching 7 I have actively used the most active teaching techniques in the teaching process to improve the quality of teaching. The teaching techniques are mainly applied are: tablecloth technique, grafting technique, mind mapping technique ............
2.3.1. Piece technique [2]
1. Concept:
Technique piece is a technique for organizing collaborative learning activities between individuals, groups, and groups between the groups to:
- Solve a complex task
- Stimulate active participation of students in group activities
- Enhance the role of the individual in the collaborative process (not only to realize completion of Round 1 tasks but also to communicate results and accomplish tasks in Round 2)
- Strengthening the independence and responsibility of each individual
2. How to proceed
Technique piece is conducted through two stages:
- Stage 1: "Intensive Team": Classes are divided into groups, each tasked with one problem. After a certain time of discussion, each member of the group has a firm grasp of the results of the group.
- Stage 2: "Piece group": After completion of the task in the first stage, each student in different special teams grouped together into a new group of pieces. And the group "piece graft" received a new task, this task is generalized, synthesizing the whole content was learned from the "deep" group.
- Each group is separated and grouped according to the new scheme.
• Each member in turn presented the results of their discussion.
3. Applying the "puzzle piece" technique in teaching English 7
In terms of teaching in the classroom, during one lesson, the technique is most appropriate in the pieces when the discussion includes two main contents. How to proceed as follows:
+ In the first stage, the teacher divides the class into 8 or 10 groups according to the tables. Requires individual groups (groups 1,3,5,7,) to discuss 1 content; Even groups (groups 2,4,6,8) discuss the contents of the unit. After 2 to 3 minutes the team members have mastered the content of their group discussions.
In the second stage, the teacher asks the groups to come down and form a new group, groups 1 and 2 forming group A; 3 and 4 are group B; 5 and 6 are group C; 7th and 8th make up group D. So in the second round new groups know the full contents of the lesson and fill in the discussion table in the extra table for presentation to the class.
	When applying the grafting technique, if the group is divided as above, the students do not have to change their seats much to mess up the class. Also actively participate in the discussion process and master the content of the unit.
 Unit 10: B - A bad toothache [3]
- Stage 1: Teachers divide the class into 8 groups (8 tables), ask the groups based on the textbook + their own knowledge + image on the board made into the number 1 learning card.
+ The odd group: The causes of toothache
+ Even group: The ways to protect toothache.
4. Comment:
Through the application of transplant technique in the English program 7, it can be clearly seen that this technique creates diversified and diverse activities, students are engaged in different tasks and different levels of requirements. In grafting technique, students are required to actively engage in and engage in activities to fulfill the roles and responsibilities of each individual. Through this activity, students develop an active, active, flexible, creative and responsible sense of learning. At the same time, students develop communication, presentation, cooperation, problem solving skills.
However, in order to work effectively, teachers need to develop students' cooperative learning habits and social skills, initiative and sense of responsibility in learning. Need to select the appropriate content / topic. It then defines a complex task to be solved in the second round based on the results of the various tasks that were done in the first round. At the same time, the teacher should monitor the progress of the groups to ensure that all Every student in the group understands the task and accomplishes the task assigned
2.3.2 "Tablecloth"
1. Concept
It is a collaborative learning organization that combines individual and team activities to:
- Stimulate, promote active participation
- Strengthening the independence, responsibility of the individual student
- Develop a model that interacts with students
2. How to proceed
- Divide the students into groups and give each group a paper A0
- On the A0 paper divided into parts of the middle and surrounding parts. The surrounding area is divided by the number of members of the group. Each person seated in the position corresponding to the surrounding part.
- Each individual works independently for a few minutes, concentrating on answering the question in the personal understanding of each individual and writing on his or her paper in the A0.
- On the basis of each student's individual group discussions, agree and write in the middle of the A0 paper "tablecloth"
3. Use the technique of "table cover" in the English program 7
In the English program 7, it is possible to use table cloth technique in all lessons. However, this technique also takes a lot of time so in English teaching 7 
I myself have used some of the questions with open discussion questions as follows:
Example: Unit 11: B4
- Teachers raise questions to discuss: How can you help prevent a cold?
- The teacher divides the class into 4 groups of 7 to 8 members (because the class has 31 students), giving each group 1 A0. On paper A0 divided into the parts of the middle and the surrounding. The surrounding area is divided into 8 sections for 8 students.
- Each individual thinking, answer the question on his piece of paper on the "tablecloth"
Then the groups discussed, agreed, scored the result in the middle of "table cover"
After 5 minutes, representatives of the groups presented the results. Other groups participate in feedbacks, teachers comment, conclusions
4. Comment:
Through the application of table cloth technique in English program 7 can draw some comments as follows:
The "tablecloth" technique is a simple, easy-to-implement technique that can be organized in all the lessons. This technique overcomes the limitations of group teaching: in group teaching if the organization is not good sometimes only active members, passive members often rely, Not positive leads to time-consuming but not high academic efficiency.	
In the "tablecloth" technique requires all members to work individually, think and write their opinions before group discussions. So there is a combination of individual and group activities. Since then, discussions often involve all members and members who have the opportunity to share their ideas, experiences, self-assessments and adjust their perceptions in a positive way. As a result, improving the learning efficiency and developing life skills for students.
However, this technique also has the disadvantage that if the teacher does not pay attention to urge students to actively work in personal and group activities, it will take a lot of time in school.
	This technique is best suited to functional classrooms that have a large enough table to cover the A0 paper for the members to write their own personal ideas. For the junior high school in the conditions of facilities are still limited, lack of functional rooms, tables of small students can hardly enough to cover the A0 paper on the table to the members of the group Can write at the same time personal opinion. This limitation can be overcome by giving students small pieces of paper for students to write their own ideas and then attaching them around the "tablecloths".
2.3.3. Mind map
1. Concept
Mind Map is a teaching technique that organizes and develops thinking, helping learners to convey information to the brain and to move information out of the brain easily. At the same time, it is a very creative and effective means of recording.
Mind Mapping is a form of recording that can use colors and images to expand and deepen ideas. Thanks to the connection between the branches, the ideas are linked together so that the thinking diagram can cover the ideas on a wide range. The attractiveness of the image causes strong stimuli on the periphery of the brain to help maintain long-term memory.
The thinking diagram used in teaching is highly effective, develops logical thinking, analytical ability, comprehension, long memory, memorization, rote learning. At the same time, the mind map is in line with the physiology of the student, simple and easy to understand, rather than memorizing the theory in the form of a map of knowledge.
2. How to proceed
- At the center of the diagram is an image or a keyword that represents an idea or topic, the main content.
- From the big topic, find out the small topic related.
- From each small topic to find the relevant elements / content.
- The branching goes on and the content elements are always connected. This alignment will create a "master picture" that will describe the topic in a full and clear manner.
3. Use mind mapping in teaching English [5]
Mind map can be used in all lessons with different levels and content. In terms of usage, it may be partly or wholly. On usage activities, can be used in the test of the old post, the introduction of a new lesson, the instruction of the student to learn the lesson, the reinforcement exercise and the preparation of the homework in the student's home and in the examination Regularly periodically.
In the English teaching process 7 I usually use the thinking diagrams in the reinforcement section to system the basic contents for the students. As soon as you start teaching English, 7 teachers need to teach students how to draw a thinking diagram. Then ask each student to have a separate notebook to draw a thinking diagram. After each lesson, students return home to revise their lesson plans. Each time the oral examination, students will have to bring a diagram of the teacher's thinking. At the end of the exam period, the teacher collects a sketch of the mind to get a regular check mark.
Here are some examples of diagrams of thinking that students have drawn in the English program. 7. 
+ Language focus 1: prepositions
+ Review of adverbs
+ Tenses
+ Comparasion
+ Review preparation for the second semester examination
+ Map of students to use vocabulary review: Unit 12 
+ The student thinking diagram is used to review the sentence structure with "should".
Through the understanding of the mind map and teaching practice can clearly see some of the effects of the mind map as follows:
- Mind map helps students learn methodology: The training of learning methods for students is not only a means of improving teaching effectiveness but also teaching purposes. The fact that some students study very hard but still learning poorly, these children often study which songs know the lesson, the next module has forgotten the previous and do not know the link to know each other, do not know how to use Knowledge learned earlier in the following sections. The majority of these s

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