SKKN Some activitiesfor improving and enriching students’ vocabulary (English 10 - Basic)

Vocabulary is considered an important tool to help students interpret their items ultimately lead to successes in language skills such as speaking, listening,
writing and listening. It is also vocabulary that partly facilitates the movement of “passive” knowledge into “active” language use. Roughly speaking, students are getting more competent and confident in using language since they own the rich storehouse of vocabulary knowledge. In reality, those roles of knowing vocabulary seem to be marginalized in teaching and learning situations. More dangerously, the translation method becomes dominant, which navigates to the situation of L1 overuse. The textbook makes the problems worsen when presenting no room for purely teaching and learning vocabulary. As a result, teachers tend to spend very limited time on introducing the new lexical items and do not linger on vocabulary practice. In some special cases, a few teachers are more awareness of the possible potentials of vocabulary in the language family.The evidence is that they deliberately check students’ memorization on the words they have learnt. However, they do not vary the task types except for dictation technique, which is considered to be at the expense of communicative purposes. The same problems happen in my school - Hau Loc 3 Upper Secondary School, which urges me to do something to address myself to impove my students’vocabularies in English classes.
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE A. Introduction : I. Reason for choosing the research 02 II. Aim of the research 03 III. Scope, object and researching method. 03 B. Solving problems: I. Theory baisic... 03 II. The actual subject .. 05 III: Solutions 05 1.Methods to carry out. 06 2.The solutions to carry out 06 IV.The study results of problem. 15 VI. Conclusions and proposals.. 16 A. INTRODUCTION: I. REASON FOR CHOOSING THE RESEARCH Vocabulary is considered an important tool to help students interpret their items ultimately lead to successes in language skills such as speaking, listening, writing and listening. It is also vocabulary that partly facilitates the movement of “passive” knowledge into “active” language use. Roughly speaking, students are getting more competent and confident in using language since they own the rich storehouse of vocabulary knowledge. In reality, those roles of knowing vocabulary seem to be marginalized in teaching and learning situations. More dangerously, the translation method becomes dominant, which navigates to the situation of L1 overuse. The textbook makes the problems worsen when presenting no room for purely teaching and learning vocabulary. As a result, teachers tend to spend very limited time on introducing the new lexical items and do not linger on vocabulary practice. In some special cases, a few teachers are more awareness of the possible potentials of vocabulary in the language family.The evidence is that they deliberately check students’ memorization on the words they have learnt. However, they do not vary the task types except for dictation technique, which is considered to be at the expense of communicative purposes. The same problems happen in my school - Hau Loc 3 Upper Secondary School, which urges me to do something to address myself to impove my students’vocabularies in English classes. So I choose the theme: “ Some activitiesfor improving and enriching students’ vocabulary (English 10-basic)." with the aim to exchange some experiences of myself in the process of teaching “ Vocabulary lesson”. I am very glad to receive the sharing and contributing ideas of collogues so that I can perfect in the process of applying and teaching facts. II. AIMS OF THE RESEARCH: -Help students to learn vocabulary in context. The words should appear in the context of discourse or real communication rather than isolating words. By doing so, students can articulate the new words in meaningful contexts that they may encounter in real life. - Play down the role of bilingual dictionary. This help student skip from overusing bilingual dictionary, which makes students overtly depend on it for word quick translation. - Encourage students to develop strategies for determining the meanings of words. - Engage in “unplanned” vocabulary teaching. Teachers should be conscious that the “unplanned” vocabulary teaching can be encouraged since it relates to the ongoing activities. III.SCOPE, OBJECT AND RESEARCHING METHOD -Scope: Researching in the process of teaching English at Hau Loc 3 Upper Secondary School. -Object: This subject is concerned with ways of organizing activities in the class. -Researching method: Reading reference books, discussing with other teachers, applying in teaching, observing and drawing out experiences. B: SOLVING PROBLEMS I.THEORY BASIC: vocabulary is referred as the lexical items of the language including some aspects; such as, form (pronunciation and spelling) meaning (denotation), grammar (certain grammar context), collocation, meaning of word and appropriateness. So vocabulary is not just the words in the language. It is much broader than what is familiarly attributed. In real classroom, it is important for students to internalize all the possible fields of vocabulary so that they can avoid wrongly using words and ruining their harbored meanings. Some guidelines for communicative treatment of vocabulary instruction. Obviously, students will remember the words longer once they are taught effectively, so the stage of introducing vocabulary to students strengthen the effects of the subsequent consolidation. Traditionally, teachers of English tend to directly introduce the needed vocabulary to their students, by doing so they can save time for the macro skills which are widely considered to be more important than the language elements. As a result, students are to face with lots of obstacles stemming from insufficient knowledge of vocabulary. Spontaneously, their work on other skills no longer runs smoothly. Unfortunately, such frequent interruption may damages students’ learningmotivation. In my opinion, practicing and reviewing vocabulary deserves to be paid more attention and dedication from teachers and teachers should lend the most effective teaching techniques as well as appropriate pedagogic approaches to enhance students’ willingness to exposure to lexical items. Through this activity, enriching vocabulary of students is improved better. II. THE ACTUAL SUBJECT : We all agree that vocabulary is very necessary in the process of learning and teaching English. However, most of students do not like to learn English. One of their reasons is that they can not remember the words. Of course there are some lazy students who never review their lessons or learn the words after classes so they can not hold them or even there are some do not want to learn English because they think it is too hard for them. We, English teachers, also have to ask ourselves the questions why they are lazy or why they do not want to learn. All students admit that if they like the subject they will try their best to achieve good results. In contrast, they will ignore it or even hate it if they feel it is a boring and odd thing to pay the attention. Working as an English teacher in Hau Loc 3 Upper Secondary School belongs to six north west communes of Hau Loc, including Dai Loc, Thanh Loc, Cau Loc, Dong Loc , Chau Loc and Trieu Loc. The economic condition is not good and the social learning is also not good so teaching and learning of teachers and students are having many difficulties. The approaching with books, newspapers and modern communication media is limited. I really hope that the result of this subject will be higher and higher. I have tried to apply many ways to help my students love English by showing them how important English is and learning English is very interesting. The first thing of all is helping them learn vocabulary with motivational ways in order that they can master the most important factor of English and also the base to approach skills like reading, speaking, listening and writing. The study is narrowed down to the area of reading lesson for grade 10 students at Hau Loc 3 High School with the textbook English 10. Specifically, this theme deals with enriching vocabulary for students , the activities motivate students not to worry about using words in communicating . III: SOLUTIONS: 1.Methods to carry out. 1.1 Activity: word definition Activity: Crosswword Activity: word collocation Activity: scrambled letters Activity: word form 1.6 Activity: Matching 2. The solutions to carry out. 2.1 Activity: word definition Procedure: - T brings to class a list of uncompleted words of the topic of the unit. - Students are put into pairs or groups to discover the entire word based on the equivalent definition in the opposite column. Instruction: Read the sentences in column A carefully and choose the meaning of the italicized verbs. UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF ... Match the italicized verbs in column A with their meanings in column B. A B 1.When did the plane take off? a. building 2. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off. b.move downward 3. Let's take a break. We'll goon when you are ready c. made stop burning 4. Could you get me up early tomorrow? d. leave the ground 5. She laughed and chatted happily with other women e.talked in a friendly way 6. Did anyone see Sue getting on the bus? f. stopped 7. Suddenly the plane seemed to dip. g. getting into 8. I've given up trying to understand her. h. get out of bed 9. We had trouble putting up the tent in the dark. i. continue 10. Fire fighters soon put out the fire. j. rang, Answer: 1.d 2. J 3. I 4.h 5. e 6. g 7. b 8. f 9. a 10. c Further practice: Exercise 1. 1.This person gives a lot of attention to what he/she is doing so that he/she does not have an accident, make a mistake, or damage something. 2. This person has original and unusual ideas. 3. This person is always doing a lot of work. 4. This person is not angry if he/she has to wait. 5. This person likes sports and doing sports 6. This person likes talking very much. Đápán: 1.careful: cẩn thận 2. creative: sáng tạo 3. hard-working: chăm chỉ 4. patient: kiên nhẫn 5. sporty: năng động/ yêu thể thao 6. talkative: nói nhiều/ lắm lời Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences with the adjectives in Exercise 1. 1.She was always .. at school. She spent most of the time studying. 2.That's a .designer. She has a lot of new ideas. 3.Peter is so . He often checks his writing twice before giving it to the teacher. 4.Thu likes baseball, football, and volleyball. He's so. . 5.She told me she would come so be and let's wait for her. 6. Nhung is quiet, but sometimes she becomes , especially if she's on the phone with her close friends 2.2 Activity: Crosswword Procedure: -The teacher can create a paper-puzzle which is big enough to hang on the board, or she can also design it on the PowerPoint. - Students are assigned into different groups of about three or four students. - The teacher instructs students the rules and the ways to do this puzzle. - The winner is the one who is able to search the most correct words in the shortest possible time. - The teacher then shows the correct answer and gets individual group to make as many sentences as possible using the words they have just found out. - For the last two minutes, students are encouraged to utilize dictionaries. Instruction: Read the suggest sentence and find all of the words that are related to the following stories hidden in Unit 2: School talk Fun corner School crossword The clues for this crossword are jokes in each joke a teacher is talking to a student, and each joke takes place in a different lesson . Take the letters in italics and put them into the correct order. They will spell the subjects of the lessons. Write the subjects in the grid. 2. Emma,If I cut two apples into ten pieces and two pears into ten pieces,what would I have ? - A fruit salad. 1.Stephen, I asked you to draw a cow eating grass, but you’ve only drawn a cow. -Yes. The cow’s eaten all the grass. 6. Graham,what is the opposite of “Nein” -six? 3. Peggy,what can you tell me about the Dead Sea? -Nothing really, I didn’t even know it was ill 4. Rebecca, give me the name of a liquid that won’t freeze . -Boiling water, sir? 5. Edward, you ve written :rabit” with two Ts at the end. There should only be one. -Which T is the wrong one? 7. Who can tell me something important that didn’t exist a hundred years ago? -Me! 2 6 6 6 1 A T R 1 4 3 5 7 1.Art 2.Mathematics 3.Geography 4.Science 5.English 6.German 7.History. 2.3 Activity: word collocation Unit 3: A party -The teacher has students form groups. Give each groups one worksheet. - The teacher explains the activity: students work together to find the words. - Students should use pencils, if possible, as answers may need to be erased and changed. -The first group to have the list of complete words becomes the winner. Options/Alternatives -After checking the answers as a class, T asks students to write sentences using the vocabulary from the list - The teacher encourages some students to read their sentences to the class. Instruction: Use a verb which can be collocated with the three words or phrases. 1. g a card, a gift, flowers 2. h a party, a meeting, a conference 3. e yourself, the food, a film 4. t a lie, a joke, the truth 5. g engage, married, divorced 6. c a bus,a ticket,notes,a photograph,a journey 7. a a party, class, school 8. h soft drinks, coffee, cake 9. w a hat, shoes, a t-shirt 10. s hello, goodbye, thank you The answer: 1. Give 2. Hold 3 . Enjoy 4 . Tell 5 Get 6. Take 7. Attend 8. Have 9. Wear 10. Say 2.4 Activity: word form UNIT 9: Under the sea world Procedure: -The teacher has students form pairs. Give each pairs one worksheet - The teacher explains the activity, students work in pairs to find the right word form for each gap. - Students should use pencils, if possible, as answers may need to be erased and changed. -The first pair to finish the task becomes the winner.Options/Alternatives - T may get students to write sentences using the vocabulary from the list. Instruction: Fill in each gap in the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. Some tiny _________________ are carried along by the currents. (ORGANIZISE) 2.Sperm Whale _________________ are at risk due to hunting. (POPULATE) 3. These birds ______________ to North Africa in winter. ( MIGRATORY) 4. Scientists have made many important new dicoveries of the _______by using modern devices. (DEEP) 5. Community police have made a very positive _____________ to crime prevention. (CONTRIBUTE) 6. This new discovery challenged traditional _______________. ( BELIEVE) 7. They are investigating the mysterious ________of a young woman. (APPEAR) 8. Seventy-five percent of the earth surface is _____________by water. (COVER) 9. The _______________ of the seabed is being carried out. (INVESTIGATE) 10. The power station has been shut down for essential __________(MAINTAIN) Answer: 1.Organisms 2.Populations 3.Migrate 4.Depth 5.Contribution 6.Belief 7.Disappeance 8.Coved 9.Investigation 10.Maintenance 2.5 Activity: scrambled letters Unit 10: Conservation. Procedure: -T prepares handouts of a jumbled letters in advance. - T gets students to work in groups of three or four. - The rules: students have to reorder the letters to make up the right words -The winner will be the group which builds all the correct words first. Options/Alternatives Instruction: Arrange the letters to make 10 words you have learnt. 1.Geattiveon - vegetation 2.Efednce - defence 3.Limienatoin - elimination 4.Vimenenrot - environment 5.Chiemcal - chemical 6.Cocenrvitiaon - conservation 7.Resopnsilbiyt - responsibility 8.Prerseviaton - preservation 9.Cuirclaiton - circulation 10.Appdisearence - disappearance 2.6 Activity: Matching Unit 12: Music Procedure: - The handouts should be printed out and distributed to students. - The teacher explains the activity, students work in pairs to do the matching -After checking the answers with the whole class, the teacher asks students to make sentences using pairs of antonyms. Options/ alternatives - The teacher calls on some pairs to read out their sentences. - The teacher makes copies the good sentences on the board. Instruction: Matching a word in A with a word in B to make a pair of antonyms or symnonym. Exercise 1: Matching a word in A with a word in B to make a pair of antonyms. A B 1.Serious A.Discontinue 2.Traditional B.Simple 3.Powerful C.Uncommon 4.Maintain D.Feeble 5.Aged E.Anxious 6.Serene F.Languid 7.energetic G.Rejuvenated Answer: 1-B 2-C 3-D 4-A 5-G 6-E 7-F Exercise 2: Matching a word in A with a word in B to make a pair of symnonym. A B 1.relic A.accomplish 2.representative B.set up 3.establish C.appearing 4.memorialize D.symbolic 5.brilliant E.restore 6.achieve F.odd G.carnival 8. impress H. vestige 9. festival I. celebrate 10.attractive J. imprint Answer: 1-H ; 2-D ; 3-B ; 4-I ; 5-F ; 6-A ; 7-E ; 8-J ; 9-G ; 10-C IV.THE STUDY RESULTS OF PROBLEMS. Using Some activities for improving and enriching students’ vocabulary textbook 10 really have its effects because the students are active, enthusiastic, excited to learn. By using this method, the students who are always afraid, shy, lazy now are active and confident in learning and remembering the words , makes the lesson periods such as speaking or writing more and more exciting. In the school years of 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 I carried out my theme in 10 grades at Hau Loc 3 Upper Secondary School , the general results of students when they do the English tests are following: Kind Object excellent good average weak Bad Don’t apply in grade 10 in the school year of 2017-2018 20% 45% 35% 0% Apply in grade in the school year of 2018-2019 10% 30% 50% 10% 0% V.CONCLUSIONS AND PROPOSALS: This is suitable theme for teaching and learning of teachers and students. This theme can apply to all students but if it is applied to good students , the effect is better. Learning English , communication atmosphere is very important. If the students can approach the facts, always use what they learn , their communication and knowledge are more and more stable. So I personally draw the following experience: Lesson learned: -I always close to the students so that I can discover their abilities. -I need to divive subgroup in a group of students with weaker students, average students, good ones. -I need to control the maximum time for a lesson. - From reality itself, through theoretical study and learn from colleagues , I have some experience in teaching method " Some activities for improving and enriching students’ vocabulary” In this theme there are defects, these are the issues that I concern much. From the fact that I draw the lessons and experiences in order to have the best method in teaching English. They are some my above experiences through process of teaching in the last school year 2018-2019 . However, due to limit of documents and time, there will be some shortcomings . I look forward to receiving sincere advices from leaders and collogues Some proposals: - For school managers, it is necessary to invest more consulted documents for teachers, to have abundant library for students to study documents, to have expenditures to help and encourage teachers. - Giving time condition to train weak, bad students; improve excellent and good students. In order to do that , the theme can be applied widely and give better results. - Organizing more special subjects to innovate teaching methods for all teachers of English to attend and they can have themselves the best teaching method. At the same time , those special subjects should have concrete teaching period in each grade for us to learn. Thank you for your attention to my study. The head master’s confirmation Thanh Hoa, 28th May , 2019 I hereby acknowledge that this study is mine. The date and findings discussed in the thesis are true, used with permission from associates and have not been published elsewhere. Author: Bùi Thanh Hiền REFERENCES SGK THPT mới, Bộ GD và ĐT, Nhà xuất bản giáo dục. Chương trình THPT mới, Bộ GD và ĐT, Nhà xuất bản giáo dục.. Tài liệu Bồi dưỡng giáo viên môn tiếng Anh, Bộ GD và ĐT, Nhà xuất bản giáo dục.. Những vấn đề chung về đổi mới giáo dục THPT môn tiếng Anh, Bộ GD và ĐT, Nhà xuất bản giáo dục.. Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Prentice Hall. Nunan, David 1991 Language Teaching Methodology, Prentice Hall. Truong Vien, Bao Kham, Learning and the learner, Hue College of Pedagogy 1998. Tạp chí English Now, Bộ GD và ĐT và Hội đồng Anh.
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