SKKN Experience helps students in grade 7 of xi mang secondary school to learn vocabulary well

SKKN Experience helps students in grade 7 of xi mang secondary school to learn vocabulary well

We all know any languages in the world, want to communicate with it, requires us to have a vocabulary because the words are an indispensable component in the language. In English we can not train and develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of students that are not based on the foundation of vocabulary.

Indeed, without the necessary capital, they will not hear of it and consequently is unable to speak, read and write well not be undone, whether you have mastered the form sentences.

Therefore, to help students master the vocabulary to use in the training of skills is very important job that I concern and decided to implement the project:

 "Experience helps students in grades 7 of Xi Mang secondary to learn vocabulary well."


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 Presented by: Le Thi Chung
 Position: Teacher
 Working unit: Xi Mang Secondary School
 Subject: English
Part I
The Purpose of research
The object of research.
Research Methodology
Part II
Theoretical background
The status of the problem before applying innovative experience
Solutions and implementation
 The effect of experience initiatives for educational activities, with himself, his colleagues and the school 
Part III
1. Rationale:
We all know any languages ​​in the world, want to communicate with it, requires us to have a vocabulary because the words are an indispensable component in the language. In English we can not train and develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of students that are not based on the foundation of vocabulary.
Indeed, without the necessary capital, they will not hear of it and consequently is unable to speak, read and write well not be undone, whether you have mastered the form sentences.
Therefore, to help students master the vocabulary to use in the training of skills is very important job that I concern and decided to implement the project:
               "Experience helps students in grades 7 of Xi Mang secondary to learn vocabulary well."
2. The purpose of research:
Apply to teach students in grades 7A, 7B, 7C of Xi Mang Secondary School - Bim Son.
3. The object of research:
Students in grade 7 of Xi Mang secondary School – Bim Son town.
4. Research Methodology:
a. Research Methodology document:
Consult teachers, regular training books, documents and other workshop reference books.
Grasping the dispatch, the direction of the Ministry, the Department, Department of Education - Training, operational plans of the school and professional groups.
b. Survey methods, reference:
Combining class observation, experiment, examine and compare the academic performance of students that draw the best teaching methods for children.
1. Theoretical background:
As we all know, the school year 2015- 2016, the education sector to continue implementing the campaign, in order to improve the quality of education. In junior high school teachers teach students the different subjects on the basis of equipping students with the skills system, the necessary skills, to train a workforce with the knowledge, skilled, have practical skills, dynamic and creative ...
With the goal of universal education is "Helping students develop comprehensive ethical, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and basic skills, develop personal capacities, dynamism and creativity, image the human personality Socialist Vietnam, construction and responsibilities as citizens, students prepare for further education or enter working life, take part in building and protecting the country ".
Educational programs "must promote a positive, self-discipline, initiative and creativity of students, consistent with the subject characteristics, the characteristics of students, each classroom conditions and fostering the students study methods, ability to cooperate, to apply your skills to practical knowledge, emotional impact, bring joy, excitement and responsibility for student learning".
2. Status of the problem before applying innovative experience:
a. Advantages :
- The school board is always interested and create favorable conditions for the facilities and professional documentation service of the lecturer: cassette machine, versatile projector ... 
- Local authorities and associations in and outside schools always support the teacher in the process of work.
- Itself subject teachers always receive support from the teachers and professional groups and colleagues.
 - The majority of students in the class loved to learn English and prepare books and utensils for learning.
- The majority of parents are interested and create conditions for their children's learning.
b. Difficulties:
 - Most of the children have no way to learn vocabulary really effective. To the parents, is also very difficult to check or guide them to learn a foreign language at home by, not the parent knows.
- Some students especially boys often distracted and less interested in studying and learning the vocabulary.
- Some students have less time at home studying outside of school because they have to help their parents with housework ...
- They are less in a position to communicate in English and they are also afraid to communicate and exchange each other in English outside school hours.
 - The majority of students in the class are disadvantaged so they have little reference books to raise capital from outside the vocabulary that provides textbooks.
3. Solutions and implementation:
To promote positive good creative initiative of students in learning, we need to organize the teaching process in a positive direction of activities of the school, in the process of teaching and learning, the teacher is only who transmit knowledge to students, good students want to acquire the knowledge that, then you have to learn in their own activities.
Main methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in our integrated, meaning that new words should be taught in context, the context can be a reading, a conversation or a text. However, it comes with the teaching and learning of foreign languages ​​is still teaching new words like? New sentence structures taught how to students how to use new words and new structures of communication in a foreign language.
From the beginning, the teacher should consider the different tips for each step in the processing vocabulary new contexts: suggestive, teach, test and reinforce vocabulary.
- There should teach all the new words do not? Teach how much from the weather in a medium?
- Use available sample sentences learned or will learn to introduce new words.
- Use pictures, visual aids to introduce new words.
- Make sure the students understand the structure, vocabulary applied to the structure to perfect communication functions, set the relationship between the new structure and vocabulary had.
- Engraving of capital from the minds of students passed through the sample questions and practice exercises.
a. Choose from to teach:
English is an important subject, it is a tool to communicate with countries around the world. So communication requires us to have a rich vocabulary.
In the current environment of ordinary, when it comes to new language is mainly comes to grammar and vocabulary, vocabulary and grammar always have a relationship clings together, always be taught in collaboration to clarify the meaning of together. But teaching and vocabulary is introduced specific problems. Typically a lesson in always new words appear, not from any new finish should also put in to teach. To choose from to teach, teachers should consider these issues:
- From the initiative (active vocabulary)
- From passive (passive vocabulary)
We all know how to teach two different types of words. The initiative related to the four skills (listening - speaking - reading - writing). For this type of teachers needed to invest the time to introduce and guide students to practice more.
With the passive teacher simply stop at perception, no need to invest time in the operation applications. Teachers need to know the options and decide what will be taught from such a word from active and passive as a word.
      - When teaching new words to clarify three basic elements of language are:
+ Form.
+ Meaning.
+ Use.
For the initiative was only for students that writing and as dictionary definitions is not enough, let the students know how to use them in communication, student and teachers need to know how to pronounce, not unique retail, but also know the correct pronunciation of the word in the speech chain, especially the meanings of words.
- The number of words to be taught in all, depending on the content and level of the student. Never teach all new words, for they will not have enough time to perform other activities. However, in a class should only teach a maximum of 6 from.
- While choosing words to teach, you should consider the following two conditions:
+ From there needed to understand the text?
+ From there it harder than students who are not qualified?
- If the word is needed to understand the text and in accordance with the level of the students, then it heading from positive, so you have to teach students.
- If the word is needed to understand the text, but harder than the level of the students, it is not from a positive group, so you should explain it to the students to understand the significance of it immediately.
- If the word is not necessary to understand the text and also not very difficult, you should ask students to guess.
b. These tips suggest introducing new words:
Teachers can use some tips suggest introducing new words, help students learn from an initiative such as:
* Visual (look):
Have students look at pictures or sketch drawings for the children to look, help teachers semantics of words quickly.
Eg :
          Unit 12: Let's eat! - A.1
          To teach such words as: meat stall, stall vegetable, fruit stall teachers should collectibles actual pictures to illustrate his lectures.
* Mine (gesture):
Expressed through facial expressions, gestures, posture.
Example: Unit 10: Health and Hygiene - B.3
To teach the word "to brush (one 'teeth)"
Teacher takes a toothbrush then the her brushes teeth
Teacher asks: "What am I doing?"
Students: You are brushing your teeth.
* Realia (real thing)
Use intuitive tools that fact get.
Example: Unit 12: Let's eat! - A.1
In order to teach the word of vegetables and fruits (spinach, cucumber, durian ....) Teachers should collectibles real objects to illustrate his lectures.
spinach cucumber durian
* Situation / Explanation:
Use situations and explained to the students grasp new words effectively.
Eg: Unit 5: Work and play - B.1
To teach the word "recess", the teacher can give a few scenarios for students to guess the meaning.
- You can read, eat, drink and chat with your friends at recess.
- At recess, play some games such as: skipping rope, catch ... 
- At recess, Teachers do not work with us, take a rest.
- What does "recess" mean?
* Example: Give specific examples related to the upcoming study from creating compelling curiosity and students.
Eg: To teach the word "(to) complain" teachers can guide students in the process to find the meaning of words by suggesting:
- "This room is too noisy and too dirty. It's no good. "
"What am I doing?
- I am complaining.
* Synonym \ antonym:( synonyms \ antonyms):
Teachers have learned to use words and meaning equivalent to help students get to know about to learn the meaning of words.
Eg: Unit 3: At home - A.2
To teach "intelligent, expensive" teachers can ask students to guess the meaning through words learned previously.
- Intelligent:
            Teacher asks "What's another word for clever?"
             Students answer "intelligent"
- Expensive:
            Teacher asks "What's opposite of cheap? "
              Students answer "expensive".
* Translation (translation):
- Teachers use the word equivalent in meaning to give Vietnamese word in English.
Teachers use this procedure only when there is no other way, this procedure is often used to teach the abstract, or to solve a number of more, but time does not permit, the teacher suggested that students self service from there.
Example: Unit 8: Places - A.3
To teach the word "direction" Teachers can not use the tips other than tips Translation.
Teachers can ask students:
               - How do you say "direction" in Vietnamese?
               - How do you say "direction" in English?
True or False statements *:
Teachers provide some questions and ask students to choose the most correct answers related to the upcoming study.
Example: Unit 10: Health and Hygiene - B.3
 To teach the word "dentist" Teachers can give students some choice questions such as:
- A dentist teaches the children ..
- A dentist takes care of our teeth.
- A dentist works in a factory.
Students will choose the second option.
c. The test procedures and reinforce new vocabulary:
We know that just introduces new words is not enough, but we also have to take steps to check and reinforce new words right in class. Inspection procedures and consolidation will encourage students to learn actively and more effectively.
 What and where
Jumbled words
Rub out and Remember
Slap the board 
d. Implementing measures:
Steps to introduce new words:
To introduce new words, teachers teach students in the four skills:
+ Listen: Teachers read the form, students listen.
+ Talk: Teachers read, students reread.
+ Read: The teacher writes on the board from, students read from the eye, oral.
+ Writing: Students write words into practice.
 Step introduction post, introducing the topic: this is an important step in teaching vocabulary. This step will determine the success of the lesson, it will inspire students to think of the school from going through all the newly introduced points. The most important thing in the introduction of new words is to be performed in sequence: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Never start from other activities "listening". Remember the process of learning our mother tongue, always start by listening, imitating and then pronounce to other activities. Please help your student has a habit of learning new words in the best way:
- Step 1: "heard" you hear from new students by reading the sample.
- Step 2: "say", after the student has heard the new requirements three times you repeat students. When students repeat, you need to pay attention to the class repeated before, then personal calls.
- Step 3: "read", you write the words on the board and get students to look at it to read. Have students read the whole class, and read personal and fixes for the students to some extent you deem satisfactory.
- Step 4: The "write", after the student has read the word correctly and then you ask students to write new words into their notebooks.
- Step 5: You ask if there are students who do not know the meaning of that word and ask a student to the board to write the meaning of the word in Vietnamese.
- Step 6: accented words: pronounce the word and ask students to identify accented syllables and marking.
- Step 7: for the form and ask the students to define the genre of the new school.
While teaching new words to keep in mind the following points:
Should introduce samples from each specific question. In various communication situations, teachers can combine that job by setting the relationship between the old and new words, vocabulary must be constantly reinforced.
Teachers regularly test their vocabulary in the early hours by allowing them to write from the table and held up, to the way teachers can observe students in class the whole, it is imperative to study them and students should remember to use words in question form, with real-life situations to help them remember the words longer, communicate well and bring high efficiency.
For all students acquire good teaching requires new words, teachers need to choose the appropriate method, we need to choose the shortest way, the quickest, most effective, after school vocabulary is finished reading them, writing is and how to put on the actual situation.
 Instruct students to learn vocabulary at home:
Time in school is very little, so they have to organize their own learning activities at home. Thus, at the beginning of the school year, teachers should guide students to build learning activities at home effectively. Do that, then certainly the teaching and learning activities will increasingly improve.
* Lesson Plans illustration:
Unit 12 : Lesson 1 - A1
 Period 73: 
I. Aim:
After learning the lesson, Ss can Identify kinds of food: meat, vegetables, fruit and they can talk about food: like and dislike.
II. Language contents:
1/ Grammar: Review the simple past, present tense 
2/ Vocabulary: pork, cucumber, spinach, pineapple, papaya, durian
Slap the board
III. Teaching aids:
Cassette, tape, sub- board, pictures
IV. Procedures:
Teacher and Students’ activities
Teacher has Students write the networks.
Ss practice in groups.
T corrects. 
Teacher asks some questions.
Students answer.
 Teacher introduces new lesson.
Teacher presents new words by using real objects and pictures.
Teacher says in English, and then write each word on the board. 
Students listen, repeat and then copy down.
Teacher checks Ss’ vocabulary by guiding them to play a game.
Students play game in two groups.
Teacher presents grammar points by giving some examples .
Students observe, listen and copy down.
T turns on the tape.
Students listen .
Students practice in pairs to take the roles.
Some pairs practice the dialogue in front of class.
Teacher has Students read the dialogue in silent .
Students work in groups to write a list.
Teacher corrects and gives keys.
Teacher has Students match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
Students match.
Teacher corrects and gives marks for them.
Teacher gives the homework and guides Students to do exercises.
Ss listen and take notes.
1/ Warm up: (5 minutes)
- Do you often go to the market with your Mom?
- Which fruit / vegetables / meat do you like?
2/ Presentation: (15 minutes)
Pictures / real objects
New words:
 - pork (n) 
 - cucumber (n) 
 - spinach (n) 
 - pineapple (n) 
 - papaya (n) 
 - durian (n) 
 - (to) smell / smelt
 - (to) hate
 - ripe (adj) # green (adj)
 Slap the board
 Neither/ not ... either : (adv)
Ex: I don’t like pork.
- I don’t like pork , either . / I don’t, either .
- Neither do I. 
 So / too :
Ex: I like pineapple.
- I like pineapple, too. / I do, too. 
- So do I .
3/ Practice: (15 minutes)
A.1/ page 114,115
Hoa and her aunt (They) bought beef, spinach, cucumbers and oranges.
4/ Production: (7 minutes) 
1. pineapple 
2. grapefruit
3. durian
4. strawberry 
5. papaya 
6. longan
7. water- melon
8. mango
a. đu đủ
b. bưởi
c. xoài
d.dứa, khóm
f. nhãn
g.sầu riêng
h. dưa
5/ Homework: (3 minutes)
 - Learn new words and grammar.
 - Do exercises A1, A2 / p.74 in workbook.
 - Prepare : Unit 12 - A2, A4
6/ Comments:
4. The effect of experience initiatives for educational activities, with himself, his colleagues and the school:
           Through the process of applying to the actual topic of teaching, I noticed more and more students academic progress:
- Students are more interested and active in all activities.
- The lessons become more lively and vivid.
- Students are almost near the end of the new words at school.
- Their vocabulary significantly increased.
- The bad students can use the vocabulary in simple sentences. Students who possibly used the vocabulary of the more complex question.
Following are statistics semester academic quality of students in the class I applied topics and classes do not apply the theme:
Total number of students
2 (4,8%)
5 (11,9%)
23 (54,8%)
12 (28,5%)
3 (7,1%)
8 (19,1%)
21 (50%)
10 (23,8%)
10 (23,3%)
15 (34,9%)
18 (41,8%)
0 (0%)

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