Some techniques of teaching English phonetics to students in grade 10 at Tran Phu high school

Some techniques of teaching English phonetics to students in grade 10 at Tran Phu high school

Vietnam has been on the path of integration with the world and the countries in the region, it is moving into the market economy. English is an important factor and is a bridge to the countries in the world, which helps us to reach out to the latest achievements of man in science, technique, culture, society, and increases mutual understanding. Therefore, we must have required human resources, in addition to being a professional training system, and all the other quality requirements to meet international communication. To achieve this it is teachers who help students see the big role of language learning, help them overcome obstacles in the process of learning to use English fluently. There are many factors that affect the ability to communicate in English, a portion of which is phonetics. Phonetics is an indispensable field in the teaching and learning of English and is particularly indispensable part in tests and exams. However, the majority of students still face many difficulties in pronouncing and remembering the sounds because Vietnamese’s sounds have single syllables and no wind noise while English is the opposite. While portion of the document to serve the teaching and learning phonetics of teachers of students are rare. Therefore, pronunciation is often overlooked component in secondary schools in Vietnam, which is why the language learners can read but can not speak fluently.

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1. Reason for choosing the topic.
4. Facilities of the study.
3. Objective and scope of the study.
2. Aims of the study.
1. The basis of the argument selected topics.
2. Practical basis of the selected topics.
3. State of learning English English phonetics at Tran Phu high shool.
4. Method of implementation: 
5. Applied techniques for solutions. 
5.1 Teaching phonics through songs 
5.2. Teaching phonics through games 
5.3 Teaching phonics through using illustrations and explants pronunciation. 
6. Reached results. 
1. Reason for choosing the topic.
Vietnam has been on the path of integration with the world and the countries in the region, it is moving into the market economy. English is an important factor and is a bridge to the countries in the world, which helps us to reach out to the latest achievements of man in science, technique, culture, society, and increases mutual understanding. Therefore, we must have required human resources, in addition to being a professional training system, and all the other quality requirements to meet international communication. To achieve this it is teachers who help students see the big role of language learning, help them overcome obstacles in the process of learning to use English fluently. There are many factors that affect the ability to communicate in English, a portion of which is phonetics. Phonetics is an indispensable field in the teaching and learning of English and is particularly indispensable part in tests and exams. However, the majority of students still face many difficulties in pronouncing and remembering the sounds because Vietnamese’s sounds have single syllables and no wind noise while English is the opposite. While portion of the document to serve the teaching and learning phonetics of teachers of students are rare. Therefore, pronunciation is often overlooked component in secondary schools in Vietnam, which is why the language learners can read but can not speak fluently.
In grade 10th English phonetic part (Pronunciation) is newly introduced into teaching and hard for students. In one lesson (45 minutes), teachers have to teach phonetics and grammar which has not just one topic but almost two or three topics as Unit 5, Unit 13, Unit 14, so some teachers sometimes go very fast this part or merely practice reading for students. Moreover, in the lower classes, students were not taught phonetics so many students pronounce wrongly and find it very difficult to correct. 
I myself see teaching pronunciation of foreign languages ​​is quite challenging but also brought many interesting discoveries for teachers. To effectively use time of each period, each teacher should apply the best teaching methods in order to achieve good results of teaching and learning pronunciation. 
From the fact that I have found some very effective methods to help students learn phonics more effectively namely: Using illustrations combine to explain the pronunciation, games, learning phonetics through songs, ... the teaching pronunciation can much more easily if visual aids are utilized maximum. 
I am pleased to present the experience of teaching phonetics in the Experience Initiatives "Some techniques of teaching English phonetics to students in grade 10 at Tran Phu high school."
2. Aims of the study.
To solve and improve the current situation of teaching and learning phonics at Tran Phu high school
3. Objective and scope of the study.
a. Object of the study.
 Grade 10 Students at Tran phu high school.
b. Scope of the study.
 Pronunciation part in English 10.
4. Facilities of the study.
- Theories of English phonetics.
- The teaching reality.
- Consulting from colleagues
1. The basis of the argument selected topics.
Each subject there are teaching methods, its own characteristics. Teaching English in general and with particular subjects are teaching methods is an issue that needs to be put on the top . To have an English class quality , giving students the inspiration to absorb the lesson , the teacher must teach these methods really unique and attractive .
Teaching is a process of creating nature art stimulation , orientation and guidance. Teaching is not just a mere conveying that knowledge is a process of creating relationships between teachers , learners and teaching materials . Through direct teaching, I noticed that in addition to knowledge, style of a foreign language teaching, the teaching method is also an extremely important factor in attracting student interest , concentration and subjects as love . There are now a lot of new teaching methods have been applied in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​in high school . That is the good way, easy to use and have contributed to improving the quality of courses. As a teacher you really very annoying when every time I look down to see his student class lazily not focus on his lectures . It can be from natural causes such as climate, seasonal weather can be so subjective as well as not so lively lectures, teacher or not, because students do not understand the lesson learned bored .... So some games, English teaching techniques will complement the teaching of foreign languages ​​at the same time you will easily inspire learning in students. The skillful teacher will implement them at the beginning of class or at the end of a time
 For myself I find the use of new technologies in teaching and learning in English is really effective. Students get excited when learning English courses help change the air in class and make lessons less stressful and easier to understand, sometimes helping people learn and absorb memorable .
2. Practical basis of the selected topics.
  Over the years of teaching English in high school, I have noticed the fact that the majority of students are afraid to learn English, after graduation they are not able to communicate in a foreign language they have learned . Often when starting a new grade ( University/ College ) or when they need they have to start learning it again. Moreover, due to communication environment is extremely limited situations when communication should happen to appear (such encounter an alien or a person speaks English ), they can not communicate and also said that they are afraid to speak English .
So, how to get students excited about learning a foreign language, namely English subject. How to learn English now? How can they hear, speak simple English sentences in a natural way? Those are some of my concerns in the teaching process, so I'm always trying not only to find the most effective solutions to make the lectures attractive to students but also improve the quality of teaching subjects on the basis of teaching learner -centered methods.
Four skills of Listening, Speaking , Reading and Writing has been compiled meticulously and clearly. However, correct pronunciation is difficult .
3. State of learning English English phonetics at Tran Phu High Shool.
a. Advantages: 
 Most 10th graders have relative knowledge of vocabulary and grammar as well as ability to communicate in English. They are still not under pressure of college entrance exams, therefore they are excited about learning English.
Students themselves and parents also begin to realize the importance of learning English. My school provides teachers with favorable conditions of facilities like labs, projectors, radios, discs, books ,which helps teaching English easier.
b. Disadvantages:
Student’s knowledge is uneven, some students can not speak the common English
greetings accurately while others are good at it.
Classes are crowded so teachers do not have enough time to check and forge sounds for each student. Particularly with 10C 10B graders (2017-2018 school year) I am in charge of, most students agreed that English sounds is too difficult to differentiate even familiar words like: great, pretty, today Because of the reasons mentioned above I am pleased to present the experience of teaching phonics in the experience initiative "Some techniques of teaching English phonetics to students in grade 10 at Tran Phu high school."
I think they are very easy and simple but effective methods to apply. 
4. Method of implementation: 
Due to the difficulty to recognize and can not remember how to pronounce words, students are often afraid of communicating in English. As a teacher, to encourage relaxed atmosphere, I use pictures, intuitive tools or funny pictures associated with explaining the pronunciation of that sound so easy to memorize so that students enjoy learning and reading more .
Previously, for illustration, teachers had to cut pictures from magazines or draw pictures - time-consuming work, and funding. Today with the development of information technology, teachers can use computers and computer lights (projector) to illustrate the composed image via Microsoft PowerPoint software .
I also actively explore online information. There are some very useful websites for teachers of English, for example,,,,,,
5. Applied techniques for solutions. 
5.1 Teaching phonics through songs
Using songs in the classroom, I notice that the students are excited to learn English . The song provides an example of a real language, and catchy rhythms . The song may be the motivation for students to hear multiple times and likes to imitate the idol of their music.
The song is very real examples of accessible and spoken English . Rhymes of the song gives the listener the repetition of similar sounds .
Students often choose to listen to the many songs sung, through which they will approach indirect sounds .
From synchronize with the music of the song, allowing students to contact the number syllables / accent of the word, with catchy rhythms .
The songs create a sense of comfort, which will take students to the field of complex speech lightly .
The songs contain numerous examples of light syllables, making students realize the pronunciation of English.
However, no song is 'prepared' to teach pronunciation. Any song can also be used for different phonetic field. Please select the songs really well (better quality recording if possible), not so fast, easy to remember, easy to attract students (probably the songs that they already know) and easy preparation activities based on phonetic field are introduced .
For example, when teaching Unit 12: Language Focus (English 10) : " s " and " z sounds. Before introducing the sounds, I have students listen to the song SEESAW, SEESAW, SLIDE. After listening, the students are asked to do the following exercise:
Look at the following song, underline the /s/ sound and circle the /z/ sound.
When they are finished, I play the song one more time for them to check. As a result, most of the class perform the tasks well with excitement.
Seesaw, seesaw, who’s on the seesaw? 
Seesaw, seesaw, who’s on the seesaw?
I see Sandy on the seesaw.
I see Sam on the slide.
Seesaw, seesaw slide.
Seesaw, seesaw slide.
She saw Sandy on the seesaw. 
She saw Sam on the slide.
Besides that, I also use this picture to illustrate the words containing two sounds "s" and "z" and their pronunciation. Not only can students pronoun the sounds correctly but they also learn new words effectively.
5.2. Teaching phonics through games 
Besides songs or pictures I also organize some games to draw attention to students better. Students will learn the language very well through the games. Games help change the atmosphere in class and make lessons less stressful and easier to understand, sometimes easy to remember and help learners acquire knowledge deeply. However, the organization of students how to play is important. Here are some games that I have used in my lessons:
5.2.1. Games: Tongue Twisters 
a) The general steps 
- This game is usually applied to the audio exercises, called the sentence "hanging on the tongue" 
- Teachers prepare a phrase, or a sentence or two in which English words that sound most need training in the lesson. 
- Phrases or sentences should be written up on the board for students to see 
- Teachers read samples for students to listen to.
- Representatives of groups will stand up to read the sentence "hanging on the tongue". The team with the most accurate recalls will win. 
b) Specify for each lesson 
The above steps can be applied to all operations should Tongue Twisters given below apply only to the corpus activity.
*Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND – Language Focus (English 10)
Aims: To pronoun correctly and distinguish the two sounds: / e / and / æ / 
How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans?
How many berries could a bare berry carry if a bare berry could carry berries?
Every student are eager to read the questions because its challenge and fun, which makes exciting situations. After each group read the questions, I ask them to find out the sound /e / and / æ / in each questions. 
Similarly, I can apply this game in other Units such as: 
*Unit 10: CONSERVATION – Language Focus (English 10)
To pronoun correctly and distinguish the two sounds: / b/ and / p /
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
*Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP – Language Focus (English 10)
To pronoun correctly and distinguish the two sounds: / g / and / k /
How many cookies could a good cook if a good cook could cook cookies? 
A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
5.2.2. Slap the Board
Aim: To raise students’ interest and distinguish similar sounds.
a) The general steps: 
- Teachers write some English words on the board (probably need to practice new words or sounds) 
- Call on the board two groups, each group of four to five students, two groups request a table stand equal intervals 
- Teachers read any of English words on the table (or the corresponding Vietnamese words) 
- Turn in the two groups of students run up the table and patted find words read 
The team that people clap words be called faster will be the winner. 
b) Specify for each lesson
*UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF – Language Focus
Aims: To pronoun correctly and distinguish the two sounds: /i:/ and /i/
Teacher’s activities & content
	Students’ activities
Have Ss play a game called Slap the board, 
Write down some number on the board: 13, 30, 14, 40, 15, 50, 16, 60, 80, 18, 90, 19
Read aloud the numbers
Introduce the way to distinguish the pairs -teen /i:/ and –ty /i/
2 teams of Ss from 2 sides go to the board
Play the game
*UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA – Language Focus (English 10)
Aims: To pronoun correctly and distinguish the two sounds: / f / and / v /
Teacher’s activities & contents
Students’ activities
 Write on the board some words containing the two sound / f / and / v /
Fan, van, finish, fine, vine, enough, Stephen, village, vain, faint, feel, veal
Ask Ss to play the game Slap the Board:
Control the game: read aloud the words
*Introduce the way to distinguish the pair sound / f / and / v /
Look at the board
Play the game
5.2.3 Bingo 
Aim: To revise the sounds in different units and distinguish similar sounds.
a) How to proceed: 
  - Preparation of 6 cards, including 16 words each plate and place the disturbance differently from each plate. 
- Give each student a card. 
- The teacher reads aloud each word (to avoid misreading to read it again) 
- Students listen and tick cross into the box. 
- The student who first complete a horizontal or a vertical line on crosswords will shout "Bingo". 
- The student will read the words in rows under the supervision of the teacher and then they are declared the winner. 
b) Specific posts 
Aim: To revise the pronunciation of unit 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Language focus (English 10)
5.3. Teaching phonics through using illustrations and explants pronunciation. 
Aims: To use images to help students create more interest in learning, easy to recognize and remember the sounds. Besides that, teachers also explain to students starting position to vocalize. 
Specify for each lesson
5.3.1. To teach how to pronounce / I / - / i :/ (Unit1: Language Focus) 
a. To make the sound / I / (see Figure 1, 2, and 3): give tongue upward and to the front, upper and lower lip gap narrow, extending to two sides of mouth / I / is the sound of the vowel / i / to / I / standing before a vowel or two.
 SHIP (1) SIT (2) CHICKS (3) 
b. To perform pronounced / i :/ (see figure 4, and 5): tongue upward and put out front, the distance above and below the narrow lip, mouth wide open to two sides. When you pronounce this sound, his mouth a little bit friends, smiling like that.
+ / I :/ is called a long sound. 
+ / I: / is the sound of E, EE, EA, IE, EI.
 SHEEP (4) EAT (5)
5.3.2. To teach how to pronounce / ə / - / з :/ (Unit6: Language Focus) 
I use the images shown in figure 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 
 a. / Ə / (see Figure 6 and 7) Open your mouth very slightly and simply. The lips and tongue are relaxed.
b. / З :/ (see Figure 8, 9 and 10) To perform pronounced / з :/ lips and tongue put together in a similar position for the sound / ə /, but in higher positions pronunciation / a :/. Horizontal tongue in mouth, tongue body in the highest position, the tongue placed in mandibles teeth. 
 BIRD (8) GIRL (9) CHURCH (10) 
In the teaching process I noticed that the techniques above have especially useful when applied to teach phonetics. I find more students love learning English and improve their skills of speaking, reading and listening, students have more opportunities to practice English. However, they also have downsides, nothing is really perfect. With the techniques that I have presented, teachers need to prepare and arrange time appropriately and flexible.
6. Reached results.
6.1. Before applying some techniques of teaching English phonetics to students in grade10.
- I took graders of 10C 10B I was in charge to research and justify. Initially, I found most of the children not to interest in phonetics because they are afraid to read, regardless of the sounds in the lessons. They forgot to recognize the sounds they have learned. The result of tests did not achieve as well as desired.
6.2. After applying some techniques of teaching English phonetics to students in grade10.
Through the implementation of practical lessons, I find that all the lessons become more vivid, more exciting, students actively participate in training and acquire better. Tests are less errors . Most of them are interested in learning English and the test results as follows :
The results are very encouraging. The number of poor students in class now has dropped so much.
Above are some techniques that I have applied to teaching phonics in grade 10 at Tran Phu High school.
During the implementing the experience initiative, besides advantages there are some weaknesses 

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