SKKN Using english - Language short films to develop the listening and speaking skills for the students of class 11A1 at quan son 2 high school in Quan Son, Thanh Hoa

SKKN Using english - Language short films to develop the listening and speaking skills for the students of class 11A1 at quan son 2 high school in Quan Son, Thanh Hoa

Listening and speaking are necessary skills for effective communication in any language throughout the world. While English language is widely used for communication, the competence in English is considered as an added potential. The ability to speak in English fluently internationalizes the outlook of the people in comparison to other languages used for communication. English is the language of the international business, technology, science and travel and the ability to communicate in English can be kind of a linguistic power.

It can be said that learner of a new language face exciting challenges in developing their abilities to speak, listen, read and write and in learning about other cultures. Nowadays, with the develpoment of science and technology people in general and students in particular are surrounded by information from several sourses and reaching information becomes more important everyday. Besides, in order to cope with the challenges of the intensity of information faced by students, especially high school students, they need to develop different and more useful methods than those previously used.

In Vietnam, English is a compulsory subject in cirriculum and also a core subject in the National Examination. It is taught at school when students are in grade 3. However, there is a fact that a lot of high school students who have been learning English for years can not recognize the sounds they hear and speak the language.


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Người thực hiện: Lª ThÞ Hµ
Chức vụ: Giáo viên
SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực: Ngoại Ngữ
Quan Sơn tháng 11 năm 2017
Họ và tên: Lª ThÞ Hµ
Chức vụ Đảng: §¶ng viªn
Chức vụ chính quyền: Giáo viên
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THPT Quan Sơn 2
Quan Sơn tháng 11 năm 2017
To develop listening and speaking skills for the students of class 11A1 
atQuan Son 2 high school in Quan Son, Thanh Hoa
An attached CD with the short films used in the study and some recorded speeches
1.1 Rationale
	Listening and speaking are necessary skills for effective communication in any language throughout the world. While English language is widely used for communication, the competence in English is considered as an added potential. The ability to speak in English fluently internationalizes the outlook of the people in comparison to other languages used for communication. English is the language of the international business, technology, science and travel and the ability to communicate in English can be kind of a linguistic power.
It can be said that learner of a new language face exciting challenges in developing their abilities to speak, listen, read and write and in learning about other cultures. Nowadays, with the develpoment of science and technology people in general and students in particular are surrounded by information from several sourses and reaching information becomes more important everyday. Besides, in order to cope with the challenges of the intensity of information faced by students, especially high school students, they need to develop different and more useful methods than those previously used. 
In Vietnam, English is a compulsory subject in cirriculum and also a core subject in the National Examination. It is taught at school when students are in grade 3. However, there is a fact that a lot of high school students who have been learning English for years can not recognize the sounds they hear and speak the language. 
Generally speaking, students often feel nervous or shy when they try to speak English. They even struggle to understand what someone is saying to them despite years of study. They are embarrassed about their pronunciation or worried that they speak too slowly. Despite the fact that they have vocabulary and grammar, it is difficult for them to actually to use their English to speak. 
There are more and more innotivate approaches helping students in studyding English and developing speaking and listening skills. Film is both engaging and authentic; it offers experiences close to real life and real use of living language. Through short film, teachers can bring new worlds into the classroom and bring language learning alive. 
For these above reasons, I would like to choose the topic
“ USING English- LANGUAGE SHORT FILMS To develop the listening and speaking skills for the students of class 11A1 at Quan Son 2 high school in Quan Son, Thanh Hoa” in the hope of helping students, especially the students of class 11A1 at Quan Son 2 high school develop their listening and speaking skills though watching short films in regular basis. I also expect that English short films as authentic materials are possible to use to boot the confidence of the students to enhance the communication skills.
	It is hoped that both students and other teachers will find some useful reference for their learning and teaching.
1.2. Aims of the study 
 The study is aimed to help the students:
- Become familiar with the different accents of native speakers, listen to correct pronunciation and intonation patterns as well as recognize the sounds they hear, imitate them and then develop their listening skill.
- Learn English phrases used in real life situations, improve vocabulary and catch authentic languages.
- Create more opportunities to learn English usage in real life and enhance their speaking skills
1.3. Subjects of the study
The study is carried out with 39 students of the class 11A1 who have been learning English for 6 years( 4 years at lower secondary school with English 6,7, 8, 9 and 2 years at upper secondary school with English 10, 11). These students are from Quan Son 2 High School in Quan Son, Thanh Hoa. They are mainly from ethnic minority, Thai people.
Among 39 students who take part in the study, most of them have basic knowledge in English and modern mobile phones which can be connected by wifi or 3G everyday. Although they have vocabulary as well as structure, they do not recognize the sounds and are quite shy when they speak out, even they do not know how to speak.
1.4. Methods of the study
In order to achieve the above aims, the teacher uses English- language short films as authentic materials in the development of listening and speaking skills. Students will have time to watch short films with subtitles or without subtitles. After listening in a period of time, they will gradually improve listening skills, copy or imitate the pronunciation, then know spoken English and speak more natuarally. 
In this study, theory study, observation, data collection and analysis, discussion as well as evaluation are mainly used to achieve the aims of the study. 
2.1 Literature review
2.1.1. Short films in the development of listening and speaking skills in language learning classroom.
	Many researches have shown that films have much to offer language teachers in helping learners develop their knowledge of language and cultural awareness. Through films, teachers can bring new world into the classroom and bring language learning alive. Benifits of using films in the development of listening and speaking skills
* Learning from films is motivating and enjoyable
	Motivation is one of the most important factors in determining successful second- language acquisition. Films and TV shows are an intergral part of students’lives so it make perfect sense to bring them into the language classroom. Films, as motivators, also make the language process more entertaining and enjoyable.[3]
* Films provide authentic and varied language
	Films provide students with examples of English used in “real” situations outside the classroom, particularly interactive language- the language of real-life conversation. Films exposes students to natural expressions and natural flow of speech, especially for the students who are not living in an English- speaking enviroment.[3]
* Films give visual contexts
	The “visuality” of film makes it an invaluable language teaching tool, enabling learners to understand more by interpreting the language in a full visual context. Films assist the learners’comprehension by enabling them to listen to language exchanges and see such visual supports as facial expressions and guestures simutaneously. These visual clues support the verbal message and provide a focus of attention.[3]
* Variety and flexibility
	Films can bring variety and flexibily to the language classroom by extending the range of teaching techniques and resources, helping students develop their communicative skills. For example, films can be used to practice listening and reading, and as modals for speaking and writing. Films can also act follow-up tasks such as discussions, role play, reconstructing dialoge or summerising. It is also possible to bring further variety to the language learning classroom by screening different types of film: length films, short films, adverts, ect.[3] Reasons to choose short films in the language learning classroom
	Short films are valued in the classroom because of many reasons. Firstly, they are more manageble in a classroom, and in lesson time, than a feature film, and because very often short films have something a little special- a quirky story, an unusual setting, a distinctive visual style. Secondly, most short films are under 10 minutes long, they can be shown several times in a class and students are able to acquire detailed familiarity with the film which is important in enabling students to critically engage with the material on a meaningful level. As most short films can be watched several times, a different focus or activity can be used for each viewing which may help to develop intergrated skills. Another reason why short films are particularly useful to exploit in a single lesson is that they offer a complete narrative in a short space of time, which captures and holds students’ attention quickly. Besides, many modern short films which can be exploited in language teaching are silent or quasi silent. These short films with little or no dialogue give students the opportunities to supply the language by creativing their own spoken dialogues. Therefore, short films are the perfect vehicle for using moving images in the language learning classroom and for promoting listening and oral communication.[5]
2.1.2. Some pedagogical approaches to teach language using short films.
	In film education, a number of techniques and approaches have been devised, tested, and shared over the years. According to Guide Short Film in Language Teaching of BFI( British Film Institute) 2018( there are some useful ways of approaching the study of films in both literacy and language lessons, particularly in the development of speaking and listening skills. Those approaches are as follow:
- Basic Teaching Techniques
- Cs and Ss
- Tell me Basic Teaching Techniques
	The first set of apporoaches call Basic Teaching Techniques, come from a resource published many years ago call” Moving Images in the Classroom”. In this booklet, a group of teachers and advisers came up with eight” Basic Teaching Techniques” ( BTTs), designed to help teachers who hadn’t used film, video or TV before in their teaching to make the most out of these media.
Eight Basic Teaching Techniques:
Technique 1: Freeze Frame- concentrates on the visual language of moving images
Technique 2: Sound and Image- highlights the important sound in the interpretation of moving image texts.
Technique 3: Spot the Shots- draws attention to the editing process
Technique 4: Top and Tail- show how moving image text are produced and circulated to audiences
Technique 5: Attracting Audiences- show how moving image texts are produced and circulated to audiences.
Technique 6: Generic Translations- ways of making changes to moving image texts and relating them to other media
Technique 7: Cross- media Comparisons- changing moving image texts and relating them to other media
Technique 8: Stimulation- changing moving image texts and relation them on other media
	The eight basic techniques are designed to help teachers unravel the codes and conventions of the moving image, and enable them to use a wider range of film and video texts in the classroom when teaching languages. The techniques are not age- specific. Cs and Ss
	Cs and Ss are a way of categorising and analysing techniques in films that either share features with other modes of storytelling, or which are distinctive to film. The “Cs and Ss” approach offers possiblities for vocabulary work in a variety of languages for example in identifying colours, places, character types and adjectival descriptions of mood. The original’ family’ of Cs and Ss comprised:
- Character, Story, and Setting( categories that could be applied across film, print, and other fiction media)
- Camera, Colour, and Sound( categories specific to film)
Some approaches to the films in the pack using these categories as well as some new ones:
	* Symbol can be applied to films, books, oral stories and pictures
	* Sequencing: the order of events and ideas in the text- is the subject
of “Story”
	* Composition: refers to the ways in which objects, people, light are arranged in a single shot or frame
	* Cutting refers to one aspect of” editing”
	* Categogy refers to the genre or format in which we might position a film.
	The” Cs and Ss” approach offers possibilities for vocabulary work, for example in identifying colours, places, character types, and adjectival descriptions of mood. Tell Me
	The “Tell Me” approach is based on a questioning framework developed by a group of teachers, authors and advisors for eliciting children’s responses to the books they were reading. This questioning framework was worked on and refined over a long period, with teachers and children, in an attempt to ensure that the questions were generative- i.e. that they created spaces for children to talk and extensively- and that they did not threaten, or imply a right answer. The effect is something like a conversation, rather than a lesson.
	Basic’ Tell Me' question examples:
- Were there anything you liked?
- What caught your attention?
- Was there anything you disliked?
- Was there anything that puzzuled you?
- That you’d never seen in the film before?
- That surprised you?
- Were there any pattern?
The original’ Tell Me” question framework was developed further into a set of ‘grid’, that placed four categories( like Colour, Sound, Character and Story)
2.1.3. Assessment using films
	Using short films as a context for learning can offen be seen by students as a novel or “ fun” approach to language learning because film study may be new to them or outside of their standard language learning context. This should not mean,however, that learning language through films is not a meaningful or useful way to acquire new language skills and structures. As such, teachers should ensure that they make the most opportunities to move students’ learning forward during film study lessons.
	To ensure that assessment is effective, the following three questions from the planning stage when deciding to teach a series of lessons using a short film.
1. What do teachers want students to learn during the sequence of film study lessons?
2. How can teachers check that students are making progress during lessons?
3.What types of outcomes might teachers look for?
In addition, teachers may want to identify specific points of grammar language learning skills which they want to teach students as they work with a film. Therefore, assessment using films can be devided into:
Learning objectives
Checking for learning.
Possible outcomes Learning objectives
	At the planning stage, it is important to think about what teachers want students to learn during the film study lessons to give the learning sequence structure and purpose( consists of suggested grammar focus or skills acquisition). In practice, this makes a teacher’s job easier and more effective because it defines a direction of travel. It will be easier to structure a sequence of learning activities in relation to the ultimate goal.[2] Cheking for learning
	Teachers will probably have a number of techniques for checking for learning( or assessment for learning). These approaches can apply equally well to film contexts as any other language learning contexts. Checking students’ progress towards the learning objectives will help the students feel more secure and motivated in their learning.[2] Possible outcomes
	In reference to assessment, it might help to think of outcomes as a summative test which will prove to the the teacher and the students that they have made substantial progress during the sequence of lesson based on a short film. In other words, has students’s learning progressed sufficiently in reference to the teacher’s original learning objectives to ensure that they can confidently produce a final piece of work which bring together the stands of learning.
	Outcomes will depend on starting points, prior learning and the maturity of the students.[2] 
2.2. The reality of listening and speaking English of the students of class 11A1 at Quan Sơn 2 High School
Quan Son is one of the mountainous districts of Thanh Hoa province. The living condition and studying condition are poor and restrict. Although students who are in grade 11 have been learning English for 6 years, they still feel that English is a very difficult subject, especially the listening and speaking skills. Most of them do not receive sufficient exposure at home. They have many difficulties in recognizing sounds, understanding English sentences as well as using English to communicate with others because of the lack of knowledge on sentence pattern, grammar knowledge, poor vocabulary and even wrong pronunciation. 
Moreover, in English conversations or communicative situations, words, phrases and expressions used are quite different from what they have seen and learnt in reading passages or other written documents because these expressions are spoken language.
Additionally, the students who study at Quan Son 2 High School in Quan Son, Thanh Hoa are mainly from ethnic minority, Thai people. Their mother tongue is Thai language and they do not have opportunities to study English extra or use it outside classrooms. Thus, they find it difficult to remember English words, the pronunciation as well as the usages. Those are the reasons why their English listening and speaking skills are not good.
Besides, Quan Sơn has the boder with Laos and a lot of foreigners come here every year. They mainly use English to communicate with local people . However, most of the students can not communicate in English, even they can not hear and understand what the foreigners are saying as well as how to reply.
Therefore, developing English listening and speaking skills is really necessary and important for students here in their English learning and in their daily lives as well.
2.3. The produre of using short films to develop listening and speaking skills for the students of class 11A1 at Quan Son 2 High School
2.3.1.Time and Measurement
The study is carried out on extra lessons every Wednesday afternoon. Each lesson last 45 minutes once a week at class and students are watched gain everyday at home( films are up on the group of the class on Facebook). 
The study lasts 3 months ( from January 31st 2018 to April 25th 2018) with 2 stages: 
Stage 1: the first 2 months ( from January 31st 2018 to March 28th 2018)
Stage 2: the last month ( from April 4th 2018 to April 25th 2018) Measurement
	Assessment of oral language must focus on a student’s ability to interpret a conveying meaning for authentic purpose in interactive context. Giving students a mark for speaking is challenging job. Evaluating speaking is difficult as there are many things to pay attention at the same time. One possible solution for this is to pay attention on one or two aspects at a time. For an example a particular speaking activity or task the teacher can focus on marking the content and the word stress. For next, the teacher can pay attention on intonation and linking sounds. 
	In this study,I myself evaluate the students’ listening and speaking skills by results of trial tests( taken on the first week and last week of the study), speeches I record at class, their recorded ones they send on the group of the class on Facebook as well as my observation about their improvement compared to their level at the beginning to see whether the students are able to listen and recognize sounds better, minimize errors, use new words and phrases that they learnt when they speak, speak confidently, speak clearly or organize ideas.
Table 1: Measurement scale
Level 1
Student listened or spoke one or two words from speech

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  • docskkn_using_english_language_short_films_to_develop_the_liste.doc