Applying task - Based approach in teaching English grammar for the grade 10 students of basic curriculum at Yen Dinh 1 high school - Thanh Hoa province

One of the most challenging tasks constantly facing English teachers is how to capture the interest and stimulate the imagination of their students so that they will be more motivated to learn, especially in grammar lessons. In my school, teachers usually use PPP models to teach their students. We can not deny that this is a current popular method and it contains a lot of advantages. But it seems that students have to do what they are asked and have to do a lot of exercises. Frankly speaking, they become quite passive, only listen and write. They have little chance to interact, to communicate. Teaching grammar does not mean so passive. It should involve four skills and student should really be motivated to learn. I have decided to choose this topic with the hope that it will make certain contributions to the existing knowledge of the field under the study and help the grade 10 students at Yen Dinh 1 high school- Thanh Hoa province master English grammar well to use it confidently in four skills and get good marks in the exams.
TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: INTRODUCTION Title: “Applying task-based approach in teaching English grammar for the grade 10 students of basic curriculum at Yen Dinh 1 high school- Thanh Hoa province”. 1. Rationale One of the most challenging tasks constantly facing English teachers is how to capture the interest and stimulate the imagination of their students so that they will be more motivated to learn, especially in grammar lessons. In my school, teachers usually use PPP models to teach their students. We can not deny that this is a current popular method and it contains a lot of advantages. But it seems that students have to do what they are asked and have to do a lot of exercises. Frankly speaking, they become quite passive, only listen and write. They have little chance to interact, to communicate. Teaching grammar does not mean so passive. It should involve four skills and student should really be motivated to learn. I have decided to choose this topic with the hope that it will make certain contributions to the existing knowledge of the field under the study and help the grade 10 students at Yen Dinh 1 high school- Thanh Hoa province master English grammar well to use it confidently in four skills and get good marks in the exams. 2. Aims of the study. The specific aims of this study are as follows: Investigating the present situation of learning grammar, especially finding out problems facing students in language focus lessons. - Suggesting useful techniques for the possibility of task-based introduction in order to increase the students’ motivation in grammar learning as well as heightening the effectiveness of English language teaching. 3. Scope of the study This research focuses on investigating how Yen Dinh 1 language teachers exploit TBA in teaching English grammar in their classes in grade 10 students at Yen Dinh 1 high school. 4. Methods of the study To gain effectiveness of the aims the researcher has just mentioned above, the following methods were used: - Survey questionnaire for students in class 10A9 and 10A10 at Yen Dinh 1 High School to collect information about their views of the current situations and their feelings about lessons which are used language games. - The results of tests to check the grammar ability of the students in class 10A9 and 10A10 at Yen Dinh 1 High School. -Beside these instruments, classroom observation is used to record more information from teachers and students during lessons. - Constant discussions with the supervisor and colleagues are of great significance. 5. Significance of the study Theoretical significance of the study: the study will supply the English language teachers with the understanding of grammar and task-based approach, advantages when employing this method. Practical significance of the study: the research will help the teacher of English use task-based approach effectively, which will make language focus lessons more successful as well as help students in the grade 10 improve their grammar. PART B: CONTENT CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1. The Importance of Grammar in Language Teaching and Learning 1.1.1. Definitions of English grammar According to Richards and Platt (1992) in their Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics: Grammar is a description of the structure of a language and the way in which linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language. It usually takes into account the meanings and functions these sentences have in overall system of the language. It may or may not include the description of the sound of a language. 1.1.2. The importance of teaching English grammar Firstly, teaching grammar helps students understand how the language works. Apart from vocabulary, students need to know grammar to understand how it is written or how words are combined together to understand the proper meaning. Without grammar or with a poor knowledge of grammar, they may get confused with complicated expression Secondly, according to Smith (2001), if teachers neither pay attention to grammar nor create opportunities for learners to improve grammar, learners are likely to stand the risk of fossilization or reach a point where they can cope with level of communication that is demanded of them by making use of their existing grammatical resource and communication strategies and probably with sufficient fluency. 1.2. Definition of tasks Nunan (1989) gave a definition of task: “is a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing, or interaction in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form. The task should also have a sense of completeness, being able to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right”. Prabhu (1987), one of the first methodologists raising interest and support for TBA, defined: “a task is an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought, and which allowed teachers to control and regulate that process”. He emphasizes the process of learning, and he confirms that when following the tasks, the learner will get effective communication. The definitions of tasks vary in TBA. However, all of them have a common characteristic. They all suggested the tasks are concerned with communicative use. In other words, they refer to undertakings in which the learner comprehend, interact, produce in the target language in the contexts and focus on meaning rather than form. 1.3. What is task-based language teaching? Littlewood (2004) indicated that TBA is a development within communicative approach. It is not at all, Brown (1994) also claims that “TBA is a perspective that can be taken within a CLT framework”. Besides, he stated that what various understandings of TBLT emphasize is the centrality of task itself in a language course and, for TBLT as an overall approach, the importance of organizing a course around communicative tasks that learners need to engage in outside the classroom. Also, Foster (1999) pointed out that there are different task-based approaches, which share a common idea: giving learners tasks to transact, rather than items to learn, providing an environment, which best promotes the natural language learning process. 1.4. Task-based grammar teaching 14.1. Why we use Task-based grammar teaching? Task-based language teaching approach can be viewed as within the framework of communicative teaching and the study of task-based language teaching stems largely from communicative language teaching (Nunan, 1989). It puts tasks at the center of the methodological focus. It considers the learning process as a set of communicative tasks that are directly linked to the curricular goals. It emphasizes the development of students' communicative ability and communication takes place through using the grammatical system of the language. It combines the teaching of language forms with teaching of language skills. Therefore, it may have significance or it may be effective in grammar teaching. 1.4.2. Steps in Task-based grammar teaching According to Willis (1996) there are three main steps in task-based grammar teaching Pre-task Aim: To prepare student for the task, to engage their attention. Topics and tasks are introduced in the pre-task stage. Teachers introduce tasks to learners. They present necessary knowledge, explain the requirements and procedures of the task in detail and help learners familiarize with the topic, vocabulary and expressions. In this stage, teachers should take the individual differences among learners into account. While- task Planning the task: Aim: for the Ss to discuss about the works related to grammar points in group of six. Set a limited time of three or four minutes to discuss this. Circulate and listen to the Ss doing the task, but do not correct any language at this moment. Doing the task: Aim: For students to prepare an oral report of their task. Stop the task. Tell the students to work together preparing a summary of their discussion for later report to the whole class. They must write notes for this summary and be prepared to report this orally to the rest of the class. Set a time limit of five minutes for them to do this. When the students are ready, ask a spokesperson from each group to do report. Rest of the class listens carefully. Presenting the product of the task: Aim: For students to get a provision of useful language input. Post-task Language focus : Aim: To raise students’ awareness about the target language. Let the students look at the passage again, picking out those sentences which contain grammar points and write them on the board. Check that the Ss understand the meaning of sentences (if necessary) ask Ss to write down the rules of form for grammar point Language practice Aim: To give the students some restricted written practice in the target language. CHATER 2: THE CURRENT SITUATIONS IN TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT YEN DINH 1 HIGH SCHOOL 2.1. An overview of the current situation of teaching and learning English at Yen Dinh 1 High school. The study was conducted with a total of 84 participants of Grade 10 in two classes – experimental class, 10A9 and control class, 10A10 at Yendinh 1 high school. Most of them have been learning English for at least 4 years at secondary schools, from Grade 6 to Grade 9, and they used the new English textbooks designed by MOET. 2.2. Findings from the current situations. To find out some current situations in teaching and learning English grammar in class 10A9 and 10A10 at Yen Dinh 1 high school, the researcher surveys the current situations by using questionnaires, interview questions and observation. The researcher found out some following results. 2.2.1. Results from questionairs Table 1- Students’ difficulties in studying English grammar No Difficulties Number Percentage 1 I cannot apply the proper tenses. 50 60,9% 2 I cannot put the words in correct order. 45 54.8% 3 I was very bad at English when I was at lower high school. 37 45.1% 4 I cannot remember all structures. 71 86.5% 5 I cannot apply all structures correctly. 36 43.9% 6 There is a lack of teaching aids at school. 15 18.2% This can be shown that, 60.9% of the students said they could not put the verbs in the correct tenses. Besides 45.1% of the students believed that they were very bad at English when they were at lower high school. And 54.8% of them thought that they cannot put the words in correct order. In addition, the number of the students who could not remember all structures was 86.5% and 43.9% of students could not apply all structures correctly. Besides, having a small number of the students (18.2%) said that the lack of teaching aids at school is other difficult of them. In the second questions the researcher asked students about the main causes of these difficulties Table 2- The main causes of students’ difficulties in learning English grammar Main causes Number of students % I was bad at English grammar when I was at primary and secondary school 37 45.1 The lack of learning aids at school 15 18.2 Teacher’s teaching method is not effective 72 87.8 I don’t know the good way to learn effectively 60 73.1 As they can be seen in the table, 87,8% of the students showed the method that teacher used is not suitable. In addition, 60 of them (73.1%) don’t know the good way to learn English grammar. Meanwhile 45.1% of them were bad at English grammar when they studied at lower school and 18.2% of them thought that the lack of learning aids at school is other main reason that they have difficulties in studying English grammar. 2.2.2. Results from observation Results from the teacher With the aim of helping students get knowledge about grammar structures, almost the teacher applied the traditional methods such as: translation, audio-lingual or using PPP model. Besides, the teacher used extra-board or handout in English grammar lessons. However, the applying of these traditional method hasn’t been done effectively yet. Almost lessons of the teacher were followed the following procedures: + The teacher presented the structure and then gave some example to illustrate this structure. + The teacher gave the form and usage of this structures and asked students to write down on their notebook. + The teacher asked students to give some examples + The teacher asked students to practice basing on some exercises in the textbook. About classroom management. The teacher asked the students to work individually most of the time. Sometimes, the teacher asked them to work in pairs. Sometimes they had to work in groups. There were no leader of groups, as a result, every member in the group was not appointed particular requires. Results from the students In my observation, I realized that most of the students never raised their hands in lessons. They were not willing to practice. They only practiced when being asked. They sat in silence and the teacher usually took notices of better students. Moreover, most of the students felt unconfident when being asked to practice. They showed their worry. Nobody wanted the teacher to call his/her name in practice the new structure as well as doing exercises in the textbook. 2.2.3. Results from the pre-test The reseacher delivered a test to two classes, 10A9 and 10A10 to find out the students’ level in two classes. In this test, the teacher checked students grammar by asking them to do a test about conditional type 3, used to+ V_infinitive and the structure should and should not. Table 3- Data collected from the test and findings-The comparision between two classes Mark <5 5-6 7-8 9-10 The experimental class 10A10 10 20 11 1 The control class- 10 A9 9 19 11 3 After giving and collecting the test, the researcher marked and found out the weakness of the students and compared the result of two classes. According to the data collected, 4 among 84 students got mark 9 to 10, 39 out of students got mark 5- 6 in which class 10 A9 occupied 19 students, which is lower than the number of students in 10 A10; and 9 students - a relatively high number, get mark under 5. As we can see, the effectiveness of the lessons before experiment was not good. only a few students got high marks and a lot of students got poor marks. . Moreover, in comparision between two classes, the researcher saw that the studens in two classes have the same level . Each class has the same number of students get mark over 8, and under 5. Some students of class 10A9 even got a higher marks, 3 out of 42 students got 9 to 10. It can be said that the grammar level of students in the experimental class and control class is relatively equal; in which students’ level at 10 A9 seems a bit higher than that in 10A10. * Summary In summary, from the results of observation, survey questionnaire, interview and test, the researcher found out some conclusion about the current in teaching and leaning English grammar at Yen Dinh 1 High School. Firstly, almost the teachers do not use any tasks in teaching English grammar at Yen Dinh 1 High School. Secondly, most of the students did not feel interested in grammar lesson. They do not pay attention to studying because they do not have opportunities and motivation to study. The classroom’s atmosphere makes them feel uninterested in the lessons. According to the classroom observation, very few students contribute to the lessons. They only practice when the teacher asks. When being asked, all students want the teacher to change the teaching method by applying task-based approach. 2.3. Solution In this part, the researcher provided the solutions to help students study English grammar more effectively. The researcher decides to change the method to teach grammar by applying task-based approach. Because of limited time, the content of each lesson and the research purpose, the researcher cannot experiment to teach all the grammar points in the textbook. From the steps in teaching English grammar of Willis (1996) through task-based approach, I give the solution to teach English grammar as follow: «Pre-task Aim: To prepare students for the task, to engage their attention. Topics and tasks are introduced in the pre-task stage. Teachers introduce tasks to learners. They present necessary knowledge, explain the requirements and procedures of the task in detail and help learners familiarize with the topic, vocabulary and expressions. In this stage, teachers should take the individual differences among learners into account. «Task Planning the task: Students will be able to discuss about the works related to grammar points in group of six. Set a limited time of three or four minutes to discuss this. Circulate and listen to the students doing the task, but do not correct any language at this moment. Doing the task: Aim: For students to prepare an oral report of their task. Stop the task. Students will be able to work together preparing a summary of their discussion for later report to the whole class. They must write notes for this summary and be prepared to report this orally to the rest of the class. Set a time limit of five minutes for them to do this. When the students are ready, ask a spokesperson from each group to do report. The rest of the class listens carefully. Presenting the product of the task: Aim: Students will be able to get a provision of useful language input. «Post-task Language focus : Aim: To raise students’ awareness about the target language. Let the students look at the passage again, picking out those sentences which contain grammar points and write them on the board. Check that the Ss understand the meaning of sentences (if necessary) ask Ss to write down the rules of form for grammar point Language practice Aim: To give the students some restricted written practice in the target language. CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS 3.1. Participants The reseacher chose two classes, 10A6 and 10 A9, to do a control experiment. The experiment was carried out in the experimental class- 10A10-. The other class, 10A9, worked as a control class. The researcher applied task-based aproach to teach English grammar to students in class 10A10 in three lessons in order to know whether using task-based approach for teaching English grammar is effective or not. 3.2. Data collection instruments Observation was used to check the interest of the students in studying English grammar after the experiment. Post- test was used to check the improvement of the students in class 10A10 about grammar. The post questionnaire for 42 students in class 10A10 contained three items about the students’ attitudes towards the effect of using task-based in English grammar lessons . 3.3. Results 3.4.1. Results from questionnaires Table 4-. Students’ attitudes towards teachers’ application of TBA Opinion Agree Disagree 1 The new teaching method makes the grammar class more comfortable 41 97.6% 1 2.4% 2 The new teaching method helps me speak English more confidently. 41 97.6% 1 2.4% 3 The new teaching method helps me remember my vocabulary better 38 90.4% 4 9.6% 4 The new teaching method helps me remember grammar structures which I had learned before 39 92.8% 3 7.2% 5 The new teaching method helps me do grammar exercises more correctly 40 95.2% 2 4.8% 6 The new teaching method helps me learn grammar more effectively 39 92.8% 3 7.2% 7 The new teaching method helps me write English more correctly 40 95.2% 2 4.4% 8 The new teaching method does not help me learn English better than the old method 6 14.2% 36 85.8% 9 The new teaching method is very difficult for me 4 9.5% 38 90.5% 10 The ne
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